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Everything posted by -I-

  1. trying with @echo off start /wait "%systemdrive%\program files\mozilla\firefox.exe" -add-global-extentions %systemdrive%\oem\ffxpi\extention.xpi exit Seams to just start firefox (in browser mode) where the same command (without start /wait) does install the extention - anyone for comment???
  2. Hi yall, Does anyone of you know, if its possible to replace the windows NT / 2000 partmanager with the xp version, i want this because XP has this new feature that can format /q ad drive to NTFS its realy painfull to see it dragg my install speed down like it does with the Slow format... Any ideas???????
  3. that prob is with VM it took me quite a will to find my 2k and 2k3 drivers for the VM-I/O devices... but its mainly because Realteck didn't want to co-operate to build the Vertual Drivers, thats why VM has AMD-x lan drivers instead ... Sound is emulated PCI 16bit Soundblaster, should work on most windsows OS's (expept win9x) took me a hour to find those ...
  4. Let me tell yah, there is a SledgeHammer that does all of the above and mutch more, ITS CALLED LINUX
  5. the best way to set up a windows domain, use a windows server (you could try and find a used licence for NT4 which does do the trick, and could be way cheaper (if you demands aren't to high), Id realy recomand you to try it because it at least IS a server os, (that means you won't have your conection limit set to 10 (like on xp or 2000) and it lets you do beter with security workgroups are nice, but security sucks on em, its nearly impossible to protect it,
  6. VMware GSXserver has this feature, standard build in, if you'd like you could for example run a minimalistic version of linux (or windows) on your computer, and from there run your GSX server ... it has the ability to, run vertual computers, wich can be operated (controled) in a manor wich prety mutch is the same like any remote-desktop ... so you run a client from anywhere, windows or linux and wil be able to control almoste every instance of your Virtual Computer...
  7. Thats with SAV (corp edition) with the Norton AV (home version) its also pisible using the redistibution files of the virusinfo-update packs, (find them at download.com) those are execuables of the same updates your norton gets to download but packaged as exe files, not sure if, but they probebly should, have a way to unattend install them.. after you NAV setup...
  8. ow well back to the drawingboard face it.. he probebly aint going to be here - soon i fear...
  9. Greatings, Here is the prob, i made an administrative installation point (with SP1 intergraded) but now i want to change the install wizzard a bit so poeple cann NOT install access or infopath from it, but i dont want to interfear in the rest of the installation proces, (so they can choose themselves if they want word exel and powerpoint on thair system or not) ... is this possible and if so how, because i cant seem to find an option for it in the MST file section.
  10. METHOD 1 --------- How about, looking at the runonceexec threads and, check out how to set that up, now make yourself a couple (thats right more than 1) of batch file scripts and do something like this, in guirunonce / or runonceexec (from windows installer) Start Batchfile-1.cmd - in it set the first command for a driver install... (note THIS SCHOULD ALWAYS BE YOU MOTHERBOARD DRIVER FIRST).. and in the same cmd file aslo put a new runonceexec command for batch-2.cmd to run after reboot... in that (batch-2.cmd, you could probebly best choose to instal vga drivers next ... afther that deside the order of dirvers to install, everytime inserting a new command, in you runoncexec (registry) to run the next driverinstall.cmd file ater reboot, until you are done.... method 2 would be to use nlite to slipstream your drivers into your windows source...
  11. at barts PE site, he also exlpains how to make a multiboot CDrom... with diferent boot-img's (so if you could easely boot, in dos mode, with, PQ-PM ... would save you a lot of probs, trying to get PE to work just for, running a partition manager, isn't that a waste of time? ... PowerQuest Partition Magic, suports, Fat, Fat32, NTFS, and LFS2, and is realy easy to boot, from, any writable medium, (hdisk, zipdrive, flopydisk, or ramdisk... )...
  12. nstallServer=\\server\apps\install why, what does that make your WAIT programme do???
