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Everything posted by MiKl

  1. Worked here too - no apparent problems with KexApps so far. Is there a quick way to compare the contents of KexBases with what one have in Kext to remove possible double entries ?
  2. RPCRT4.DLL from ReactOS Datum 04/03/2016 Uhrzeit 11:35 NOTEPAD++ verursachte einen Fehler durch eine ungültige Seite in Modul RPCRT4.DLL bei 018f:7c0fb778. Register: EAX=7c111200 CS=018f EIP=7c0fb778 EFLGS=00010206 EBX=a0000024 SS=0197 ESP=0127fc18 EBP=0127fc40 ECX=00000000 DS=0197 ESI=7c0d0000 FS=4d67 EDX=00000003 ES=0197 EDI=00000000 GS=0000 Bytes bei CS:EIP: 8b 03 8b 53 04 89 50 04 8b 43 04 8b 13 89 10 c7 Stapelwerte: 7c111200 0127fc5c 100a6420 f47dff66 fffffffe 100a55d7 100a56b4 10000000 00000003 00000003 0127fc70 7c10fcba 7c0d0000 00000003 00000000 0127fc40 RPCRT4.DLL from WinXP Datum 04/03/2016 Uhrzeit 11:38 NOTEPAD++ verursachte einen Fehler durch eine ungültige Seite in Modul RPCRT4.DLL bei 018f:77e50005. Register: EAX=00000001 CS=018f EIP=77e50005 EFLGS=00010202 EBX=82392348 SS=0197 ESP=0084fb34 EBP=7fffffff ECX=eb017390 DS=0197 ESI=77edc078 FS=4547 EDX=00000001 ES=0197 EDI=00000000 GS=0000 Bytes bei CS:EIP: 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 ff ff 00 00 b8 00 00 00 00 Stapelwerte: 00000000 00000000 77e50000 82392348 823a85d0 823a85a4 823a85b8 eb017390 bff769d5 82392304 bff7de32 823a84c0 823a8490 823a84a4 eb017390 bfa0a0cb
  3. You can also try the auxiliary-dll approach suggested by Jumper ! It works beautifully here on my system.
  4. Maybe Jumper is already working on a full v13 ?? The more I test auxiliary dll's the more missing api's I find, especially in ntdll.dll ! NtCreateKey, NtDeleteKey and many more around 'Key'.
  5. Updated ROS section with MSVCRT20.DLL now working after adding few kext-stubs.
  6. I don't think these two 'need' each other because I have added Oleaut32.dll from XP just recently and Advapi32.dll from ROS worked before for several days. But overall these dll's really seem to interact !! For example, I had Dsound.dll added and it caused no problems but after adding another one dsound.dll suddenly caused a crash of VLC !! So I had to remove that entry again. Finding the culprit sometimes took hours and I think it is not necessary that you go through all this as well. If it is not an ego-thing I would like to ask you to setup my config, test it and go one from there. I hope that Jumper soon let us know if my work is O.K. - I have asked for his input a few times already.
  7. Hi Schwups, does that mean that the configs I posted above does not work on your systems and you start from scratch ?? (Advapi32.dll from ROS and Oleaut32.dll from XP are working for me.) With which app(s) did you test advpack.dll ?
  8. @Jumper, I have already mentioned 'error 1723' a few posts up in this thread (Feb., 11th) !! But you don't have to look into this, please concentrate on KernelEx but it would be nice if I could get some feedback in the Auxiliary thread from you.
  9. I created another folder in win/kernelex and called it 'Rox'. So registry entries should be: 'ROX\\....' (You may need to add Kext-Stubs for these to work - please check with DependencyWalker) Seem to be working with test apps: MSASN1.DLL (5.1.2600.5875 (xpsp_sp3_gdr.090904-1413)) OLEAUT32.DLL (5.1.2600.7020) SHFOLDER.DLL (6.00.2900.5512 (xpsp.080413-2105)) ~ Seem to be working. No missing dependencies. System fully boots: OLECNV32.DLL (5.1.2600.5512 (xpsp.080413-2108)) RICHED32.DLL (5.1.2600.0 (xpclient.010817-1148)) ~ ~ Not working: MSIMG32.DLL (5.1.2600.5512 (xpsp.080413-2105)) (breaks (at least) SeaMonkey) PSAPI.DLL (5.1.2600.5512 (xpsp.080413-2105)) (breaks (at least) SeaMonkey) WSOCK32.DLL (5.1.2600.5512 (xpsp.080413-0852)) (breaks (at least) SeaMonkey)
  10. Hmmmm, the strange world of Windows. On one of my setups I could easily install the latest j*v* but only there - on the other machines I have received this annoying error 1723. However, in case Jumper is interested here is the error report.
