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Everything posted by GrofLuigi

  1. Hi lasitter, I'm sorry I cannot help you more as I'm not into unattended, but just wanted to make one remark: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders always goes together with HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders (whose entries are of REG_EXPAND_SZ type). Maybe Windows reads the second one and populates the first one? I don't know how it works exactly, but in the past I had problems if I changed one without the other (on a live install). GL
  2. The way I see it, microsoft's way forward is pay per hour usage. That's why they've been training (brainwashing) us with increased product activation and OS covert communication with M$ servers. They even have one version that does that (pay per hour) in non-US/European markets. XP had around 14 points of 'phoning home' (as seen by XP AntiSpy; without WGA). Who can count them in Vi$ta? @shahed26: When it comes down to the article you're pointing out, I'm very reluctant to trust 'independent' tech sites and bloggers after I learned how much money M$ pays to journalists. Even the title itself is telling - UP TO 86% faster?! What is this? A soap commercial?! Even Mark Russinovich of microsoft admitted in his blog (that is mentioned in the article) that in some cases there are speedups, but there are slowdowns in other places. I ask: why was all this rewrite (of fundamental file operations) and reshuffle (of the UI) necessary? If the hardware has grown faster, just write new driver for that hardware and/or increase the buffers (as mentioned in the excerpt from Russinovich blog). Vista should have been SP3 for XP, given away for free. But, of course, microsoft needs to make money, so we'll have to weed out parts of this insanity... Long live Nuhi! GL
  3. How do you measure better? Is it faster? Any tests? From what I've seen on the Web (which need not necessarily be true) XP is faster than Vista on same hardware (either new or old). GL
  4. Legacy (I have Soltek NF2 and that's what it uses ONLY). I think all NF2 boards use that (but I'm not sure, I might be wrong). Also, there are some weird files in there that I don't think should be there (or that is an old build). Beware, there were many 'nForce' driver packs made by amateurs. One solid source I have never had trouble with is this guy . GL
  5. Finally I found a way to make it reproducable: Let's take one thread (this thread). If I click on 'getnewpost' button twice - it works 100% the SECOND time. If I click too fast (i.e. the first instance isn't fully loaded - it doesn't work. If I click once - doesn't work (as I described above). When it works (was clicked twice) it doesn't matter whether the first click was on the 'getnewpost' button or the topic title itself. So it seems some component (javascript?) that Opera needs is loaded too late. Am I good troubleshooter or what? GL
  6. I don't know what Google SEO bug is, but my preferences are OK (they are not changed). I had problems in the past with setting thread options, but if I set them in another browser, they are remembered. As per my post #5 in this thread, the situation now is similar, but slightly different: The link on the button "go to latest post" (of this thread) says: http://www.msfn.org/board/post-broken-t111182.html&view=getnewpost but when I click on it (either just click or right click -> open in new tab) it becomes just: http://www.msfn.org/board/post-broken-t111182.html ... UPDATE: while I was browsing back and forth copying the above links, it started working. Now the links passed are in the form of http://www.msfn.org/board/post-broken-t111182.html&pid=746576#entry746576 that work correctly. So I think this is proof that there is something changing (not necessarily broken, because it works for other people) on the server side - this is happening in one browser session, no preferences invoken, no visits to other sites - interminnent results. And of course I have no malware on my computer. Again, that's why I hesitated to report it several times before - this is something that's difficult to catch, but very annoying when it happens. At one time (not now) I reinstalled Opera, wiped its preferences and erased all user javascripts I use (btw they are not so complex/featurebreaking - add ALT image, script spoof (wiped a month ago), detect window close) - it made no difference. I really would appreciate if another Opera user confirmed that 'Go to new post' feature works all the time for him/her. GL
  7. ...And today it's broken again. Not a BYTE touched in my config. Again, just goes to the top of page, not to any post. Don't know what to think of it? Once a month, like clockwork... GL
  8. Those are different components that are giving different errors. Boy this is a mess. ORCA expert is needed to sort them out. Anyone? BTW, I had the second (newer?) file all the time. GL
  9. Thank you Martin H, this was something I didn't know. But I never remove CAT files. On somewhat related note, what annoys me the most is that just invoking device manager (no installation of anything) starts Cryptographic Service (which is set to manual on my computer, and also all three sfc-related dll files are patched, and all possible registry driver signing policies are set to ignore). Also, at that time, all .inf's are enumerated and several .pnf's created (I delete .pnf's regularly). Those .pnf's are mostly related to syssetup.inf, I think. But I guess this is something else, burried deeply into the os... Although it would be a good thing to find it kill it. Why? To reduce burden on the OS and downlevel wear and tear. (The computer is unresponsive for few minutes when it does this). GL
  10. No, I don't have problems, mostly because the computer I work on has XP build from a year ago, and at that time I had problems with USB and don't remember if I had used nLite's WFP patch or not, but patched the three dlls with solutions from all over the web - L'Azimuté patches and whatnot. In the meantime, I've been trying nlite on virtual machine - which doesn't have real usb support - so I thought I'd ask. That's why it was so general question - trying to learn something. Greetings GL
