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Everything posted by a06lp

  1. Hmm.. First of all, you may want to delete/edit out your resolution testing, because otherwise people have "Program 1....Program 198" all over their screens. Second, I'm not so sure I like the way this is set up... I think it should ONLY use cols 2 and 3 (in 1024) IF, and only if, column 1 is already filled. Otherwise there is too much blank space between the checkboxes (I have 32 programs).
  2. i found tosdvd.sys on my computer in windows\system32\drivers so are you saying that if i simply make a new folder ("DVD"), and put "tosdvd.sys", and "dvd.inf", that's all i need?
  3. i'm afraid i need some more detailed instructions on how to MANUALY update from 1.01 to 1.01a I downloaded the file from your page "RVMUpdatePack1.01aFull.cab", and when i extract it, there seem to be a LOT of files...is this the update or the full version? I also see another cab inside called "RVMUpPck.cab".... what do i do?
  4. not needed. just add wpi.cmd in your winnt.sif make sure wpi.cmd points to wpi.hta all should work fine, then.
  5. i tried what you said, but i couldn't find any inf files in windows\inf resembling "toshiba" or "tm1dvdramx". But when i searched for "DVD", i found a "dvd.inf" I don't know if this is the right thing though, how do i know? I am attaching the inf. could you please try to see if it is the correct inf, and if so, which other files i need (and where they are)??? thanks!!
  6. the MSI method works. i think the reason it wasnt working before is because setup.exe would finish, and load the msi, so when setup.exe finished, the next program would start. but now, using just the msi, it waits. thanks!
  7. i found a solution: http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=16583&st=10
  8. Ok, Some more googling produced a RegTweak to solve the problem: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}] "UpperFilters"=- "LowerFilters"=- Following this entry to the reigstry, I reboot, and the DVD-ROM is back. BUT, I get this error message: If I press cancel, I continue in Windows, and the DVD drive works, but I get this message every time I boot up If I press OK, the system restarts, and the dvd drive is gone again. Microsoft Knowledge Database says two things could be causing this: 1) http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?...kb;en-us;314060 some CD Writing utilities cause this, and apparently, Drag'n Drop CD+DVD is causing mine... 2) http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?...3&Product=winxp bad drivers for the DVD casued this... BUT, I have had Drag'n Drop on my system before I reformatted to try my XPCD, and I don't know why this is all-of-a-sudden happeneing now! HELP PLEASE????
  9. Hi everyone, I have a Toshiba Satellite 2455-S305. On their website, Toshiba has a download driver for the DVD-RAM [ "DVD-RAM Driver/Utility Software for Windows XP/2000 (v3.0.7.0c; 03-10-2003; 1.86M)" ]. However, it is bundled as a utility AND driver. I only want the driver, so I can have it installed from winnt.sif. I cannot find an INF file in the extracted folder. What do I do? EDIT: I can't attach an exe, rar, or zip for some reason, so here's how to get the file: 1) http://www.csd.toshiba.com/cgi-bin/tais/su/su_sc_home.jsp 2) Select DOWNLOADS 3) Portables -> Satellite -> 2455-S305 -> GO 4) DOWNLOADS (top left picture) 5) it is the 19th file on the list: DVD-RAM Driver/Utility Software for Windows XP/2000 (v3.0.7.0c; 03-10-2003; 1.86M)"
  10. try this: http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=23271&hl=
  11. wow, this looks amazing. i haven't fully gone through it yet, but i am assuming the reason there aren't any "rega" or "regb" in the config.js is because you just copied your previous code over? but the reg stuff WILL work, right? also can we have an UNLIMITED number of programs? or only up to 99? (just curious...)
  12. yes, i am applying the tweaks twice, actually. once from cmdlines.txt, and once from WPI.
  13. Hi, I just performed a Real-World install of my latest XPCD, and found out, that following the first or second reboot (I'm not sure which, but definitely one of them) my DVD-Drive dissapears from My Computer. When I Press the eject button on the drive, it DOES eject. I don't know what is causing this, anyone have any ideas? I'll post my regtweaks below. EDIT: It still works (ex: I can put in an XP CD and it will boot), but it is not recognized anymore once I get to Windows. The strange thing is that I specifically checked after I installed XP, and it WAS there. Then I check again now, and it's gone... EDIT2: I did some googling, and someone suggested checking the Device Manager. I did and under "DVD/CD-ROM Devices", my "Toshiba DVD-ROM SD-R6012" has a YELLOW EXCLAMATION POINT. When I Click on Properties, I get this: Anyone have any ideas?
  14. actually, for me, it doesn't! My output is: 10/11/2004
  15. Well, I'm using English, but my result is: 10/10/2004
  16. err... i dont want to remove the ARROWS, I like those. I want to remove the default TEXT "Shortcut to .." when creating a shortcut.
  17. Hi, I can't seem to find these regtweaks, can anyone help? - "You are about to view pages over a secure connection" - Do not show this warning - "Privacy" - "The privacy icon appears in the status bar each time a cookie is resticted based on your privacy settings" - do not show - remove "shortcut to" in title of created shortcuts - the one i have (below) doesn't work ;Remove the 'Shortcut to...' (00 00 00 00 = No Shortcut Text) [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer] "link"=hex:00,00,00,00
  18. I can't seem to find 2 tweaks: 1) "You are about to view pages over a secure connection" - Do not show this warning 2) "Privacy" - "The privacy icon appears in the status bar each time a cookie is resticted based on your privacy settings" - do not show 3) And this tweak doesn't work for me: ;Remove the 'Shortcut to...' (00 00 00 00 = No Shortcut Text) [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer] "link"=hex:00,00,00,00
  19. i downloaded that file, and searched through it. i could not find the ones in bold, except the one that i mentioned did not work.
  20. ohhhhhh.... i totally misunderstood that. thanks, prathapml!
  21. umm, the $OEM$ folder is NOT INSIDE i386, it's the level above that (the SAME elvel as i386). And you can call the folders inside $1 anything you want. anything in that $1 folder will be copied to the harddrive.
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