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Posts posted by schwups

  1. The problem has been discussed here many times. You will definitely get information here https://msfn.org/board/topic/97588-modern-motherboards-which-are-working-with-windows-98-discussion/.   Of course there are more matching topics on this board.

    Search in the bios for SATA and IDE settings - something like "compatible mode". And maybe you can disable one SATA controller (4 port or 2 port). It should reduce the Controllers. Or you can try R. Loew's SATA Patch. How many and which devices do you want to use (Pata or/ and Sata)?


  2. 22 hours ago, defuser said:

    But when you try to download something from Mega.nz it crashes at the very last moment (At least on my 98FE right now).

    Yes, here it hangs on folder details request. I did a few tests, without a result. The look of the download page has changed. It's a new problem on ME/98, because it worked until recently. Maybe it has something to do with API "RaiseException" somehow or indirectly. Anyway, I have no idea at the moment.

  3. K-Meleon 1.5.4 is from 2010. Javascript and css haven't been updated. So it isn't surprising that most pages are displayed very poorly. RoyTam1 has updated the nss (Network Security Services) files. With TLS 1.2/1.3 support the pages are accessible, but as I said they are poorly displayed. Otherwise the only options are a newer operating system or latest KernelEx (But it's still in development and test phase - not really ready for end users).

    You will not be successful with an "e-mail login" in such old browser like KM 1.5.4.

    eMail program: I can still use OutlookExpress6 with the help of WinSSL (TLS 1.2 support). This should also work with Thunderbird



    Antivirus: Yes, ClamWin is probably the last one with the possibility to get latest definitions.

    Spybot 1.6.2 (adware, Spyware, trojans) has still definitions updates, too.

  4. The KernelEx Wiki is no longer accessible since the php update last year. I don't know, if the admin will fix the code one day in the future. As a reminder, the Wiki is available on archive.org up to July last year. If you miss specific pages or information, I can probably provide the text upon request here.



  5. 6 hours ago, ClassicNick said:

    As far as I know, Firefox 10 and later run very slowly on Windows 98SE/Me with KernelEx. Do you have a computer with a newer version of Windows to test it on? I think Windows XP SP2 will work with that Firefox 38.8.0esr custom build.

    I am not aware, that versions 12-23 work usable at all with KernelEx. Those are freezing after a few seconds. With later versions, it depends on the hardware (i.e. CPU) whether Firefox is slow. With a Intel Prescott it runs noticeably slower than with a Core2Duo Wolfsdale. With the last mentioned it does not run slower than on XP or maybe minimally. There is no need to measure the loading times for comparison. That's not worth it. Yes I've XP, Vista and Win7, too.

  6. First I tried this FF38/TLS1.,3 on my main machine Win ME - KernelEx 25/26 - Kext. Yes, indeed it starts and runs (compat. mode XP). Besides Icecat 38 I have one more FF38 fork working on ME, but of course basically with the same issues as with version 35 I documented. I am curious, because I had tried to start versions 36 - 41 myself for a long time without success. Other tests could follow on a bit different systems. The plugin container can run in the background after close. So I switched it off. It makes sense to disable Javascript (I installed QuickJava), due to its age-related infirmities. It will freeze on many sites, also on this msfn board. FF38 OT. :)

  7. On 5/18/2024 at 12:54 PM, roytam1 said:
    On 5/18/2024 at 12:43 PM, schwups said:

    Latest PM 27 doesn't start anymore - also with a new profile. However, I haven't tested on a clean XPSP3 system. It works with the previous Xul.dll.

    got a crash here. need to debug whats going wrong here.

    EDIT: the last rev cause the crash, need to decompose it and test each change later.

    EDIT2: the last change in the combined commit causes the issue, while merging new changes fixed the problem so no revert is done.

    The new version starts and runs again.

  8. I've taken a look at your screenshot.  I have hardly tested all the dll's inside the program folder (it is a different approach), but Ucrtbase must in the system folder. Such files ATL and certcli aren't required and used here - therefore superfluous. And pdh and userenv are superfluous. too. These are part of KernelEx.

    "Mypal engine trick": I probably never tested 4.8.2 with 4.6.0. To clarify, it's basically Mypal with the look of Newmoon. Mypal 29.3 will soon be three years old and now it has significantly more infirmities than Newmoon or Serpent.

  9. Then you meet the requirements.

    (- Kext ( Kstub824.dll + ini file Kstub824.7z ) - usage see Kext topic

    - reg file: APISets Stub dll's Knowndlls.txt ...

    - Remove all entries "api-ms-win-......dll" from dependentlibs.list

    - The UCRTBASE.DLL ...)

    Then something may have gone wrong with the replace of RaiseEception. You also can try manually the replace. Changed area marked:


    Don't forget to save the change to GetLastError.

    Make sure that Xul.dll doesn't run with compatibility mode Windows2000SP4 => Xul.dll -> XPSP3 or higher

    Forgotten entries "api-ms-win-......dll" in dependentlibs.list also leads to "Couldn't load XPCOM" error. Unless you have a set of APISet Stub DLL's, that is loadable on ME/98 like the one of OneCoreApi. And some time ago I found a Wine5 set out there.

  10. I usually use Hex-Editor MX (NEXT-Soft) on ME and XP. Of course, there are others. The trick with the "Mypal engine" https://msfn.org/board/topic/181424-firefox-24-52-for-me-and-98/?do=findComment&comment=1210661 is no longer necessary and I don't recommend it either. Better replace RaiseException with GetLastError in MOZJS.DLL, what is described here https://msfn.org/board/topic/181424-firefox-24-52-for-me-and-98/?do=findComment&comment=1251487. Run the Editor -> open mozjs.dll -> Menu -> Search -> Search and Replace -> Text -> paste RaiseException ...


  11. Impressive benchmarks, very interesting, I haven't dealt with RamDisk or RamDriver so far and unfortunately I don't have a suitable test system yet. My systems have 2 or 4 GB Ram (RLoews Ram Patches), but not more. If I buy two 4 GB bars or four 2 GB bars, I could expand the memory to 8 GB on two boards. Does it affect dual channel operation, especially with only two 4 GB bars?

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