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Everything posted by iamtheky

  1. as long as the items you are calling are in the targets set in that cmd file, just double tap it and restart. drag the .cmd to your desktop, make sure items are all in their target location, and save the state > making an iso
  2. in my concern too wiki has told me that: Diazolidinyl urea = chemical reaction of allantoin and formaldehyde in the presence of sodium hydroxide solution and heat. Allantoin is present in botanical extracts of the comfrey plant and Chemically synthesized bulk allantoin is nature-identical so I can only hope they are not opting for the oxidized uric acid found in the waste of lower mammals.
  3. http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=35FC4205-792B-4306-8E4B-0DE9CCE72172&displaylang=en and this one, though it looks older http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=460fd995-588c-4f50-8a19-bd77eec868a6&displaylang=en
  4. deviantart ? there are scattered icons, heres a whole theme pack http://mrgrim01.deviantart.com/gallery/?26188400#/d2fd0g2
  5. #Include <Misc.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> Opt ("GUIOnEventMode", 1) global $passgui _PasswordOpen() Func _PasswordCheck() Local $iXTimes = 5, $iCount = 1 While 1 Local $bPasswordHash=(FileReadLine($sav, 5)) Local $bMasterPasswordHash=(FileReadLine($sav, 6)) $sPassWord = GUICtrlRead($password) If _Crypt_HashData($sPassword,$CALG_MD5)=$bPasswordHash or _Crypt_HashData($sPassword,$CALG_MD5)=$bMasterPasswordHash Then Return $sPassword Select Case $sPassword = "Correct" Return 1 Case $iCount = $iXTimes BlockInput(1) MsgBox(16, "Failed Password Login attempt limit reached", "Please contact your local Associate or Front Store Manager for Assistance..") Return -1 Case Else MsgBox(16, "Access Denied", "Password Incorrect!" & @CR & "You have " & $iXTimes - $iCount & " trys left") $iCount += 1 EndSelect WEnd EndFunc ;==>_PasswordCheck Func _MouseTrapCurrent($hWin) If WinExists($hWin) Then $Pos = WinGetPos($hWin) If Not @error Then _MouseTrap($Pos[0], $Pos[1], $Pos[0] + $Pos[2], $Pos[1] + $Pos[3]) EndIf Else _MouseTrap() Endif EndFunc Func _PasswordOpen() Local $msg $PASSGUI = GUICreate('Login', 170, 110, -1, -1, BitOR(0x00040000, 0x00000080)) GUISetOnEvent(-3, '_PasswordClose') GUICtrlCreateGroup('Enter Password', 5, 10, 155, 40) Global $password = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 10, 25, 145, 20, 0x0020) $ok1 = GUICtrlCreateButton('OK', 55, 55, 50, 20) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($ok1, '_PasswordCheck') GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $PASSGUI) While 1 _MouseTrapCurrent('Login') WEnd While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() If $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Then ExitLoop WEnd GUIDelete() EndFunc Func _PasswordClose() MsgBox(0, "cancel Pressed" , "cancel pressed. GUI ID=" & @gui_ctrlid & "winhandle=" & @gui_winhandle ) guidelete() exit endfunc ***I did notice that you pop a standard message box for the "Access Denied" msgbox. The users mouse will still be constrained to the GUI and they wont be able to click ok on that.***
  6. you should post the contents as there may be a solution to prevent the reboot. In lieu of that, you could always: 1)make a batch file with the remaining items, 2)write a 'reg add' line in the .cmd that adds the .bat file to the runonce key, 3)batch file runs upon reboot
  7. iamtheky


    should be fine removing all the various language action, just might need to take the references out of your txtsetup.sif and dosnet.inf files so you dont throw the errors during install.
  8. ? about the shortcut method ---- eventhough its visible in the shell:sendto folder, it is not available in the send to menu --> is that just me? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Found a way to accomplish this on Folders - recursively. 1) downloaded sdelete and dropped it in the system32 2) under "HKCR\folder\shell" 3) added a new key 'sdel' 4) under 'sdel' 5) add a new key 'command' 6) data for the default value in command is 'sdelete -s "%1" (i suppose you could do the same through tools --> folder options --> file types --> advanced settings on the "(NONE)FOLDER" item) ---delete still asks to send to recycle bin, 'sdel' asks no questions and just deletes. There are probably other delete tools that will perform this task for all objects without issue. Fun to play with, but not incredibly useful.
  9. that turns the delete already in the context menu, into the delete you desire, no? ahh, it appears you are saying that you would like both options....
  10. how about right clicking the recycle bin --> properties --> check "do not move files to recycle bin" then every delete is a "shift+delete" http://support.microsoft.com/kb/320031
  11. http://www.eccouncil.org/certification/certified_ethical_hacker.aspx
  12. Another scenario is: If you use webmail, and then use that same username and password to sign up for other less secure or compromised internet services. Many a dirty script will run a database of credentials attempting to gain access to common email, social, and banking services.
