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Everything posted by Drewdatrip
I Dont think you looked hard enough: http://www.pricegrabber.com/search_getprod...3/search=PC4200 http://www.pricegrabber.com/search_getprod...7/search=PC4200 http://www.pricegrabber.com/search_getprod...6/search=PC4200 http://www.pricegrabber.com/search_getprod...7/search=PC4200 But anywho, your very welcome |Drew|
cypher_soundz Plz re read the rules Thankx |Drew|
Pricegrabber Pricewatch |Drew|
Is this just a guess casue your performance slows when the mouse is pluged in? Or do you have task manager open, and while the mouse is connected the ram usage continually goes up? I have never seen this issue that was directly related to the mouse, so i would look into isses related to spyware, adware, and virus |Drew|
Disable System Restore Plz use the search feature, this question has been asked and answered many times in the past. Thankx |Drew|
Jeremy- Now that i see the particular drive your refering to, i have to inform you about my experinces with them. A while back i worked on some side job in sound studio and one of the drives went and died when i was exporting some audio libraries. Being that it was like my first week and i was working with million doller equitment i fliped out! But i came to the conclusion that i did nothing wrong, so i apporched my employer and told him the drive just up and stoped working..he goes oh ya go throw it over there he point over and theres a stack of about 15 of them. Aprently these particular models aftyer a few months of uses and overhearting would just up and break. After further inspection there is no internal heatsink or fan. The drives have high failure rates as it is, but with the added heat of the enclosure and moving around they fail in a relativly short amount of time. Im sorry to say it but i think the drive is a goner. Your last and only resort is cracking the seal on it and installing it in your case...maybe then it MIGHT come up in windows...but knowing those drives its a 100percent loss |Drew|
Bullet Proof and Serv-u are both simple and well made apps to use for simple FTP servers |Drew|
Well the box was checked at the fedex station and was in perfect condition...when it got there it looked as if it had gone through a tornado. So i really dont see how they can deney the fact that it arrived in different condition. Plus the package was fully insured....which is pretty much for situation such as these... |Drew|
Always good to see new faces! Welcome to the MSFN community mate! |Drew|
Greatest Free Web Hosts
Drewdatrip replied to prathapml's topic in Server - Side Help (IIS, Apache, etc.)
OK now your just dreaming |Drew| -
Reflash the bios with an older rom But if u tested it on a machine u know the firwire works on, and it still dident work....im sorry to inform you but the devices are bunk |Drew|
With Jim Carry you have to see him live or on tv for the stand up to work...hes very animated. Without it its mediocre...seeing it makes the whole thing freaking hilarious! As for my fav: Old School- Richard Pryor Robin Williams Denis Leary George Carlin New School- Dave Chappelle Dane Cook Louis Black Mitch Hedberg
Did you get a chance to test them on another computer......? I have a feeling the devices are the root of your issue... I know its a slim chance for both to go bad...i just cant see anyother casue of this issue. But for the hell of it, make sure the mobo is installed properly, ie all the brass posts are aligned, no extra, no less. Take out all devise cards and and IDE aswell. Just enough to boot into windows with the firwire card. Side note- Consider a new or replacment PSU Worst case scenerio find a computer store that has a decent return policy and get yourself a firwire device new cables etc and a new firwire card....knowing that mostly likly all these decives are good u can limit it down to the a card, device, one of the main boards etc. |Drew|
Have you taken my advice yet and replace the cable and/or Ac adoptor. Or test with another firwire devise and seperate cable? |Drew|
Thankx utln! I liek your aswell! Zim is a great show hehe |Drew|
Shipment was recived defects were noted and claime was made... its all taken care for...we are awaiting a check from Fedex at this point |Drew|
I consider the case box inside a supermicro case box with several inches of pading and packing peanuts "Proper" Maybe thats just me... |Drew|
Always nice to hear hapy users! Welcome to the MSFN community mate! |Drew|
Check out a few of my recent shipments: Image 1 Image 2 Image 3 Enjoy |Drew|
Jeremy, take it from a tech of many years, you can never assume a particular piece of hardware is good. If you refuse to belive that there is a possibility that the external Fireware device could be bad your just limiting yourself. All options should be looking to to properly diagnose the problem EVEN the simple ones. I cannot tell you how many times i have diagnosed a comupter for Os issues, corruption or non booting issues. Spending hours and hours...and always overlooking the IDE cable. Belive me all options should not be over looked, they WILL come back to kick you in the a** |Drew|
Respect the rules. You wont get another warning. Good day |Drew|
[Release]: T610/T630/Z600 Themes
Drewdatrip replied to SiMoNsAyS's topic in Graphics and Designing Art
**** dood hook me up with a custom theme for my Moto v551! hehe Tight stuff there bud! |Drew| -
Lots of blank images, missing pages and broken links for me |Drew|
Your IRQs look fine. Have you tried other external devices, cables etc? |Drew|
Is it onboard or offboard Firewire? If offboard consider changing the pci slot. or making sure its not sharing too many irqs with other devices in your computer, Especailly Vidcard related stuff. If its On board...and on top of that you got the board replaced.... check the cable and the device your attaching...they might be the problem at hand. |Drew|