  11. I tried a few versions of fontsub.dll but with this dll in place Irfanview crashes completely !! Maybe one of the things that is not working on 98SE ... but thanks for checking.
  12. IrfanView 4.42 and Plug-Ins seem to be fine. But unfortunately I can not open pdf's. Error message states: 'Decoding error ... PDF.DLL could not be loaded'. I tested several comp-modes on exe and dll.
  13. Hi Jumper, please check for the latest results. Please note that I only tested these dll's with the mentioned apps. Could you let me know if there is anything else I could/should test !!
  14. Tested Sumatra 3.1.1 and icons are fine on my system too and I could also print. IIRC it was reported that printing is broken in latest versions. But unfortunately this version freezes when I click on the menu button.
  15. I would suggest to just 'un-pin': - Revolutions Pack - KernelEx-Call for Support - WUPG98 After that the number of pinned threads may be just fine.
  16. Hi Jumper, that might explain why some of the tests went so 'weird' !!
  17. edit - need to test more ...
  18. DLL's from ReactOS 0.4.0. (ROS\\...) which seem to work Test environments: KEx v12. - Apps: Seamonkey 2.6.1., Sumatrapdf 3.0, Notepad++ 6.9, VLC 2.2.2, Audacity 2.0.6., Audacity 2.1.2, OpenOffice 3.2.1 Preparations: - You may need to add these Kext-Stubs - please check the DLL's with DependencyWalker. [Advapi32.dll] RegGetValueW= [Gdi32.dll] GdiConvertToDevmodeW= [Ntdll.dll] RtlAreBitsClear= RtlAreBitsSet= RtlCreateUnicodeString= RtlSetBits= ~ ~ Seem to be working: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\KernelEx\KnownDLLs] "MSIMG32"="MSIMG32.DLL" "PDH"="PDH.DLL" "PSAPI"="PSAPI.DLL" "USERENV"="USERENV.DLL" "ADVAPI32"="ROS\\ADVAPI32.DLL" "ADVAPI32_VISTA"="ROS\\ADVAPI32_VISTA.DLL" "AVICAP32"="ROS\\AVICAP32.DLL" "COMCTL32"="ROS\\COMCTL32.DLL" "CRYPT32"="ROS\\CRYPT32.DLL" "DBGHELP"="ROS\\DBGHELP.DLL" "DCIMAN32"="ROS\\DCIMAN32.DLL" "DINPUT8"="ROS\\DINPUT8.DLL" "GDI32"="ROS\\GDI32.DLL" "IMM32"="ROS\\IMM32.DLL" "KERNEL32"="ROS\\KERNEL32.DLL" "MLANG"="ROS\\MLANG.DLL" "MPR"="ROS\\MPR.DLL" "MSCMS"="ROS\\MSCMS.DLL" "MSVCRT20"="ROS\\MSVCRT20.DLL" "MSVFW32"="ROS\\MSVFW32.DLL" "NTDLL"="ROS\\NTDLL.DLL" "OLEDLG"="ROS\\OLEDLG.DLL" "RSABASE"="ROS\\RSABASE.DLL" "SECUR32"="ROS\\SECUR32.DLL" "T2EMBED"="ROS\\T2EMBED.DLL" "USER32"="ROS\\USER32.DLL" "UXTHEME"="ROS\\UXTHEME.DLL" "VERSION"="ROS\\VERSION.DLL" "WINMM"="ROS\\WINMM.DLL" "WINTRUST"="ROS\\WINTRUST.DLL" "WLDAP32"="ROS\\WLDAP32.DLL" "WTSAPI32"="ROS\\WTSAPI32.DLL" Not working: COMDLG32.DLL (seem to break open dialogues) DHCPCSVC.DLL (seem to break flash player) ICMP.DLL (seem to break flash player) DSOUND.DLL (seem to break flash player) IPHLPAPI.DLL (seem to break flash player) MSAFD.DLL (causing Internet/Browser problems, websites do not load at all) MSIMG32.DLL (breaks SeaMonkey, kext stub seem to fail) MSWSOCK.DLL (breaks (at least) SeaMonkey) OLE32.DLL (breaks OS) OLEAUT32.DLL (breaks OS) PSAPI.DLL (breaks (at least) SeaMonkey) RPCRT4.DLL (breaks kex-apps) RSAENH.DLL (breaks OS) SHDOCVW.DLL (seem to