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Everything posted by Blackbird256

  1. What version are you using? BM told me it's fixed in 0.8 I never used it so I am not sure.
  2. So I guess there is no workaround then? Shame
  3. This means that if i use custom file or msstyle file without UXStyle glow buttons will not work? Yeah thats exactly what he said.
  4. Edit LoadGlass__AppInit_DLLs.reg to change path to your DWMGlass.dll. Mine is for example "C:\\DWM\\DWMGlass.dll" Then run it and add it to registry and Reboot.
  5. Problem with this is that you can't have paths with spaces in them.
  6. I'm pretty sure that image isn't BM's. Reverse searching the image brings up plenty of russian blogs and no mention of the wallpaper. The biggest I could find http://img5.rajce.idnes.cz/d0505/6/6882/6882317_dd2d1220dd1ac4fc3fd4423990af5ef0/images/Softpedia_custom_wallpaper1_-_Copy_29920177_.jpg?ver=2
  7. Thats not what I need. I want to manage several network adapters without going that far for no reason.
  8. Is there any way through group policy setting, registry etc. to get the old network dialog when you click on the icon in tray? Right now it opens that weird metro style sidebar and you can't right click on the connection, not to mentions it takes wayyy too much space. In 7 it only opened small window similar to volume and notifications in tray. I can't find any mention of it on google, but that may be because I don't know how it's called in Windows. To be more clear I mean this http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f196/overcracker/webtech/wifisidebar.jpg
  9. The nagging will stop when the app is ready to be officially released. Until then, as you say, you can consider this "demo-ware" that is not meant to be left running. Consider yourself lucky that bigmuscle was kind enough to give you a peek at the possibilities. Remember, when bigmuscle first proposed this project, he fully warned everyone that this was a work in process that was not ready for prime time. But everyone has acted like this is a ready-to-go commercial project and they are finding bugs and they are demanding they be fixed - as if it's his fault it doesn't work correctly on their system. If you are not prepared to try the software for a couple of hours and give bigmuscle constructive feedback, then don't install it. Just wait until he officially releases it. At that point, and not until then, all the complaints of the inconveniences of popups and no installer will be legitimate ones. Cheers and Regards Stop this white knighting jeez. It's really cringeworthy and not needed in every single thread. And noone wants to wait year for "official" release date that will be plagued with bugs anyway, because it seems like BM rewrites it from scratch every single release or something. And what feedback lol? There is nothing broken at all. Maybe some specific outdated apps noone cares about. Performance is greatly improved from 0.1/0.2 which ate your VRAM for breakfast. Tbh everyone who really hates the popup didn't go as far, because it's quite easy to get rid of unless you're PC Illiterate. I spend few hours messing with everything I knew and it was worth it to learn something new.
  10. Fine by me. i'm glad to hear you're not just flat out deleting it and making all that time you developed it for nothing. You'd be actually surprised how much idiots go complain their cracked version of game/software doesn't work on its official forums. It's rather hilarious they don't understand that cracked version are never ever supported by real developers and I agree that if you put some kind of DRM into it, it will feel really bloated especially if it "called home" like Start8.
  11. Do you have latest drivers for the GPU and what version are you using?
  12. Oh yeah SiB is another great example. Even when it was heavily WIP you could still buy it and use it fully and I'm pretty sure Tihiy didn't stop developing it, because TEAM CRUDE cracked it.
