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Everything posted by gunsmokingman

  1. Here is the VBS script way of getting the lnk path. This script can handle multiple .lnk files being drag and drop on to it self.
  2. cluberti I aggree to disagree with you, this has gotten so far off topic that it should be in the joke section now.
  3. The bottom line is this it is not illegal to download anything in Canada, regardless on on how you and some lawers feel. Here is my experience 1:\ I recieved a letter in the summer of 2005 from my Telus my ISP provider, they said I had DL a movie illegally 2:\ I went to a lawer since I was aware of our Supreme Courts ruling about this issue in 2004. He said in simple English it was not illegal for me to DL movies, music, software, etc. 3:\ I sent Telus a letter with what my Lawer had told me. 4:\ I have never heard back from my ISP provider or from the police, about this issue again. Can you show me one Canadian Court ruling saying it illegal in Canada to Down Load. Here is the Google list for this subject BMG Canada Inc. v. John Doe
  4. You are wrong on this issue cluberti, the supreme court ruling was quite specific about this issue. Here read this article about the decision and that is just one article. News Article Here is a direct quote from the judge Article For Quote The Decision Court Papers
  5. This thread is fine, he has not asking for a key or a way to beat activation of a application. He also stated To let you guys know in Canada it totall legal to download anything.
  6. Change This eDate = CDate("20/09/" & Cstr(Year(TodayDate))) To This endDate = CDate("20/09/" & Cstr(Year(TodayDate))) Then try running your code
  7. Hello and welcome to MSFN.
  8. Here is a VBS file that will run either .exe or .msi in any of the USB folders or sub folders Save As UsbInstallAll.vbs
  9. 1\ Use a VBS script to run the cmd 2\ Use just a VBS script 3\ There are some programs that hide the Cmd Window Thread
  10. Hello and welcome to MSFN.
  11. If I had used any of the above programs to learn how to do a UA install, I would not learned how write scripts and applications.
  12. Hello and welcome to MSFN.
  13. Hello and welcome to MSFN.
  14. Hello and welcome to MSFN.
  15. Here try this HTA, it has 2 checkboxes. If either of these files %windir%\tweaks.reg or %windir%\Default.reg are missing then the checkboxes are disable. Save as Reg.hta
  16. Hello and welcome to MSFN.
  17. I am going assume this 1:\ You have a vbs file that looks like this I am going assume this 2:\ That you want the hta to get the ID and PW from the hta, then try this
  18. Hello and welcome to MSFN.
  19. I am using 1GB of ram from the 8 GB of installed ram, running 40 processes.
  20. Hello and welcome to MSFN.
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