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pangoomis last won the day on September 5 2018

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  1. The recently released CrystalMark Retro 2.0 Beta 4 that supports all version of Windows since 95 and NT 3.51 now has the ability to submit results to the CrystalMarkDB database. You can download the benchmark here: https://sourceforge.net/projects/crystalmarkretro/files/2.0.0Beta4/ (not entirely clear about the difference between NT and regular version, probably only for NT 3.51/4.0) Here's the database: https://crystalmarkdb.com/retro And my scores (and some feedback as well): https://crystalmarkdb.com/users/17 I think of this as an opportunity to help him test the software with some 9x results
  2. Are you saying choosing Command Prompt Only via F8 and then typing simply "win" boots system normally? Can just set BootGUI=0 in MSDOS.SYS and add "win" to autoexec.bat to automate this weird workaround. Also choose Logged (BOOTLOG.TXT) option in F8 menu as SweetLow suggested and check the logs. You can also try HIMEMX.EXE.
  3. Interesting, need to test this myself - download link for the v6.92 for those interested: https://www.aida64.com/downloads/YmQ1ZDlhMjQ= And my topic on AIDA64 forums: https://forums.aida64.com/topic/4017-windows-98se-blue-screen-of-death-with-the-kerneldw9x-llkd/
  4. AIDA64 v7.60 drops support for Windows 9x as noted here: https://www.aida64.com/news/finalwire-aida64-v760-kernel-driver-sensor-panel-rtx-5000-turing-lcd Making v7.50 the latest version for Windows 9x: https://www.aida64.com/downloads/ODE5NjQwYzc=
  5. Thank you, the workaround works, although it is not intuitive, hence I forgot about it and went a bit more angry than necessary, I apologize. Still, people might not trust your website that is not https, no matter how meaningless the https thingy actually is. Hence I was asking if it could be made to use https...with autistic amounts of cringe, I'm sorry. EDIT: Site now works normally and no workarounds are needed.
  6. The download link does not work under Chromium based browsers as I've mentioned in the past. Let's Encrypt too hard for you? EDIT: Site now works normally and no workarounds are needed.
  7. Chipset too new, latest drivers for 9x were for i865G. You don't need chipset drivers anyways. For the GPU, use VBEMP, or old PCI gpu you can find on the street.
  8. VB6 should work fine on Windows XP. If still want to stick to Win9x, you can try SoftGPU on VirtualBox, or older version of VMware, or 86Box/PCem/DOSBox-X.
  9. You know that by "magically work", I meant all drivers and all functionality (high quality built in HD Audio drivers, GPU based 3D acceleration, non-NDIS2 ethernet drivers, WiFi, Bluetooth, etc...) "without errors" - Win9x is an error by itself, but that's getting more philosophical I wonder if OP actually has a valid reason to run 9x on his laptop, other than "just because", "for fun", or "I am bored".
  10. Joaquim is a patient one, for over four years trying to make his wholely incompatible laptop to work with Win9x. I've asked him plenty time to buy a cheap USB Sound Card to fix audio issues... We are Win9x experts, but we can't make laptops made later than approx ~2004 magically work with Win9x, that's why we prefer desktop PCs.
  11. These are the tweaks Unofficial SP3 does: HKLM,"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer","Max Cached Icons",,"2048" %30%\msdos.sys,options,,"systemreg=0" System.ini,386enh,,"ConservativeSwapfileUsage=1" System.ini,386enh,,"DMABufferSize=64" You can check which one was causing all those problems for you.
  12. Surely this is unsolvable? GTA Online works fine but this popping up can be annoying.
  13. @lackschuh Cannot reproduce, I can connect to a Public Session in GTA Online with StartAllBack present: https://i.imgur.com/VQP1e6O.png Not sure if this was brought up before, but Discord's red ping is not present in the S size of the taskbar: is present in other sizes: I know I can use the tray icon as a workaround but maybe it could be fixed.
  14. You can find all Intel Device IDs here: https://admin.pci-ids.ucw.cz/read/PC/8086
  15. Have you tried forcing Catalyst 6.2 drivers? What about the IBM drivers? http://download.lenovo.com/ibmdl/pub/pc/pccbbs/mobiles/vftp1gme.exe Are you using latest version of SoftGPU's Mesa driver?
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