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Everything posted by Damnation

  1. @Dave-H make sure you have windbg open on your debugger and waiting for the debugee to connect. then on the debugee select the debug option from your XP boot menu. then switch back to the debugger and wait for it to connect.
  2. @Dave-H The guide I gave you assumes XP is the only OS on the drive. Ideally, to get this debugging setup going, it would be best to make a backup image of your entire HDD (boot sector and all) and then wipe it, leaving XP as the only OS so you can use the boot.ini
  3. @Dave-H It can be the windows 10 version of windbg if you prefer to use that. it just needs to support KDNET.
  4. @Dave-H The HOST (debugger) does not need to be running XP like the TARGET (debugee) PC. It can be running newer OS's like Windows 10, and all windbg needs is a connection to the TARGET PC. Which in this case would be the TARGET PC's IP Address, a port, and encryption key.
  5. @Dave-H Here are those kdnet you need. https://ufile.io/mr0jjupa
  6. @Dave-H Here are some instructions @Mov AX, 0xDEAD sent me. type these commands in windbg for debugging - post full debug log.
  7. @Dave-H You'd have to have windbg running on another machine as you click restart if you want to find what the cause of the problem is.
  8. @windows2 there isn't enough in the leaked 2000 source code to make a complete build of the OS as it is, only some of the components were leaked.
  9. There's a Windows 8.1 build USB 3 driver for XP? I thought there was only a windows 8.0 version?
  10. no, it will not run x86 apps, it's an entirely different architecture from x86. Itanium IA64 was bad at what it was designed to do, it was slow even back then.
  11. @Dietmar Ah, I forgot it doesn't work under XP. I used it on windows 10 to edit my windows 8.0 ISO.
  12. @Dietmar not nlite - that's for XP - NTLite - that's for windows 7 and later, Vista is SOL. I don't remember exactly which one I used, I think it was acpi4.sys, not sure.
  13. @Dietmar I recommend NTLite for editing Win 8.0 ISOs https://www.ntlite.com/download/
  14. I don't think @Mov AX, 0xDEAD has any motivation to fix any USB 3.0 related issues on XP. Unless I'm mistaken?
  15. I use the last free version of Comodo Internet Security that supported XP, it seems Comodo scrubbed the download links, if I can find the installer I'll post it here.
  16. @Dietmar @George King do either of you have a compiled free build of latest source acpi.sys? can you upload please?
  17. @steregushchyy You can use the Optional Patch Integrator Script included with Integral Edition on a standard Ukrainian/Russian XP ISO to integrate the drivers you need. note: Remember to replace the out of date patched acpi.sys in \Integrator Files\Patches\ACPI drivers with a newer one built from source code.
  18. @bizzybody Try an ASMedia card along with the backported windows 8.0 USB 3.0 driver.
  19. I think the OP was expecting Windows Server 2022 to be just like the regular desktop Windows with some additional server features thrown in on top of it, and ended up being surprised when it wasn't like that. It's weird that explorer is crashing though, that shouldn't be happening.
  20. @Dave-H I have a similar issue but with a USB controller, it won't work unless I disable and re-enable it.
  21. @Omores @MrMateczko I encountered this error when I tried to install 98SE on my Threadripper system, I never did find a solution to it unfortunately.
  22. @Dave-H No, Integral Edition has not been updated since then, you have the latest. Make sure to replace the acpi.sys with the new compiled before running the optional patch integrator on the ISO.
  23. @Dave-H Integral Edition could give you a smoother installation experience if you're installing XP from scratch (although it's good that you're testing @George King's XP2ESD too) Just make sure to swap out the older acpi.sys in Integrator Files\Patches\ACPI drivers with the newer compiled one before running the optional patch integrator script.
  24. @Mov AX, 0xDEAD Do you think my implementation of Kisystemservice with a precompiled object is the right way to go about it?
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