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Everything posted by Dogway

  1. Woow, indeed I'm not asking something easy. Thanks a bunch for the help, the log is blank, well I get this: Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host versi¢n 5.7 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1996-2006. Reservados todos los derechos. but I see the point. Yes, the title is misleading but in my OP I made clear I wanted to output to both, console and log, at the same time. EDIT: Now I'm using jaclaz's suggestion. In the same vein: Downloaded Tee.bat and make the call as: hey.cmd ¦ TEE.BAT [ -a ] C:\OEM\mylog.log but I don't get any log. Should be the bat encoded in some format? different from ANSI? is the ¦ character fine.
  2. I see I was quite confused! Now I used hey.cmd -L And yes I get the log, but console is blank
  3. Thanks a lot Yzöwl, but again no log is output, here is my script, did I miss something? (edit: my bat is called hey.bat so no spaces) @ECHO OFF & SETLOCAL ENABLEEXTENSIONS DISABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION SET "_OUT=CALL :SUB" FOR /F "DELIMS=/-" %%# IN ("%*") DO ( IF /I %%# EQU L SET "_OUT=(%_OUT%)>MYLOG.LOG 2>&1") %_OUT% GOTO :EOF :SUB ::Your bat code here D:\Programas\VIDEO\x264-2245.exe --level 4.1 --preset slower --tune film --pass 1 --bitrate 1500 --deblock -2:-1 --keyint 300 --min-keyint 30 --aq-strength 1.2 --fps 29.970 --output NUL Copia.avs /L jaclaz, that's a bit over my head, at least for the time being, I don't discard to have a deeper look later on.
  4. I changed the line but nothing happens. I have the log code first, then the variables, then the below command. %ENCODER% --level 4.1 --preset %PRESET% --tune %TUNE% --pass 1 --bitrate %BITRATE% --stats "%STATS%" --me %ME% --deblock -2:-1 --keyint %KEY% --min-keyint %MKEY% --frames %FRAMES% --demuxer %DEMUX% --vbv-bufsize 24000 --no-fast-pskip --sar %SAR% --aq-strength 1.2 --vbv-maxrate 24000 --fps %FPS% --output NUL "%INPUT%" /log
  5. Hello I'm trying to add a log export ability to my Run on first boot batch file after an XP silent installation. I want to know if everything went fine (or not) so I can tweak further and for reference as well. I really don't understand batch much, not at least at this level. I found this example that renders out everything shown in the console window, which is fine, but in return now the console is blank. @ECHO ON call :Logit>>C:\mylog.log 2>&1 exit /b 0 :Logit ::Your bat code here Then the following code examples IIRC were the opposite, show everything on the console and log only the commands you attach /log flag to. That's what I tried, but I got no log. Do I need to add something else somewhere, what am I missing? @echo off if /I ?%1? NEQ ?/log? goto :LogIt set LogCmd=%* echo on call %0 %LogCmd:/log=% >"%~dpn0.log" 2>&1 set LogCmd= goto :eof :LogIt REM the start of your batch file Thank you!
  6. That is not the web where I took the script from, it was more like a forum, and there were corrections over the script. AFAIK there are not many different methods, so I named the three I know, included the one you linked to me in the msfn page. It's the exact same behaviour I described above (did you test it? no right? there you go).