  13. So you are that angry about deltebews that you stopped publishing new versions? Should Microsoft stop publishing updates for Windows 8, because a little hacker cracks their user inteface and enables Aero Glass? You are not doing this for fun, you want to make money and this is why you are afraid of versions with removed notifications. There is no cracked Aero Glass for Win8 because there are is no disclaimer by the way. And it is very clear that your final app, when released, will be cracked like every charged program. Don´t tell us, you wasn´t aware of that. I personally resepct your work, but not your behavior here. And in my opinion I can live with a Aero Glass free Windows 8 when it´s therefor liberated from obtrusive BIG MUSCLE placards. The sheer amount of disrespect in this post is absolutely astounding. After straight up telling you he is doing it for fun and wishes people respect his notifications, you tell him he is lying and wrong, and that you know better than his own intentions? It amazes me that you would consider HIS behavior inappropriate. It's probably a good thing he is now developing it privately. People like you and others here that are trying to defend any of deltebew's actions don't even deserve to use it. How many times does bigmuscle have to try to explain that this is for testing purposes only and IS NOT meant to be used regularly? It's as if you people are a couple of children constantly throwing a tantrum about how "I want it now!" If it weren't for bigmuscle you wouldn't even have what you currently do, be grateful for that. Not really. You misunderstood his post completely. He's saying everything will be cracked eventually an there is nothing you can do about it and you shouldn't cease development, because someone did. If everyone followed bigmuscle's way there would be nothing finished at all. For example HL2 was leaked sometime in 2003 completely even with source code. Did that stop Valve from releasing HL2? No it didn't. They disregarded it, continued on and finished it. That is unless he will be working on it privately which is fine, because I can just use 0.7 in meantime if I really need it. He should really stop caring what a bunch of mean things anonymous people said on internet. If i learnt something from various internet communities it's that people can do complete 180° of their personality and act like as****** without consequences. You could at least share changelogs if anything. Those were interesting to read. Otherwise there is point in this thread now?
  14. Hmm, I guess this is big enough that there's a decent chance that Microsoft knows about it. Even if they do, I seriously doubt that they care: big companies rarely concern themselves with fan/3rd party stuff like this. Rumor is that 8.1 could bring back aeroglass, which would render this obsolete, but afaik this project is made with a separate rending engine (custom one done in D3D?) or something, so there isn't much else Microsoft could do. I don't understand why people always assume that Microsoft goes around patching their code explicitly to disable things like this. Where do they get this idea? Yeah MS doesn't do this on purpose. They are just removing legacy code that isn't actually used. These conspiracy theories about them doing it on purpose are just silly.
  15. "Cracked" Yeah right..., because cracking something thats free is totally same as cracking something that costs money.
  16. I really hope this is sarcasm. Bad reason to quit when you got so far. Not to mention it was inevitable someone would want to use it without hassle. Also quite weird you didn't post entire time even though he said he'll do it, like you waited for it
  17. I have this if I use it in VMWare. You open the window and 3 secs later glass kicks in. On my main computer it loads instantly homewer. Did you try different DeviceFeatureLevel values?
  18. You have just took a program that Bigmuscle worked so hard on that you think that he will charge for, and you cracked it so you can use the free beta version instead of buying the full version, so bigmuscle gets less money. Hehas every right to hate you. No not really. Way to overreact. I don't know where are you all getting he'll charge for it. Did he say anything about it I missed or are you all assuming, because right now its basically shareware? Of course if it will have some reasonable price then I am OK with it. Chill out dude. It's not like it took years and he didn't share it so who cares?
  19. Well yeah I would like it if he removed it, but that ain't gonna happen and unless he's reasonable he'll get mad.
  20. Bad idea posting it here. It will create s***storm.
  21. In 0.8? I haven't tried that one yet so I am sorry if you already fixed it, but there was no mention of it in changelog or ITT and in 0.7 it doesn't work. Aha. Alright then.
  22. What about the close window animation. You said somewhere ITT that you'd have to add some additional hacky code for it work. Any luck on making it work?
  23. Yeah you can't get rid of them unless you patch out the SetTimer in the DLL somehow and BM won't remove them, because he thinks it encourages people to test
  24. How did you find it? Thats some impressive work. Aha you can see it in Hex Editor.
  25. Oh I didn't know about the Ex7forW8 dependancy. I'll try it later then OK that did the trick. Wish it was easy to find value which makes these popups
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