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Everything posted by a06lp

  1. i don't think it worked. i tried opening an avi file and a mpeg...both popped up a "Open With" screen, when i double-clicked (and mplayer2 wasnt even an option on the list)
  2. Hi, I have my daemon tools silently installing, using the following code: ...dt.msi /qb REBOOT=Suppress is there anyway to have, by default, the options of Automount, and Autostart BOTH unchecked???
  3. Solution to Photoshop Problem: i ended up using a "pause.cmd", containing: @echo off cmdow @ /HID PING -n 100>nul exit works fine now. makes it wait 100 seconds. -------------------------------------------------------- New Problem: WINAMP Ok, so this problem started on my latest test build (using the installer from the CD, not the HDD). When I try to install winamp, using the same code as before, (only changing %systemdrive% to %cdrom%), it no longer installs. I've narrowed the problem to be that my code (below), for some reason, I can't use the %CDROM% variable after "INI=". If i point it to %systemdrive%, and put the file in C:\, it works fine. cmd1[pn]=['\"%cdrom%\\Applications\\winamp\\winamp505.msi\" INI=\"%systemdrive%\\winamp505.ini\" /qb'] But if i point it to %cdrom%, it won't work cmd1[pn]=['\"%cdrom%\\Applications\\winamp\\winamp505.msi\" INI=\"%cdrom%\\Applications\\winamp\\winamp505.ini\" /qb'] this is the code i am using. whats wrong?? Why can't i use the %cdrom% parameter for my INI file??? prog[pn]=['Winamp 5.05'] desc[pn]=['Winamp is a very popular media player used to play MP3 files.'] cmd1[pn]=['\"%cdrom%\\Applications\\winamp\\winamp505.msi\" INI=\"%cdrom%\\Applications\\winamp\\winamp505.ini\" /qb'] cmd2[pn]=['XCOPY \"%cdrom%\\Applications\\winamp\\Winamp.ini\" \"%systemdrive%\\Program Files\\Winamp\\" /E /Y'] dflt[pn]=['no'] forc[pn]=['false'] cat[pn]=['<font color="FF9900">Audio</font>'] pn++ Is this a mistake on MY end? Or a problem with WPI? Or is it a parameter problem with winamp?
  4. i'm going ot bump this because i still have not heard a *working* solution...
  5. noooo... the next post after the one you quoted explains that i figured it out... but new question: I am having problems with photoshop7. The problem is, that RunOnceEx doesn't wait for Photoshop7 installation to finish before continuing to the next item on the list. I think the reason is that the "setup.exe" goes away (finishes) and calls the installer (???) Anyway, the problem with this is that the entire process slows down because now I'm installing 2 programs at once (Photoshop7, and the next one on the list). Does anyone know what to do about this? FYI - I am using the ABCsy.ini method (setting everything to "NO").
  6. not sure if i should post this request or not... associate all the codecs (ex: swgreed's Unattended Codec Pack) with Windows Media Player (classic: start -> run -> mplayer2) That means no "What would you like to use to open this file" dialogs for ANY movie file type (.avi, .mpg, .mpeg, .qt, .rm, etc.) - just opens in windows media player.
  7. So your next released version will be a few new features, plus some major cleanup of the code? Sounds like the "Final" version I've been waiting for... (currently using 2.9.5)
  8. i'm pretty sure the documentation is gone form the new zip file. its all up on the website.
  9. err... actually its hasi001 who made a lot of the more recent changes (see recent postings). Here is his site: http://members.aon.at/equinox/wpi/ He's my hero. [EDIT] - i checked, he actually 'took over' the project on page6 of this thread. By 'took over' i mean the hes basically the only one making changes to the prog now.
  10. @hasi: one more thing, thought you ought to know - when i downloaded your new version, and double-clicked your wpi.hta file, just to look at it, i got script errors. i think your default config.js may have a prob or two. [EDIT] - I put my own "Programs" into the defualt config.js, and it works fine. probably a typo somewhere in yours. (of corse i didnt use "order" so maybe the problem is there?)
