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Everything posted by Damnation

  1. @George King This one builds successfully https://ufile.io/itvzfprv It froze in my VM, I'll work on this tomorrow.
  2. @George King I'm targeting NDIS 6.3 Windows 7
  3. @Dietmar OK, I'll check dependencies there.
  4. @Dietmar I use CFF explorer to modify the import tables. here I modded them for you - https://ufile.io/5cxo9w60
  5. yeah, although not tested yet. storport is unchanged. yeah I haven't changed the import tables of these drivers yet.
  6. This one builds successfully https://ufile.io/itvzfprv
  7. OK, all needed functions added for ndis6, although most are stubbed right now. edit: forgot NtQuerySystemInformationEx
  8. I've noticed that this part mov eax, 0x14 seems to increment upwords for each ZwAlpc function - I wonder why?
  9. @LanXing link https://ufile.io/w7fej333 pass 123 kdnet and instructions thanks to Mov Ax 0xDEAD
  10. @sookoop Can you double check in task manager if all of the CPU cores are showing up?
  11. @Mov AX, 0xDEAD for functions like ZwAlpcCancelMessage and others NTSYSCALLAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI ZwAlpcCancelMessage(_In_ HANDLE PortHandle, _In_ ULONG Flags, _In_ PALPC_CONTEXT_ATTR MessageContext ); void __stdcall _ZwAlpcCancelMessage@12( int p1, int p2, int p3 ) { __asm.pushfd(); _KiSystemService(); } in asm void __stdcall _ZwAlpcCancelMessage@12( int p1, int p2, int p3 ) { mov eax, 0x14 lea edx, [p1] pushfd push 0x8 call _KiSystemService; void __cdecl( void ) ret 0xC } how should we implement this? should we take KiSystemService from trap.asm?
  12. @sookoop maybe you were accidentally using 32bit acpi.sys on 64bit windows 7? not sure.
  13. some more~ added the HashTable functions with psuedocode.
  14. @George King @LanXing @sookoop I noticed in your DDB fix download that you've swapped around the x86/x64 versions by mistake, so they're more than likely running the wrong versions for their architecture. This would explain the 7B BSOD.
  15. @LanXing 7B BSOD is inaccessible storage device. you can get this BSOD from both an AHCI controller and USB3. I recommend using the XP Integral Edition's Optional Patch Integrator Script using options 1,3,4,5,7 and doing a fresh XP install. Once you have XP installed and running we can start debugging from there.
  16. I made a start on ndis6 code in ntoskrn8.c
  17. @Dietmar meed more information. Install HWMonitor and report CPU and GPU temps when both idle and stressed.
  18. @LanXing have you got a 2nd PC to spare for LAN debugging? If you're willing to setup LAN debugging that's your best chance of getting a solution.
  19. @Mov AX, 0xDEAD If you're feeling motivated, can we start working on NDIS6 support for XP? missing imports - ndis - NtTraceControl KeRegisterProcessorChangeCallback RtlNumberOfSetBitsUlongPtr KeTestSpinLock IoGetDeviceNumaNode NtQuerySystemInformationEx netio - MmAllocatePagesForMdlEx KeFreeCalloutStack KeAllocateCalloutStack SeCaptureSubjectContextEx KeTestSpinLock SeAccessCheckFromState RtlCreateHashTable RtlDeleteHashTable RtlGetNextEntryHashTable RtlLookupEntryHashTable RtlRemoveEntryHashTable RtlInsertEntryHashTable RtlEndEnumerationHashTable RtlEnumerateEntryHashTable RtlInitEnumerationHashTable RtlContractHashTable RtlExpandHashTable msrpc - IoSetIoCompletionEx ZwAlpcCancelMessage ZwAlpcCreatePortSection ZwAlpcCreateResourceReserve ZwAlpcCreateSectionView ZwAlpcCreateSecurityContext ZwAlpcDeletePortSection ZwAlpcDeleteSectionView ZwAlpcDeleteSecurityContext ZwAlpcDisconnectPort ZwAlpcQueryInformation ZwAlpcSetInformation ZwCreateIoCompletion ZwImpersonateAnonymousToken ZwRemoveIoCompletionEx
  20. @Mov AX, 0xDEAD @Andalu You just need a USB crossover cable, https://www.datapro.net/products/usb-3-0-super-speed-a-a-debugging-cable.html
  21. If anyone else wants to have a go and try to make this work then just ask and I'll send you the source code.
  22. @Andalu USB to LAN adapters aren't going to work. kdnet would need to implement part of the USB driver stack ontop of the code for all the LAN chipsets. very unlikely to ever be implemented. kdnet is hardcoded to support specific hardware, and they're all PCI/PCI-E lan adapters.
  23. @Mov AX, 0xDEAD yep, that was it. stupid failing eyesight!
  24. @Mov AX, 0xDEAD In w2003_tools_update.zip should I copy everything across? or just tools? I've been copying everything across. edit: oh I see now! my eyes skipped over the renaming public to public2 - I literally didn't see until just now - that's probably the issue.
  25. @Mov AX, 0xDEAD redid the build environment, made sure swapped out the compiler with the newer one. original unmodified acpi driver code compiled correctly. but as soon as I apply your 4.2 patch file and compile I get errors. srv03_acpi_build_errors.zip
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