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Bilar Crais

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Everything posted by Bilar Crais

  1. AFAIK, when you mod the .inf, you break the driver's WHQL authenticity. As long as you use a WHQL driver, you'll never have a problem integrating. At least, that's been my experience.
  2. What specifically is your issue (EventID)?
  3. Great information in that chart! I've never run XP64 myself. My current OS is w2k8ent x64, and my gut feeling is that it has a slight performance edge over Vista x64. It would have been interesting to see Server 2003 among the contestants.
  4. Did you happen to use a third party program to remove the arrow overlays on shortcuts? That's why this was happening to me. I can't recall what the fix was.
  5. I can't get the extreme switch to work no matter what I do. I've tried all of the suggestions, it worked briefly, but never again.
  6. I haven't had to time to mess with it, but thanks for the link - looks promising. Incidentally, IE8 is a crashing fool - very unreliable. I suppose that's par for the course, since it's really a developer release. Definitely not ready for prime time, or even day-to-day browsing. Kept getting sysfader:iexplorer.exe exceptions. So, I broke down and installed FireFox 3 rc1. I have to say that I'm suitably impressed. It launches quicker than it's predecessor, and seems to be pretty quick browsing too. One thing I'll say for Firefox - it's never crashed on me, nor frozen my computer, and there's something to be said for that(!) Your suggestion for an experiment sounds fun - I'll have to try it.
  7. Yeah I think so. The update can't be downloaded from MS (entering the KB # in the MS Knowledge Base search engine yields 0 results), so it must be contained within the IE8 installer. I extracted what I could from the installer, but all I got was an .msu. I've already tried integrating that in the past; it doesn't work. I guess a guy could always start up the installer, and once it get's to the first dialog box of the installer, you could go into windows/softwaredistribution/download and copy it out and paste it elsewhere. That's pretty much what I did today. I like Firefox too...in fact after stubbornly refusing to install it for years (couldn't stand the hysteria and true believers), I actually became a convert for several months. However, while it's speed is reasonable when first installed, IMHO, it starts to feel bloated once you add a handful of extensions. In contrast, IE7 loads very quickly, while IE x64 loads nearly instantaneously, and renders VERY fast. Your mileage may vary. Unfortunately, IE x64 plugins are slow in coming i.e; Adobe Flash.
  8. When I attempted to install IE8 on Vista x64 today, the install failed. Looking at the install log, I noticed that the WU "KB944036" failed to install correctly. I found the update Windows6.0-KB944036-x64.cab in Windows/SoftwareDistribution/Download. It occured to me that this update was almost exactly the same size as the IE8 download package; that this cab was in fact, IE8. I was able to integrate that .cab with Vlite in the hotfix section, and when I installed Vista this afternoon, IE8 was installed. Yipee. Now, it's just a matter of extracting that .cab from the IE8 install package -haven't figured out how to do that yet.
  9. I wasn't trying to integrate it....I was trying to install after Vista was already installed. The install is failing because the WU that I mentioned above is failing. That WU is in fact IE8. I've figured out a way to integrate IE8 though...
  10. I'm about to spin the dial again and want to play with IE8 on my next Vlite install. Has anyone figured out what must be kept in order to install IE8? As it is, it looks like this update is failing during the iE8 install: KB944036 "...Windows Internet Explorer 8 Set Success Software Synchronization Windows Update Client successfully detected 0 updates. {24CFA831-C890-4D5E-B122-225E6FB04350} 2008-05-18 23:20:35:028-0500 1 182 101 {C300DBE5-7BD5-4BA6-9F7A-F368611AB1A0} 501 80073aa2 wusa Failure Content Install Installation Failure: Windows failed to install the following update with error 0x80073aa2: Update for Windows (KB944036)..." Thanks.... C
  11. If they are text mode drivers, as far as I know, you can't yet integrate them, as you can in nLite. To get around the problem, I remove all of the storage device drivers in vLite, and right before I have vLite burn the final disc, I place my drivers in the root of the vLite disc temp folder. This way, when you come to the disc controller driver section of the installer, you need only to hit the "scan" button, and the installer will pick them up...no need for a USB stick.