  13. So if I understand you would like WAIT to run from cmdlines.txt - make all the settings to RunOnceEX and then exit? YUP 1) Since WAIT uses RunOnceEx to create a RunOnceEx window for EACH catagory, there would only be one RunOnceEx window (since it's running during reboot and not by WAIT) 2) If this is the case then you would probably want the items in the RunOnceEx window to be the catagories and not each application. This is due to screen size limitation. you are right again bro, I compleately overlooked the screen size limitations, So yeah - naming the install process by cath woold be a great way to solve this, ( we just let runonceexec - think each job has muliple commandos, (installers) te run, and YES, Because of the time span, it would be perfect to be able to configure you options As Soon As Posible, so you can get away from it for real... think about. I put the cdrom in my computer, and boot, takes me about 5minutes to go through txt setup (choosing file system and format type)... Than takes me about 10 to 15 to format, copy instal files, reboot and get to cmdlines.txt. (well thats still aceptible to wait for isn't it), Than takes me 5 to compleat the wizzard, And after that, about, 45 to 90 mins to install (depending on the software you add). GREAT now i can realy leave the building and out to lunch .... well this seams exeptible - because, if you know your pc will be buisy for about an hour straight, you can leave, if it would be 3 parts of 20 you cant...
  14. about what i said before, on how to have only 1 setup wizzard, for both tweaks and software, in the same wizzard, run from cmdlines.txt reminger why: 1: you want to be able for set default tweak without, loosing the option of letting any user deside wich tweaks to use, 2: you want to to be able to insert your cd, set the install options as soon as you can and just leave the pc untill its compleatly read for use... (or at least as close to that state as you cann) even though a verry good tip about setting this tempporary thing, and runconce we still had to wait about 20 to 30 minutes from disk setup to software wizzard, before we could realy leave the building.. so last night, (yes all good ideas are thought off verry late at night, when morning already starts to break, and your tired as heel), I just remebered, besides [guirunonce] (a text / batchfile based way) there is alto _runonceexec wich is run from the register... (even though a bit harder to create and learn its the perfect way to solve this request) so who do mean.. wel have a look ; a: I use a windows XP pro SP2 cd, b: I uncluded an awnser file call winnt.sif (with OEM support enabled) c: from %cdroot%\$oem$\cmdlines.txt - i run > W.A.I.T d: in the config file of this tool, in stead of using a command like, UA-nero6.exe i run nero.reg to add the instal of nero to the runonce part of the register... so it will be run on fist logon, in windows... (at the same time, [guirunonce] starts, so now (after compleating this wizard, setting al options i can just leave the building and go home early because i know that the system will install all my apps for me at the proper time... GOODBYE WAITING ALL THE WAY FOR GUI RUN ONCE TO START...
  15. You made my dream come true, Ill test this on my next test version of the cd ill burn, but leaves me one, question, will this 'htkey regtweaks' include, the 'Administrator' account since it is created just before, gui runonce is started, or will i nead to, use 'htkey current user' for that account... (not that i would mind, but, id like to know, befor ill screw up AGAIN .... rofl....
  16. 2 REASONS WHY I PREFERE CMDLINES.TXT OVER GUIRUNONCE... 1: cmdlines.txt is run when no user is loged in yet, so any regtweaks, for htkey current user would aply to anny of the users created at the later stage of the setup, this would mean, that i could let a user pick out the 'tweaks' (id rather call them safety settings) he or she wants and, leaving the rest out.. But because it still is suposed to be a somewhat unattended i would hate to bugg a user 3 times for setup questions.. > 1 time for disk setup, > About 10mins later for tweaks setup, > and an aditional 10mins later for Software Setup... But if i could make the 2nd wizzard write me a softwaresetup.bat file... i could ask the user, to (in sceen 1) pick thair tweaks, and (in screen 2) pick thair software, write the software install batch script, and run it later on in the setup, by calling it from [runonce] because most aps nead to be logged in for installing... get it????
  17. Oke i can see why you are doing this, or cant i? i figured you wanted to be able to do this UA- install, and Not have to wait for the GUI-Setup to enter your password???? Because else you could have just leave those 2 values ( licencekey and computer name) undefined, and your setup would have asked you for them... so if this is the case... i'd say gotya... But the way i see this, > you might want to concider that flopy disk are not to efficient and breake or get lost easely... it would be easyer to pre-format you Hdisk, for exampe using a tool like 'partionmagic for DOS' after that, run your batch file and put the created awnser .file on your %systemdrive% and Set you filesystem option in winnt.sif to 'leave alone' but if you where to do this you'd stil nead to run winnt.exe in MS-mode to be able to pass the location of winnt.sif Running Windows NTxxx setup in dosmode isnt the best and certainly not the fastest way as we probebly all know... My guess would be to try and change txtsetup.sif to run your batch file (im not realy sure it this can do the trick yet i cant think of a reason why it shouldn't either, (look at the drivers from cd section why i think it is possible)) If indead posible you'd now have the best of both sides. (not running NTsetup in dos-mode, and being able to set your own OEM-keys and machine name a bit sooner than in a normal windows setup... (and without the hassle of a floppydisk)... If anyone wants to try... I, too, would be curious to the results,..
