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Everything posted by Damnation

  1. @pappyN4 Do you get this behavior with the default XP x64 acpi.sys too?
  2. @George King @Dietmar I think using my x64 acpi.sys for your XP2ESD project should be a safe choice then I think.
  3. @Dietmar Prior to using my x64 acpi.sys did this board have any BSODs with the original x64 acpi.sys?
  4. @Dibya Yeah, we know about those already. We've gotten XP to boot in UEFI already, XP x64 on real hardware only though, and it's unstable.
  5. @Andalu I've compiled a matching acpi.sys\acpi.pdb for you. https://anonfiles.com/T2x2h7Z7xe/acpi_xp_forandalu_7z
  6. @Andalu Place the 4 ntoskrnl PDB files I sent you into W:\Symbols1\exe - see if that works. acpi PDB would go in W:\Symbols1\sys
  7. @Andalu looking at your log file symbols should go here Symbol search path is: C:\WINDOWS\Symbols this path should be on your HOST machine (the one running windbg) not your TARGET machine (the one with the BSOD)
  8. @Welder Welcome! This would be an extremely difficult task - Vista and later use WDDM driver model whereas XP and earlier use XDDM driver model. I'm not saying it'll never happen, but it's not likely. Best use XP compatible Maxwell and earlier GPUs for nvidia on XP.
  9. @George King@Mov AX, 0xDEAD We could also try the ACPI OS version lie trick in the driver instead of editing the DSDT. I don't remember how to do the trick though. but I'm sure ACPI OS version is defined somewhere in the code.
  10. @Andalu I got you PDB symbols for all 4 ntoskrnl's hope this helps. https://anonfiles.com/vbK9Z1Y7xa/andalu_ntkrpamp_symbols_7z for acpi.sys PDB symbols, build from source.
  11. @George King OK, please try this one. https://anonfiles.com/h8N9LaY2x4/acpi_xp_amd64_forGK_2_7z
  12. @George King Forgot to ask, did you want free or checked amd64 build? edit: oh, I see the problem - missing imports KeInitializeSpinLock KeQueryInterruptTime
  13. @George King I've made an amd64 build for you - I used old versions of ACPIDevicePowerProcessPhase3, OSNotifyDeviceCheck just to get a successful compile. https://anonfiles.com/9555z5Ybx0/acpi_xp_amd64_forGK_7z lets see if this one works.
  14. @Mov AX, 0xDEAD ah OK, I'll have a go myself and try to write a C version, so that way @George King can compile an x64 build.
  15. @Dietmar I checked for missing imports on windows 7 ndis.sys and it's dependencies ndis - NtTraceControl KeRegisterProcessorChangeCallback RtlNumberOfSetBitsUlongPtr KeTestSpinLock IoGetDeviceNumaNode NtQuerySystemInformationEx netio - MmAllocatePagesForMdlEx KeFreeCalloutStack KeAllocateCalloutStack SeCaptureSubjectContextEx KeTestSpinLock SeAccessCheckFromState RtlCreateHashTable RtlDeleteHashTable RtlGetNextEntryHashTable RtlLookupEntryHashTable RtlRemoveEntryHashTable RtlInsertEntryHashTable RtlEndEnumerationHashTable RtlEnumerateEntryHashTable RtlInitEnumerationHashTable RtlContractHashTable RtlExpandHashTable msrpc - IoSetIoCompletionEx ZwAlpcCancelMessage ZwAlpcCreatePortSection ZwAlpcCreateResourceReserve ZwAlpcCreateSectionView ZwAlpcCreateSecurityContext ZwAlpcDeletePortSection ZwAlpcDeleteSectionView ZwAlpcDeleteSecurityContext ZwAlpcDisconnectPort ZwAlpcQueryInformation ZwAlpcSetInformation ZwCreateIoCompletion ZwImpersonateAnonymousToken ZwRemoveIoCompletionEx seems like we've got quite a bit to do for this to work.
  16. @Dietmar I think we'll need to resolve missing imports to Windows 7 ndis.sys if we're to get any newer LAN cards to work in XP.
  17. @Mov AX, 0xDEAD Out of curiosity I wanted to ask, was there any particular reason why functions like ACPIDevicePowerProcessPhase3, OSNotifyDeviceCheck were implemented in assembly and not C code?
  18. @Andalu you can use Windows ISO downloader to download any and all Windows 10 version x86/64 from 1507 to 21H2 edit: yeah that card should work fine.
  19. I know for sure that the chip on the AB350 Gaming K4 works in XP - Realtek RTL8111GR
  20. @Mov AX, 0xDEAD I think Dietmar is referring to the DEV_CAP_PCI_DEVICE fix - it's at line 1695 in his pastebin and isn't in yours.
  21. @Dietmar I did not know there was a newer windows search for XP, I'm just use to using voidtools' everything.
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