break plainoldfavorites) SHELL32.DLL (breaks OS) SHFOLDER.DLL (seem to break (at least) VLC settings) SHLWAPI.DLL (breaks OS) URLMON.DLL (seem to break flash player) USP10.DLL (breaks kex-apps) WININET.DLL (causes some issues in notepad++) WS2_32.DLL (breaks kex-apps, asking for dnsapi.dll - more tests required) WS2HELP.DLL (breaks kex-apps, Kext entry failed - more tests required) WSOCK32.DLL (breaks kex-apps) Not present in ReactOS 0.4.0: INDICDLL.DLL MSASN1.DLL MSVCP80.DLL MSVCR80.DLL MSWSOSP.DLL MYDOCS.DLL RNR20.DLL UNICOWS.DLL WOW32.DLL
  19. Hi Jumper, the entries (post 6) are case sensitive, aren't they ? And I have tested t2embed.dll ! Seemed fine but is there a way to trigger an error to make sure that one dll is indeed compatible ?
  20. Thank you Jumper !! You mentioned SM2.32 already a few months ago but it did and does not start on my systems. I always get a error message from 'XulRunner' that 'XPCOM' could not be loaded. Xpcom.dll is not part of the package anymore and I unfortunately do not know what to do
  21. On SeaMonkey 2.7.2 cpu usage stays at around 90% !! I waited one time 5 Minutes to see what happens but nothing changed. I assume that this does not happens on your system, however, which one of the involved dll's might be the culcript ? I noticed that the loaded ole32.dll is version 4.71.3328 (size 776 kB) but I also have a version with the same number but the size is only 761 kB !! On your list I see 4.71.2900 at 772 kB. I guess there is no other way than testing one by one ? Added info: after upgrading iphlpapi.dll I was able to catch a different crash log.
  22. Hi Jumper, yesterday evening I found on one of my systems an 'older' ntdll.dll (5.1.2600.0) and I thought with all the progress in KernelEx why not see what happens if I boot with it. And it was not as bad as I thought. Booting completed and a few thing are of course broken, but I noticed that when checking certain apps with IP41 that on psapi.dll it says then 'no problems found' instead of 'functions'. So I put this ntdll.dll into the kernelex/ros-folder and made the knowndlls-entry in the registry. But this seem to have no effect at all.
  23. Hi Jumper, both SM 2.7.2. and 2.8 fully load on my systems - they freeze during use after around 1 to 5 minutes. Only SM 2.9.x. crashes immediatedly after loading the UI ! 2.7.2. 2.8 Update: Have tested this issue with kernel32.dll 4.10.2222 - unfortunately same results.
  24. I am not sure if I did everything correctly but I tested both SM 2.7.2. and 2.8 and both frooze at the following api: KERNEL32.DLL>SetCriticalSectionSpinCount Log 2.7.2 Log 2.8
  25. @ Schwups. On the PC I am running right now I could not install .235, .267 and .286 either !! I must have changed/added something after the above mentioned v5/older Kext-config-setup on the other PCs. Maybe a newer dll taken from SP3 ? @ Jumper. I have sent .306 (msi) to ImportPatcher.41 and it reports: Debug: No 'MZ' signature GetLastError reports: Der Vorgang wurde ausgeführt.
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