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Everything posted by a06lp

  1. do you know what caused this problem? i know HOW to solve it manually (above), but I want to know why it happens in the first place, and what I can do to prevent it.
  2. i think you are misunderstanding me. i dont want a way to manually add them. i want to know why they arent there now, and what changed so i can have them there, by default, like they used to be.
  3. do you have the same problem i have? how do you solve it?
  4. actually, not. for some reason, in this strange case, quicklaunch IS there, but there's nothing in it. (already checked)
  5. yup: http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=28635&hl=
  6. does anyone else have an MSI for photoshop7?
  7. LOL and i dont have an MSI. the sleep idea could work, but thats a secondary thing, why doesnt it just work correctly? last time i had this problem (diff prog) it WAS solved by using the MSI, but i dont think there is an msi for photoshop?
  8. why you do it sooo difficult? start on the pc you're going to install your unattended xp, edit powercfg and then export the keys from above, (no machine specific but doesn't matter if they are or not because you're going to import the keys on the same pc) that's all i don't do it difficult! B) i want to be able to use this CD on any computer. specifically, whether its my desktop, or my laptop, i want the same cd to be useable for all my tweaks and programs. so, are these power settings generalizable? or will they not work on other comps?
  9. aaah, the autoit script worked. thanks!!
  10. no, and no. i just happen to have a laptop and its annoying when i do a clean install, forget to set my power settings, then when i close the lid the comp turns off...
  11. umm... if you just run wpi.hta (double click it), you'll know if it works or not...
  12. are these machine specific? or will they work on every computer?
  13. err... thats a lot of values being changed. is there a way to specify ONLY the settings i want to change?
  14. it IS really annoying anyone got a solution?
  15. @all: has anyone been able to successfully install and register flashfxp 3?
  16. anyone ever come up with a solution? to be able to automatically have windows connect to a certain wireless network (Including WEP key?)
  17. Just wanted to post that my latest XPCD Test, with Update Pack 1.02 was SUCCESSFUL! thanks again!!
  18. i feel kinda stupid. yea, that worked. i dont know why, but before the latest WPI my old code worked, but now it caused a reboot. in any case, the new code (below) solved the problem cmd1[pn]=['systemdrive','install\\Applications\\vegasvideo\\vegas.msi /qn REBOOT=Suppress']
  19. Hmm... I was installing my latest real-world test of my XPCD, and for a reason unknown to me, all of a sudden, my quicklaunch was empty. The usualy "Internet Explorer" and "Show Desktop" icons weren't there. The only thing I can think of is that windows started in Windows Classic theme...probably becuase this version added the installation of "Energy Blue" theme. (as part of WPI installer). however, the Energy Blue theme wasn't selected, and i guess for osme strange reason this caused classic to be selected? but why arent the quicklaunch icons there?
  20. anyone know how to set the default value for Power Settings -> Advanced -> "When I close the lid of my portable computer: DO NOTHING" and "When I press the power button on my computer: SHUT DOWN" also, if the computer XPCD is installed on is not a laptop, these keys should not apply. how do i do this?
  21. I essentially did this... I installed it onto my main drive, input key, then SFXed the whole thing. when i reformatted and ran the SFX, it asked my for the key again...
  22. i just noticed something. I started using categories, for the first time, and now for some reason, every time I run my VEGAS VIDEO 4.0 setup, when it finishes, the computer restarts. This is IRRELEVANT to what other programs are on the list (I tried ALL programs, and JUST Vegas. In BOTH cases, the computer restarted.) I also changed the line in generate.js (as per your instructions in a past post): if (i%40 == 0) // call RunOnceEx every 40 apps, so that the window doesn't grow too big but the program causes a restart whether its 35 (like it was when everything installed), or 40 (when i ONLY installed vegas). i never used to have this problem... i dont know whats wrong. here's my code for vegas: cmd1[pn]=['systemdrive','install\\Applications\\vegasvideo\\vegas.msi /QB-!'] why is it restarting?
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