  12. I had trouble with both Realtek and Nvidia SoundStorm onboard sound. Running an Audigy now; I would think it might be immune from the associated cracking-popping-ticking sound w/o Multimedia Sched
  13. Go figure, huh? About 25 megs smaller.
  14. I did another disc with MSDTC this time. As well, I put back the media shell handler (vid thumbnails & the like). I'll bet that's something else that's needed. At any rate, Zune is back in business.
  15. I'm having the same problem now. The only difference this time is that I got rid of MS distributed transaction coordinator. Did you vLite it out?
  16. Staying tuned.
  17. I tried W2K8 again per the suggestion above, but my TV app just couldn't "see" my PVR-150's input (tuner/composite/S-Video).
  18. Yep...my x64 vLite discs weigh in right around 1.1-1.2 gigs.
  19. Would there be any interest in starting a thread that would be the reverse of this one (what programs hose Vista)? About a month ago, I purchased a new motherboard and processor, which Acronis True Image did NOT like. It was giving me corrupt images. Then I switched backup programs to Symantec Backup Exec, and my 64 bit Vista install got very unstable. It kind of snuck up on me, so that I really didn't even notice it. But I was getting a good deal of explorer.exe crashes, that is, until the day I switched back to Acronis. For some reason, my MB chipset corrupts large data chunks when going from SATA to IDE. I just have to back up to a SATA drive. Anyway, I could have avoided a good deal of trouble if I'd known that Backup Exec was flakey under Vista.
  20. I got a Hauppauge PVR150 running on Windows Server 2008 standard. First enable Desktop Experience then copy the following AX files from a Vista installation (windows/system32) to the system32 directory on W2K8. Cut and paste the commands in a batch file to register them. regsvr32 /s bdaplgin.ax regsvr32 /s kstvtune.ax regsvr32 /s ksxbar.ax regsvr32 /s Mpeg2Data.ax regsvr32 /s mpg2splt.ax regsvr32 /s MSDvbNP.ax regsvr32 /s MSNP.ax regsvr32 /s psisrndr.ax regsvr32 /s VBICodec.ax regsvr32 /s vbisurf.ax regsvr32 /s WSTPager.ax Thank you very much...will have to try.
  21. I can confirm that TV tuners do not work under W2k8.
  22. Just remember, if you plan on going the W2K8 route, as far as I can tell, know one has been able to get a TV tuner working AT ALL. The drivers install, but recording devices cannot "see" the input from the TV (tuner/composite/s-video). Clearly, something essential is missing. I tried W2K8 RTM. It was all that and a bag of chips too.
  23. Maybe they've updated the hotfix in the last week and thus broke it. At any rate, my only point is that if folks were planning on Vliting, it might be a good idea to download and integrate that one to save trouble later... I should have clarified that I didn't think that Vlite was responsible for the issue.
  24. Perhaps, but I forgot to mention that I tried re-installing the very same vLite disc that I know successfully updated that hotfix through WU. It ALSO now would not work properly. If you type KB938371-V2-x64 into Google, you'll see there a raft of install failures for that particular hotfix. I can't tell you what the difference would be a week later. I wish I could remember what the error code is - it's not the one you see on Google most commonly, it was more like 8000450
  25. Greetings: I vLited and burned several variations of X64 Business w/SP1 Integrated last night. After getting to the desktop after each install, I checked Windows Update. All updates except one installed correctly ... the Windows Update KB938371, (Ironically, "...enables future updates to install successfully on all editions of Windows Vista.") I had installed it successfully through WU several days prior on a Vlite install disc, but now I could not install it - whether through WU or by downloading and attempting a manual install. Finally, I just integrated the hotfix with Vlite and installed Vista over...this time everything is kosher. There is another hotfix (KB937287) that is described as being for the same purpose as the above hotfix. I could not get that hotfix to integrate, as Vlite called for a reboot in order to attempt integration. Luckily, when that update comes down the WU turnpike, you'll be able to install it properly.
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