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Everything posted by gunsmokingman

  1. Since I do not know this langauge so this is just a guess. I dont know if it matter but the working code has a select ( at the beggining. The non working does not have select ( at the beggining. Not working code Working Code
  2. You where correct on the first code I posted didnt work because of the letter in the string. Since he only wants to check for Window 7 the most simple way in VB.net would be to use My.Computer.Info.OSFullName, this produces this return on my computer Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Then we check to see if windows 7 is in the string. Since he ask for VB.net and not any other language maybe you should post the correct langauge. I misread your first code and thought it was Vb.net sorry I am dyslexic so reading and wrighting is hard on me some times. Button1 Click Is set to 6.1.7600.1 the wrong version to produce the error message using >= version should be 6.1.7600.0 If you want to test this with a simple vbs script using WMI and >=
  3. This is a more simple way to code for VB.net the OS version Or If you want it on a single line
  4. I deleted your other post in the XP section double posting is not allowed 2.a Use some common sense. Do not create identical topics or make identical posts in more than one forum.
  5. I have updated the app Source Code Get_KeyV1 Get_KeyV1.exe
  6. Since I dont know C Sharp but would assume they have something like this.
  7. Cluberti code, is what I am using The reason for XP Block I will write one that will work in therory on XP and up.
  8. I took Clubert VBS code and made it a VB.net app so if you want the source code to read this Thread
  9. Cluberti wrote the code for this in VBS Script I converted it to Vb.net Source Code V3 OsInfo_V3
  10. If you want a nice simple VBS script that will list all you music files on your computer Save As ListMusicType.vbs
  11. I added a check for the Korean Language
  12. You can return N Edition of Windows 7 using Win32_OperatingSystem Save As GetEdition.vbs
  13. If you have all your drivers for your computer in on directory then you could use this Dism command C:\UaWorkArea\TempUa , Wim Image Path C:\Win7_UaWorkArea\Drivers , Path To Drivers
  14. I do not know if this VBS script will help you. What this script does is ping 10.10.6. from 0 to 255 if there a positive reply then it added to a txt file. Save as PingMultiComputers.vbs
  15. Try this VBS script, you must have this path C:\Home\Small.wav or the script will fail.
  16. I guess you missed this area of the code, since there was no info I left it blank. Since you have not given very much information this was the best I could do with so little info.
  17. Try this VBS script it will produce a list of empty folders in a text file. Just place this script in the parent folder or you can specify a path Parent Folder Wildcard Direct Path Save as List_ZeroSizeFolders.vbs
  18. Hello and welcome to MSFN
  19. Here is a updated HTA, it produces a MyReturn.cmd in the users temp folder Cmd I used to see read the varibles Updated HTA code
  20. You would not need to have any batch files around, you could run the cmd directly from the HTA either yes or no button. Could you post the cmds you need to run for yes and no button reply, I will add them to the HTA for you.
  21. This will do what you want it to do, but the box flashes as it count down Another way to do this would be a HTA, this HTA will close in 30 seconds and show the yes diplay text before closing. There are 2 buttons a Yes and a No button press either one to see how the script works. Save as DemoMsgBox.hta
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