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Everything posted by Snoop

  1. erm i think u will find a difference between 2x and 4xagp when u have a powerful card my score without overclocking is 8700 odd it doesnt really make a difference if i overclock my CPU as its powerful enough to drain every bit of perfromance from my card anyway ....... LOL@ TRIS we shall see
  2. http://service.madonion.com/compare?2k1=2984063 basic system specs amdXP1800 Radeon 8500 Retail 256MB Crucial PC2100 DDR cas 2.5 @ cas2.0 & turbo settings [b:d35b5dbe04]Operating System[/b:d35b5dbe04]Microsoft Windows 2000 [b:d35b5dbe04]DirectX Version[/b:d35b5dbe04] 8.1 [b:d35b5dbe04]Mobo Manufacturer [/b:d35b5dbe04] [b:d35b5dbe04]Mobo Model VT8366-8233 [/b:d35b5dbe04] [b:d35b5dbe04]AGP Rates (Current/Available) [/b:d35b5dbe04]2x / 1x 2x 4x [b:d35b5dbe04]GRR I FORGOT TO CHANGE IT TO 4X AFTER FLASHING BIOS OTHER DAY [/b:d35b5dbe04] [b:d35b5dbe04]CPU[/b:d35b5dbe04] AMD Athlon XP/MP/4 1594 MHz [b:d35b5dbe04]FSB[/b:d35b5dbe04] 138 MHz [b:d35b5dbe04]Memory[/b:d35b5dbe04] 256 MB [b:d35b5dbe04]Graphics Chipset[/b:d35b5dbe04] ATI Radeon 8500 [b:d35b5dbe04]Driver Name [/b:d35b5dbe04]Radeon 8500 [b:d35b5dbe04]Driver Version[/b:d35b5dbe04] [b:d35b5dbe04]Video Memory[/b:d35b5dbe04] 64 MB [b:d35b5dbe04]Program Version[/b:d35b5dbe04] 3DMark2001 SE [b:d35b5dbe04]Resolution[/b:d35b5dbe04] 1024x768 32bit [b:d35b5dbe04]Texture Format[/b:d35b5dbe04] Compressed [b:d35b5dbe04]FSAA[/b:d35b5dbe04] Disabled [b:d35b5dbe04]Z-Buffer Depth[/b:d35b5dbe04] 24bit [b:d35b5dbe04]Frame Buffer[/b:d35b5dbe04] Double [b:d35b5dbe04]Rendering Pipeline[/b:d35b5dbe04] D3D Pure Hardware T&L [b:d35b5dbe04]3DMark Score[/b:d35b5dbe04] 8918 3D marks [b:d35b5dbe04]Game 1 [/b:d35b5dbe04]Car Chase - Low Detail 136.1 FPS [b:d35b5dbe04]Game 1 [/b:d35b5dbe04]Car Chase - High Detail 52.1 FPS [b:d35b5dbe04]Game 2 [/b:d35b5dbe04]Dragothic - Low Detail 141.0 FPS [b:d35b5dbe04]Game 2 [/b:d35b5dbe04]Dragothic - High Detail 78.8 FPS [b:d35b5dbe04]Game 3 [/b:d35b5dbe04]Lobby - Low Detail 132.9 FPS [b:d35b5dbe04]Game 3 [/b:d35b5dbe04]Lobby - High Detail 61.5 FPS [b:d35b5dbe04]Game 4 [/b:d35b5dbe04]Nature 48.4 FPS [b:d35b5dbe04]Fill Rate (Single-Texturing)[/b:d35b5dbe04] 837.7 MTexels/s [b:d35b5dbe04]Fill Rate (Multi-Texturing) [/b:d35b5dbe04]2128.2 MTexels/s [b:d35b5dbe04]High Polygon Count (1 light) [/b:d35b5dbe04]38.0 MTriangels/s [b:d35b5dbe04]High Polygon Count (8 lights) [/b:d35b5dbe04]10.0 MTriangels/s [b:d35b5dbe04]Environment Bump Mapping [/b:d35b5dbe04]117.2 FPS [b:d35b5dbe04]DOT3 Bump Mapping [/b:d35b5dbe04]89.4 FPS [b:d35b5dbe04]Vertex Shader [/b:d35b5dbe04]90.0 FPS [b:d35b5dbe04]Pixel Shader[/b:d35b5dbe04] 104.2 FPS [b:d35b5dbe04]Advanced Pixel Shader[/b:d35b5dbe04] 78.7 FPS [b:d35b5dbe04]Point Sprite [/b:d35b5dbe04]28.9 MSprites/s :assshake :assshake :assshake :assshake I R THE BENCHMARK KING!!!!! YAY!!!
  3. i dont see whats wrong with bbq'in a dead card in order to get the gfx chip off it to make a keyring i would do the same if i had to.. i would aslso get "EL1TE" engraved on my xp chip if it died and make that a key ring aswell:D
  4. Snoop


    dont supose you own a radeon? if u do there is an ati overflow fix
  5. erm that alienware looks remarkably like a mid tower cheiftec i have a cheiftec dragon full tower server case 27inch tall **** solid case with superb features u cant go wrong with one of these
  6. it could be your psu. can we have your full system specs and tell us if u have added any hardware recently plz also if u could tell us what your 5v vaultage is at underfull load using motherboard monitor or something similar.
  7. i would be going for the new epox http://www.hardwarepub.com/reviews/motherb...ards/epoxkt333/
  8. wel if u think about it.its only part of a chicken u do realise what go in sausages? but i bet u still eat them
  9. i love my epox 8kha+ ddr but u might want to get a board based on the upcoming kt333 chipset and i would definetly get ddr ram dont bother with sdram!
  10. the official drivers suck go with the beta 6025 or 6032 gets me almost 15fps more in the nature test on 3dmark2001
  11. the offical drivers suck! i prefer the 6025 & 6032 beta drivers gave me like 1000 extra points in 3dmark
  12. cheeky tw*t i own you:D :blueteam
  13. http://www.reactorcritical.com/#l1041 not out yet but u might aswell wait till it is or till hercules release there version as the standard ati one doesnt have ram sinks and the memory gets pretty hot + the gigabyte has hardware monitoring
  14. Get a radeon and be leet like me check this leet looking card GIGABYTE MAYA AP64D-H (RADEON 8500 PRO) i wish i would have waited now instead of getting normal ati version [img:446053d03c]http://www.reactorcritical.com/news/february/gbt_r8500pro_board_rc.jpg[/img:446053d03c]
  15. **** that must suck unless your not a gamer? i just need a better monitor so i can go above 1280x1024 res kinda sucks knowing my system could easily cope above the 1280x1024 and not being able to
  16. here is a nice close up of a Nazi 1024x768 resolution all settings maxed smooth vision x6 aniostropic filtering x16 Screenshot
  17. yea class and myth rips are okay if u just want to test a game to see if u like it b4 downloading the full cd version. i say test because alot of rips dont work to good and can often crash alot although most u try should be fine
  18. u will still need no cd patches they are there for a reason.if u dont want to use no cd patches i suggest u try downloading the clonecd releases of games instead of the popular bin releases Fairlight and Deviance do i think its dino that release the clonecd versions
  19. no man u dont want to use iso buster ! u should download "daemon tools" from gamecopyworld.com it lets u mount a cd image as a virtual drive
  20. i was only on easy yea i tried one of the blood patchs from http://www.mohcenter.com looks pretty good u should try it if u havent already
  21. i cheated on the mission where u get the assault rifle than again on the last level
  22. lol people have been selling motorcity online cars on ebay aswell
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