  7. Thanks, it is the exact same as my posted script. It only works in the same shortcuts and if anything a bit slower (passing through console window). For example, it doesn't work in my desktop Chrome icon, MSN... the nero shortcut takes me to the same place, etc
  8. How can I add a Find Target entry to context menu for shortcut files only? So when I click it takes me directly to the linked folder (and not file). I tried several solutions findtarget.reg opentargetdir.vbs and a script I took on a random forum: @echo off If exist %windir%\FT.vbs ( echo Uninstall?&echo.&pause reg delete HKCR\lnkfile\shell\FT /f del %windir%\FT.vbs exit ) reg add "HKCR\lnkfile\shell\FT" /f /ve /t REG_SZ /d "&Find Target..." reg add "HKCR\lnkfile\shell\FT\command" /f /ve /t REG_SZ /d "WScript.exe %windir%\FT.vbs \"%%1\"" more +10 < %0 >%windir%\FT.vbs && exit /b 0 dim ws,objArgs,strPath Set objArgs = WScript.Arguments if objArgs.Count>0 then strPath=mid(objArgs(0),instr(objArgs(0),"/")+1,len(objArgs(0))-instr(objArgs(0),"/")) end if set ws=CreateObject("Wscript.Shell") ws.run "Explorer /select, " & GetTargetPath(strPath) Function GetTargetPath(LinkName) On Error Resume Next Dim Shortcut Set Shortcut = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell").CreateShortcut(LinkName) GetTargetPath = Shortcut.TargetPath Shortcut.Save Set Shortcut = Nothing End Function The problem is that none of them work for all shorcuts and eventually they only take me to a temporal folder where the icon is placed, etc For example, it doesn't work with the live msn shortcut, and for the nero 10 shortcut it takes me to C:\WINDOWS\Installer\{7A5D731D-B4B3-490E-B339-75685712BAAB}
  9. these can be updated hotfixes according to several posts, but needs confirmation: for NDP1.1SP1: +KB2742597 for NDP2.0SP2: +KB976576 +KB2729450 +KB2742596 for NDP3.0SP2: +KB2756918 for NDP3.5SP1: +KB951847 +KB2736416 and remove: -KB979909 -KB2656369-v2
  10. Meaning I don't want anything at this point... well yes, let's finish this absurd conversation.
  11. I don't know where you take that from. You read too far, I never asked such thing. I only asked for LINKS to lists of said applications because I did my "legwork" of looking for them. If you just want to put words on my mouth to add sarcastic suggestions, that's fine, on the other hand I contribute more than what you cared to know.
  12. Thanks -X-, per your list I should add: +KB976576-X86 +KB2729450-x86 +KB2742596-x86 and remove: -KB979909-x86 -KB2656369-v2-x86 But I shouldn't be confident since my 2.0 is from the 3.5 SP1 Pack. @submix8c: why you start now treating me all disrespectful? If all you are asking me is to start a list like -X- does you are the wrong way here, because that's exactly what I came here to ask (where I can find one). Now you should be suprised why there are not many updated hotfix lists about anything anywhere, because it's a pain in the a**. P.S. How many international forums do you know not running in English? I'm more than glad to be helped whether it's a yes or no, but being bashed for asking! Come on!
  13. I don't need links, I need information about current needed hotfixes. I can't tell if my list still stand true up to this day. More than half a year has passed and many hotfixes could be added or superseded. There is not any updated hotfix list similar to -X-'s for XP and IE8.
  14. Yes, currently that's how I'm installing it, via CMD. Guess that if no other way is gonna cut the times off then I'll be keeping this method. I believe I had this same conclusion at one point, deja vu. Still I'm trying to figure what are the latest updates for .net framework since my last revision. Thanks for the help submix8c!
  15. submix8c, yes I already have all the packs and hotfixes downloaded. Check this last post of mine. I'm just trying to get the thing updated, and along the way asking for a solution to the never ending .net framework installation (takes more time than the OS itself). Isn't there any way integrate them into the OS and avoid the .net installation all around? Thanks for taking a look at them, your solutions are way over my head. I always thought thee should be an inf containing all the integrated hotfixes, but never knows where to look, never found.
  16. @submix8c: hello, I don't understand what you mean in your post. The link effectively takes me to the ENU addon. I need either an updated ESN net framework addon, a net framework addon maker or slipstreamer (so I can make my ESN addon). Besides that, I also ask for an updated net framework hotfix list. @ricktendo: Thanks!! CCleaner looks fine, now I can avoid the annoying popup install dialog. dotnet 4/5 framework, you mean 4.5? in any case it reads: "1.1sp1, 2.0sp2, 3.0sp2, 3.5sp1, 4.0full", so it installs all that, I'm only interested on 2, 3, and 3.5. Now, your integration is done at T13, meaning I'm not saving any time compared to my old way of install at first boot. Is it always true that Addon = Install @ T13?
