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Everything posted by a06lp

  1. could you be more specific? i want to install this silently, on ANY machine. what do i need to do? i tried the SFX method, but it didnt work, for the key... neither did simply copying the key file to the dir.
  2. does bootvis really make a difference? i could never see one on my machine back when i used it.
  3. this is the last thign i'm waiting for on my CD, can anyone help?
  4. i had a lot of difficulty trying to get this to work, and in the end, it didn't. if anyone else knows a solution, i too would be grateful!
  5. I have a list of programs I install with RunOnceEx. The problem is, that RunOnceEx doesn't wait for Photoshop7 installation to finish before ocntinuing to the next item on the list. I think the reason is that the "setup.exe" goes away (finishes) and calls the installer (???) Anyway, the problem with this is that the entire process slows down because now I'm installing 2 programs at once (Photoshop7, and the next one on the list). Does anyone know what to do about this? FYI - I am using the ABCsy.ini method (setting everything to "NO").
  6. nice letter! maybe it'll help... (wishful thinkng?)
  7. @Lucius Snow, kyuuzo: Thanks, it works great!
  8. because, for some reason, my commands won't delete my "pdvd" (powerdvd5) folder, and my "WPI" folder. I think because the programs are still in use. Therefore, I think I have to delete all the OEM stuff FOLLOWING the first reboot, as opposed to during first logon, after all installations, before first reboot. EDIT: FYI, here's my cleanup code (it deletes everything EXCEPT "pdvd" and "WPI"): RD /S /Q %systemdrive%\Install
  9. could you be more specific? and how does the computer reconize the difference between the processes being called by this runonceex and the ones for next time?
  10. I think the code to change is explained above, near that post. Yes, you can set timer to OFF in config.js umm... you can. double-click wpi.hta, and it will open if your command is: "%systemdrive%\Install\Applications\Office2003\PRO11.msi /qb" basically, the format is like this: prog[pn]=['Microsoft Office Professional 2003'] desc[pn]=['Installs Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, & Microsoft Publisher.'] regb[pn]=['',''] cmd1[pn]=['systemdrive','install\\Applications\\office2003\\setup.exe TRANSFORMS=Unattended.MST /qb-'] cmd2[pn]=['',''] cmd3[pn]=['',''] rega[pn]=['',''] dflt[pn]=['no'] forc[pn]=['false'] cat[pn]=[''] you must remember that characters like \ and " and ' need a backslash in front of them (hence the "\\").
  11. i think i get it. my head actually hurts now, though...
  12. Subject says it all: I want to run some cleanup processes right away, and some AFTER a reboot. if i have cleanup1.cmd, and cleanup2.cmd, how do i make sure that only cleanup1 runs now, and cleanup2 runs later? I am using WPI2.9 to call cleanup1, if that is any help...
  13. i can't get zap to work... "GetLastError()=32" i dont understand how there isnt a command to just delete (and end, if open) a folder and subcontents...!?
  14. I would appreciate that. I sent you a PM with my email. thanks!!
  15. i did a quick test (uninstall, reinstall + apply reg settings) and it worked. heopfully it'll do the same even after a format, and even on a diff computer.
  16. ;Folders View (Details) [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Streams] "Settings"=hex:08,00,00,00,04,00,00,00,01,00,00,00,00,77,7e,13,73,35,cf,11,ae,\ 69,08,00,2b,2e,12,62,04,00,00,00,01,00,00,00,43,00,00,00
  17. basically, there was an original version, and then a lot of people added their own personalization to it. personally, i find WPI 2.9 (by hasi) to be the easiest and most flexible one. That's my perference: http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=28125&st=110
  18. will these settings.reg work on any computer? or are they computer-specific?
  19. does anyone know of a way to delete a directory and ALL of its subfolders and files, EVEN if they are in use??
  20. you need to actually run the installers. theres a whole forum for swtiches to do it silently: http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?act=SF&s=&f=80
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