Recently, I installed the full version of Vista Ultimate (not Vlited). On a whim, I navigated to %systemroot%\windows\system32\DriverStore. To my amazement, every driver that Vista chose and installed during the Vista install process was archived here, as was every Windows Update. It seems to me that one could archive this directory for future Vliting For example, normally when Vliting, I would not be able to remove the LAN driver archive from the Vista install with Vlite, as I don't have a LAN driver for Vista. But now that I do, I can just go ahead and have Vlite delete the entire LAN section, and integrate my own! The same goes for Video, Audio, all of my video capture card devices, my Kodak dock printer, etc. I would imagine they are even digitally signed, having come from either the Vista install disc or from Windows Update. As well, I know that Vlite doesn't yet support Textmode driver integration, so I can't integrate my SATA driver. However, a few days ago, a SATA driver update showed up on Windows Update, and now it is in the DriverStore directory. Unlike prior SIL3112 SATA drivers, this one is NOT textmode. It makes me wonder if it couldn't be integrated with Vlite, negating the need to install with a Memory stick. In addition, nearly all of the drivers listed in the DriverStore directory have fairly straight forward filenames, so that their corresponding application can be readily ascertained. Cool, huh? Or maybe this isn't news to anyone. LOL