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Everything posted by Jay_Stealth

  1. heh id give her a ride . besides my mom and dad went for 2 weeks and i was just pished most nights or big dope fests lmao and then come the weekends with the real partys woo !
  3. lol spose i typed that slightly quick yes you have js to use rollovers just not image rollovers and images are considered as HTML as they are displayed using HTML . Heres an example i knocked up <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Example</TITLE> <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> </HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR=#FFFFFF LEFTMARGIN=0 TOPMARGIN=0 MARGINWIDTH=0 MARGINHEIGHT=0> <IMG SRC="images/example.jpg" WIDTH=300 HEIGHT=80 BORDER=0 ALT="" USEMAP="#example_Map"> <MAP NAME="example_Map"> <AREA SHAPE="rect" ALT="MSFN" COORDS="234,34,280,65" HREF="http://www.MSFN.org" TARGET="_blank"> <AREA SHAPE="rect" ALT="ClubUK" COORDS="113,38,179,65" HREF="http://clubbersuk.net" TARGET="_blank"> <AREA SHAPE="rect" ALT="Portfolio" COORDS="5,37,71,62" HREF="http://www.team-matrix.co.uk" TARGET="_blank"> </MAP> </BODY> </HTML> To see it work click here
  4. hmm wonder where i seen that theme before filer lol. might try out that aston stuff MsnWar but looks a bit busy i like simplistic and 3d lol
  5. --------------------- Hmm he said that the site had to be done in pure HTML so, i would go with johns idea of using either of the two suggested applications however without using rollovers. As for vcant, your site isnt a very good example as your nav menu is not HTML its javascript which is used to as a rollover script to swap images on mouseover and mouseout. Imagemaps are good as they are relatively simple to create and they are basically one image linked to several places using HTML. As for my suggestion i would suggest an imagemap (although slightly more CPU intensive than js for rollovers) because it is simple and has a good effect while still maintaining the HTML aspect. I would also use a breadcrumb, which is basically a series of text hyperlinks at the bottom of a page ie HOME | FORUM | CONTACT etc etc.
  6. f**ks sake should have useless c*nt stamped on your forehead so people know not to ask you for a favour or summin :S http://www.filemirrors.com go fetch an DONT add me to msn just to ask me where to get msn6 ffs!
  7. thing is what is the point of helping people like this that are too lazy too even look cos they're half assed mofo's that will just post once about msn6 ooooooo msn6 :/ then f**k orf and not post again
  8. http://file.sugarqube.com/Cards/jblo_TheWo...swf?PL=L400x300
  9. thats why its a forum you talk like its a live chatroom or summin rofl
  10. worked for me but still needed to alter the configcache.xml file
  12. ok guys as ever heres muh desktop using sapphire in black with sapphire cursors and yup sapphire winamp skin. Click image for high res. Coolmon code: <b><C:$829BB4>[</C></b> <NAME=CompName> <C:$829BB4><b>]</b></C> <b><C:$829BB4>[</C></b> <B>IP</B> <b><C:$829BB4>:</C></b> <NAME=IPAddr> <C:$829BB4><b>]</b></C> <b><C:$829BB4>[</C></b> <B>UP</B> <b><C:$829BB4>:</C></b> <NAME=Uptime FORMAT="*d* days, *H* hrs, *M* mins, *S* secs" SIZE=20> <C:$829BB4><b>]</b></C> <b><C:$829BB4>[</C></b> <NAME=DateTime FORMAT="'Date' dd/mm/yy 'Time' hh:nn"> <C:$829BB4><b>]</b></C> <C:$829BB4>-------------------</C> <b><C:$829BB4>[</C></b> <B>Proc %</B> <b><C:$829BB4>:</C></b> <NAME=ProcUsage LEADZERO DECIMAL SIZE=5 FORMAT="ALL"> <C:$829BB4><b>]</b></C> <b><C:$829BB4>[</C></b> <B>Processes</B> <b><C:$829BB4>:</C></b> <NAME=Processes SIZE=5>/<B>Threads</B> <b><C:$829BB4>:</C></b> <NAME=Threads SIZE=5> <C:$829BB4><b>]</b></C> <b><C:$829BB4>[</C></b> <B>PageUsed</B> <b><C:$829BB4>:</C></b> <NAME=PageUsed>/<B>PageTotal</B> <b><C:$829BB4>:</C></b> <NAME=PageTotal> <C:$829BB4><b>]</b></C> <b><C:$829BB4>[</C></b> <B>RAMUsed</B> <b><C:$829BB4>:</C></b> <NAME=RAMUsed>/<B>RAMTotal</B> <b><C:$829BB4>:</C></b> <NAME=RAMTotal> <C:$829BB4><b>]</b></C> <b><C:$829BB4>[</C></b> <B>Drive C</b> <b><C:$829BB4>:</C></b> <NAME=DriveSpace SIZE=5 FORMAT="C FREE"> <C:$829BB4><b>]</b></C> <b><C:$829BB4>[</C></b> <B>Drive D</b> <b><C:$829BB4>:</C></b> <NAME=DriveSpace SIZE=5 FORMAT="D FREE"> <C:$829BB4><b>]</b></C> only just cleaned all icons off desktop etc been doing so much work looks nice now tho
  13. that already is an option i just forgot to mention it lol . (site preview)
  14. heh thats why im doing it , thanks for the compliment too bud (Y)
  15. ok i will be making a site shortly (about 3 weeks) for making sigs for people who use forums but with a production charge for each sig. At the moment im kinda thinking $15 for each fly sig i produce and then if you want it hosting for the year too $10 for the year. What do you all think?
  16. hmmmm, ok the demand for me doing sigs is kinda rising after talking to a good friend of mine (xperties) i think i might set up a little site specially for this. Say maybe charge 15$ for a sig and for hosting for the sig (if you aint got your own webhosting) 10$ for a year. Just out of interest , do you think this is reasonable? click here
  17. Jay_Stealth

    new sig

    heh just done a new sig got bored and thought after seeing the matrix for the 2nd time id have a 996 bispoto in my sig
  18. hey reubend nice sig pal enjoy the forums
  19. if you set "fps_max "100"" in your config file you should be ok but net graph will still show 60 even tho your getting more weird i know but anyways
  20. cant really think of much but would be good if m$ allowed use fo flash
  21. i used this for creating the image and also this site for the text with some editing. Although it seems my efforts were in vein
  22. IF you have downloaded any of these files (except the top post by Xperties) please ignore the MSFN tab manager in the zip file as it does not work with this new version yet so kindly disregard it. For more on how to get MSFN's tab manager working with this new version see here for more
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