  18. you could also, Use unatend.txt (witch i prefer over guirunonce), and just make it prepare a batchfile to do the actual installs at a later state.. example... Unattend.txt cmd1=Start /wait config.exe and make this config tool write (add) its functions to. %systemdrive%\oemtmp\installer.bat "why not just wait for runonce... Well thats easy, what if you wanted to add regtweaks to the system.... at unattend.txt you'd sti be able to include more hardcore tweaks to system default... in runonce you already have passed that state, and nead to aply those teaks to evry user you have specified.... and all future added users... But if you want to use this stategy you still nead to find an ap that can write lines to a txt (*.bat) file... and utils like WPI will not work at that state yet.. Any vb app probebly neither...
  19. heej realy CEWL APP WAY Beter than WPI (not that i hated that one, for its bad coding or anything, Just that is was relying on Jscript...... id like to ask some stuf about this app though, wich helps to know how to handle this fine peace of programming ... 1> what are its depencies, (will it nead any files, like MS. NET framework, or IEexplorer core files or anything at all??? 2> how where when does it do its job (starting the aplications).. like will it be able to do as a batch file does, (running a start /wait command).... or does it do that by default, and make the 'start /wait' command unneaded ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Why do i want to know this... well here is why... http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showto...56entry278556 in short i wrote: where do you config your "apps to install" and said that idd prefere unattended.txt (UA) over [guirunonce] Because at the state of UA you can still easely do more "hardecore" tweaks so a user could still deside whether they want these tweaks or not... But to be able to do this, we nead also be able to write a batch file to be run at runonce ... (when the big aps like your office suite ore antivirus app get installed).. and none of us. would probably like to use 2 wizzards in 1 install... _______________________________________________________ So my 3th and final question: (or perhaps feature request), is... 3> Can this aplication be made to write lines to a install.bat file or is there any other way to get this done????
  20. IT cann be done, but there are quite a few things to keep in mind when you do, some parts of windows depend on it... the custom shell can be done at (For examble unatended.txt or even as late as, [guirunonce] in your winnt.sif file)... that wont be a problem at al... What i do not know, is wich step to take to remove explorer.exe and any other filep(s) that me become unusefull after removing explorer.exe.... --- il stay around too, cause i'd like to know myself too...
  21. Though it is possible, I would never recoment this since windows 2003 is far more stable, than any version of Longhorn .. wich isn't even in beta stage yet.... You could try convertion your 2003 install to 2003workstation by use of register tweaks.. as can be done with NT 2000 and XP .... there is a program call NTswitch.exe wich can do this ... but you should be able to do it manualy to.. good luck - looking for a how to on google. (they keep changing the site of it ... so im not shure where it can be downloadend right now.... )... good luck....
  22. yes that is possible, if annyone still wants this send me a PM and ill write some about it, how you (could / should ) do this, because its a bit harder than in xp..... but possible....
  23. Realy get you point and in certain ways i agrea where new OS es ofter have bugs, BUT I myself can't emegine running windows (overlay shell type versions 95/98/ME) wich alll stil are running on top of a dos bassed Filesystem insteadl of Full system kernel OS-version like windows NT.... (3.5 / 4.0 / 5.0 / XP )... For example the Top benefit of the NT-os is that you have better support for multitasked operations... I myself am running Windows 2000 (windows NT 5.0), (with a lot of mods and tweaks, (thanx to MSFN ) and i realy am lots hapier than with XP of 98)...
  24. why in earth would you wanna do that, its a lot of work, and for what, why not just running it in runonce i just made batchfile that first installs some runtime files like .NET K-Lite Codecs, and Direct X 9c its a lot easyer than even trying to run it by sp.inf 's or what ever....
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