  11. Thank you for your answers. I was asking because I was not sure if syssetup.dll was patched, and I think it needs to be in order to avoid popups on usb drive inserting. But I did not test thoroughly (or with the latest nLite). GL
  12. It happens mostly with punctuation marks - it ignores them. One would expect if I put something in quotes, Google should not try to modify ANYTHING inside. But it does. Blatant example: "perf.dll" -"perf dll" gives no hits. "perf.dll" gives helluvalotta hits for "perf dll". So the question would be: How do I stop this? And while I'm at it, another problem with Google: Gives many hits that don't contain the searched string. If I open the 'cache' link, it says "these terms appear only in links pointing to this page". So I ask: - Why would I want to see any pages that do not contain the searched term? - Why doesn't it just give me the pages where that term is linked from? - Isn't that just a marketing gimmick to get me to that page? GL
  13. This is on live system. As per the title, mostly word and publisher (but I don't use others much) are registering themselves when they are started in HKCR/CLSID branch as WIA servers. Microsoft document imaging (and most of the other things in Office package, except for the bare applications) is not even installed, nor has ever been on this machine. After I delete the key (HKCR/CLSID/{random_number}/localserver32, with value of the application name with path plus IMG_WIA or IMG_STI at the end), it gets recreated on next launch. Similarly, they register themselves in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\StillImage\Events\ when noone has asked them to. Any reg entry or preference for this? Searched the Internet to no avail. Not a word anywhere. Only lame marketing touting. GL
  14. *Gentle nudge* and... Are same files patched on XP and on Server2003? (or: are some excluded on any of them?) GL
  15. Is this the same OS I read awhile ago that is extremely crippled, like no incoming TCP/IP connections and only 3 programs (or 3 windows of one program!) allowed at once? GL
  16. Well, not full success. It apears that FileFormatConverters extracted this way is neither administrative install point nor could it be made one with msiexec /a. So manual applying the patch with msiexec /p also does not work. I'm not skilled with ORCA to see if there is a prohibition that could be lifted. Or could the FileFormatConverters.exe be extracted (with some command line parameters) to admin install point? I don't know if what I described above could be saved in Orca as new .msi? (it's suspicious to me that it says 'VIEW PATCH'). Just some thoughts... GL
  17. I've had some success. I extracted both FileFormatConverters and CompatibilityPackSP1 with Universal Extractor*. While the first seems straightforward one (.msi +.cab), the second has no extensions. I took a shot and added .msp extension (at first I tried .mst, but it wouldn't work) to the largest of the unpacked files from SP1 (so it becomes O12Convsp1-en-us.msp). Opened the O12Conv.msi of the first pack with Orca and selected "view patch" from the menu - it seems successful! (Successful in a way that Orca doesn't complain and seems to apply some logical transformations and not garbage). Unfortunately, I have no suitable computer to install it now (other reasons)... Hope you or somebody else can test it. *I'm pretty convinced this directory is now the admin install point. GL
  18. Hi, Nuhi and everyone else. Just some things I've been wondering about, but are not obvious: 1. While integrating hotfix, does nLite always use QFE branch? 2. While patching WFP, what dlls get patched? sfc_os.dll, sfcfiles.dll, syssetup.dll - some of them, all of them, any other? Thank you.
  19. For first aid: REGEDIT4 [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\exefile\DefaultIcon] @="%1" GL
  20. I would like to know this too. While I'm not at home now, so cannot try anything concrete, I searched this board and the Internet and couldn't find any useful information. All topics are intermingled with Office 2007 SP1, which is not the thing discussed here. So, +1 for any useful information! (The reason is, for any future installations of Office 2003, I would like to eliminate having to install two packages on top of other ones that get installed - best way would be to merge them into one or even slipstream them into SP3, if possible). GL
  21. I have some questions (please forgive me if I got something wrong, I didn't study this too much): - Why are you uncompressing the drivers that will not be loaded? - Why fastfat (I agree with all others)? What if user wants to install on FAT partition? - Can this be used with something else (nLite)? GL
  22. good find! But what is the Calc+ powertoy? I know of Power Calculator but it doesn't work on there. My mistake, plus calc. Not power calc. Btw this is already mentioned on Wikipedia . GL
  23. Today it's broken again. Just goes to the top of the thread, same way as described in my post #5 in this thread. I switched to Opera 9.50 beta 9789 today. Probably that's the cause, but I just wanted to report/see if anyone else is experiencing the same. But, because the links are again containing part of the topic title, I think something else in the forum platform was changed. The style of links shouldn't depend on the browser, should it? GL *Edit: reverted to Opera9.50 beta 9770 and all is good now. The new version is b0rked, also on other sites. Sorry for hijacking the thread.
  24. NC_EnableAdminProhibits, found it in three places: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Network Connections\NC_EnableAdminProhibits HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Network Connections\NC_EnableAdminProhibits HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Network Connections\NC_EnableAdminProhibits I have them set to 0 and have no special restrictions (that was my goal). I guess you should set them to 1 (but still google a bit more - there are some other settings that depend on this). GL
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