  17. Well it's at the end of the net framework paragraph so I'm still talking about it.
  18. Well if I ask it's for a reason. I want to make the ESN addon, or slipstream. For that I need an updated hotfix list and a slipstreamer or.addon maker. Is DXUPAC unable to do this?
  19. Hello. First the easy one. I'm trying to make the Spanish Addon for CCleaner with DXUPAC addon maker, but it doesn't show Spanish language as an option, did they forget or is CCleaner in Spanish not possible? Then I searched around but couldn't find a method to make my own .net framework addons with the program. They don't show as available. Is there a way to slipstream net framework (they take more than hour in a OS install), and is there any updated hotfix list? Thanks!
  20. Thanks for reply, actually I still was talking about the tweaks, can I use the same ini tweakes for the x86? I used the Update Pack/Addon Creator by OnePiece to make the localized Addon, so I added the registry tweaks in the program. I'm just unsure if they work or not (i.e. reg paths are same or not).
  21. @5eraph: is ok to compress the tweaks ini to zip, or 7z for example, or must be cab? Can I use it for the IE8 x86 addon as well, do I need to change something?
  22. Hello Rick. Thanks for updating them! So the KB970159 comes included inside the WMP11 executable of your link, I switch the original with yours and make the slipstream with Boogy's slipstreamer as usual, right? Thanks edit: had a bit of trouble with your online downloader. Had to rename it from C38304DC1F12081F to *.exe edit2: according to HFSLIP I'd also need 2 non security hotfixes, KB973442, and KB974905, mentioned in my last post. 3 more to go... edit3: KB943604 is included here as needed. As far as I know, this one is a Media Pack, for the OS lacking the player, and stuff... I don't know why I would need it...
  23. @ricktendo: The link doesn't work. So you mean that KB970159 is not necessary but optional hotfix? And implying I can't use it with Boooggy's slipstreamer so I should use your repacker? what about these?: KB973442 KB974905 KB943604 KB970158 KB971286 My main concern on Boooggy's is that I can make my own localized addon, and that it automatically adds useful tweaks to WMP11 as 5eraph commented aboved.
  24. I'll be using boogy's slipstreamer since I'm localising the addon to ESN. My question now is what are the updates. I have a few of them I'm sure are in: KB954155 KB973540 KB975558 KB978695 KB2378111 Another set I was actually using, but now I'm not sure: windowsmedia11-kb928788-x86-intl.exe windowsmedia11-kb929399-v2-x86-intl.exe windowsmedia11-kb929773-x86-intl.exe windowsmedia11-kb932390-x86-intl.exe windowsmedia11-kb933547-x86-intl.exe windowsmedia11-kb935551-x86-intl.exe windowsmedia11-kb935552-x86-intl.exe windowsmedia11-kb939209-x86-intl.exe WindowsMedia11-KB939683-x86-ESN.exe windowsmedia11-kb944882-x86-intl.exe windowsmedia11-kb954067-x86-intl.exe windowsmedia11-kb954069-x86-intl.exe WindowsMedia11-KB954154-x86-ESN.exe windowsmedia11-kb973442-x86-intl.exe and a few others I read somewhere lately (around RyanVM IIRC) that also need to be included, but I'm not very convinced: KB973442 KB974905 KB943604 KB970159 (with the aforementioned KB970158 and KB971286) Should I add any of them (last 2 lists)?
  25. Yes I remember doing that, but all of sudden one day I realised it was again signing in. Now once signed out, I check everyday and it doesn't auto sign in, but I don't know until when that is OK, I'll report back when it happens.
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