  11. @bmn: I tested it on my machine. My file and directory structure is posted above. I haven't tested on a real-world machine yet, but I don't iomagine there will be any probs. My Applications are all in the "Applications" folder in the root of my CD (along with i386, and $OEM$, etc.) My WPI is in my $OEM$\$1\Install\WPI folder. So WPI runs from the harddrive (along with some other tweaks i keep there). My winnt.sif calls for mt WPI.cmd, which contains the command hasi001 wrote out just above (calling wpi.hta). @hasi001: Yup, I switched over all my commands to the single parameter way (the one that works ). It is actually much easier this way, and now that I switched the whole thing over (using a few diff "Find & Replace" searches ) it works well, and I can test it on my machine without creating an annoying "C:\Install\Applications" and copiyng everything over. BTW - what does this mean, in your new 2.9.6 changelog? Also, your other item in there: I thought this was already the case...? Also, you're getting awfully close to v3.0, which is coolsights... maybe make a new name (and a new thread! - you can link to this one and the original WPI for reference) so there isnt much confusion.
  12. hmm... I think I solved the problem by changing all of my: cmd1[pn]=['cdrom','Applications\\...'] to cmd1[pn]=['%cdrom%\\Applications\\...'] Interesting.
  13. ok, so i downloaded 2.9.5 i am trying to move all my files to run from CD (instead of waiting for everything to be copied over to HDD). Here's my basic setup: C:\XPCD .....| i386 .....| Applications .....| $OEM$ ..........| Install ...............| WPI However, I cannot test my installers anymore. I thought I read (in this thread somewhere) that this setup would work, and WPI would install the apps from "XPCD" dir as if the whole "XPCD" dir was the root of the CD??? What's wrong? The error message I always get is "Windows cannot find D:\...." But why is it looking in D:\ (my CD-Rom drive)??? I thought it is supposed to look WHEREVER wpi is?
  14. it's an add-on... i'm trying to not deal with add-ons.
  15. here's what i use. although this should probably be in the applications section... prog[pn]=['PowerDVD XP v5'] desc[pn]=['PowerDVD is the latest evolution of a player that offers maximum video and audio playback entertainment.'] regb[pn]=['',''] cmd1[pn]=['systemdrive','install\\Applications\\pdvd\\Setup.exe -s'] cmd2[pn]=['',''] cmd3[pn]=['',''] rega[pn]=['',''] dflt[pn]=['no'] forc[pn]=['false'] cat[pn]=['<font color="FF9900">Video</font>'] pn++
  16. if you do that, then when you uninstall, the reg file doesnt delete.
  17. let me see if i understand... as long as i have the code below called (lets say its called: updateSAV.cmd) after SAV installs, itll update (if im connected to the internet)?
  18. @Adiel we do not have the same problem - my problem is that quicklaunch shows, but nothing is in it - i am missing "Show Desktop" and "Internet Explorer". but this is only, i think, because i somehow caused windows classic theme to be applied. i am trying a new method for installing royale theme, and maybe that will fix the quicklaunch problem.
  19. i think what you are talking about is the Abcpy.ini file. I tried that method first, when I first made this post. My problem is not that I don't know how to silently install. My problem is that runonceex moves to the next item before photoshop finishes.
  20. this problem JUST started for me, in my last build. i dont know if it was a fluke, or if it had something to do with the changes i made. the only change i can think of that would affect this is that i installed the royale theme, but it didnt apply, only installed. the windows classic theme applied. do you install any themes?
  21. well how do i skip this step? you dont get a screen "setup is preparing files..." or something like that?
  22. well, when did the problem start for you?
  23. i just tried this method (using the setup.iss, and the -s switch), and it still moves on to the next item without waiting for photoshop to finish installing. i think the problem lies somewhere in the fact that my photoshop unpacks some files for the install before actually installing, so when the unpacking finishes, RunOnceEx moves on, even though the installation is just starting... ???
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