  13. http://forums.techarena.in/ms-office-support/810022.htm some other recommendations from post #8 and down
  14. also check for C:\Program Files (x86)\SMINST\hpcd.sys or these two c:\ProgramData\Hewlett-Packard\recovery\hpdrcu.prc d:\hpdrcu.prc as per comments on http://www.thefakegeek.com/2008/07/tweaks-make-more-then-one-recovery-disc-on-hps/
  15. This was written so the security guy could give me a zip file full of all the new approved KBs for XP and svr 2003 and all I have to do is compile this. If you can use it, do so, and I would welcome any suggestions at all. in its current state, relative to the au3 you need: folder named XP - containing KBs.zip folder named SVR - containing KBs.zip updating.bmp #AutoIt3Wrapper_Icon=iava.ico #Include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #Include <WindowsConstants.au3> #Include <StaticConstants.au3> #Include <AviConstants.au3> #include <Array.au3> #include <GuiToolTip.au3> #include <WinAPI.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> DirRemove ("c:\temp1\" , 1) DirRemove ("c:\temp2\" , 1) sleep (1000) Dircreate ("c:\temp1") Dircreate ("c:\temp2") FileInstall ("updating.bmp" , "c:\temp1\" , 1) SplashImageOn ("","c:\temp1\updating.bmp",@DesktopWidth, @DesktopHeight,"","",1) tooltip ("Unpacking and Preparing the System for Update" , "" , "" , "KBrunner" , 1 , 4) If @OSVersion="WIN_XP" then FileInstall (".\XP\KBs.zip" , "c:\temp1\" , 1) ElseIf @OSVersion="WIN_2003" then FileInstall (".\SVR\KBs.zip" , "c:\temp1\" , 1) Else msgbox (0, "Invalid OS", "This operating system is not supported" , 10) EndIf $log = FileOpen("C:\temp1\log.txt" , 1) $zip = FileGetShortName (@ProgramFilesDir & '\Winzip\Winzip32.exe') Runwait("cmd" & " /c " & $zip &" -min " &"-e " & "C:\temp1\KBs.zip "& "c:\temp2\") $Array = RecursiveFileSearch ("c:\temp2\") sleep (2000) AdlibRegister ("_adlib_check", 1000) _KBarray() ProgressOff () sleep (2000) DirRemove ("c:\temp2\" , 1) FileDelete ("c:\temp1\KBs.zip") splashoff() sleep (500) FileDelete ("c:\temp1\updating.bmp") run ("notepad.exe " & "c:\temp1\log.txt") exit ;;;;;;;;;;;;;RUNNING THE ARRAY;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; FUNC _KBarray() $size = UBound ($Array) - 1 for $i = 1 to $size step +1 tooltip ("Installing " & $Array[$i] , "" , "" , "KBrunner" , 1 , 4) $err=runwait ($Array[$i] & " -z"&" -m") if $err = 0 Then FileWrite ($log, $Array[$i] &" Installed Successfully "& @CRLF) Else FileWrite ($log, $Array[$i] &" exited with an error code of "& $err & @CRLF) EndIf next EndFunc ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;==>RUNNING THE ARRAY ;;;:::::WEAPON X's - RECURSIVE FILE SEARCH::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Func RecursiveFileSearch ($startDir, $depth = 0) If $depth = 0 Then Global $RFSstring = "" $search = FileFindFirstFile($startDir & "\*.*") If @error Then Return ;Search through all files and folders in directory While 1 $next = FileFindNextFile($search) If @error Then ExitLoop ;If folder, recurse If StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($startDir & "\" & $next), "D") Then RecursiveFileSearch ($startDir & "\" & $next, $depth + 1) Else ;Append filename to master string $RFSstring &= $startDir & "\" & $next & "*" EndIf WEnd FileClose($search) If $depth = 0 Then Return StringSplit(StringTrimRight($RFSstring, 1), "*") EndFunc ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;==>RecursiveFileSearch ;;;;;;;;;;;;Function to handle the "Microsoft Certificate Services" error::::::::::::::::::::::: func _adlib_check() local $wintitle = "Microsoft Certificate Services" ; activate the window if it exists if winexists ($wintitle) and not winactive ($wintitle) then winactivate ($wintitle) sleep (500) endif ; send enter if the window is active if winactive ($wintitle) then send ("{enter}") sleep (1000) endif endfunc ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;==>RFunction for the "Microsoft Certificate Services" error
  16. if you have 4 drives on your computer, and this file is on C D & E but not on the 4th drive then that batch behaved normally, no?
  17. splashimageon ("" , "C:\WINDOWS\Web\Wallpaper\wind.jpg" , @desktopwidth , @DesktopHeight, "", "" , 1) ;fileinstall ("" , "" , 1) ;fileinstall ("" , "" , 1) ;fileinstall ("" , "" , 1) ;fileinstall ("" , "" , 1) ;fileinstall ("" , "" , 1) soundplay ("C:\WINDOWS\Media\town.mid" , 0) ProgressOn("Installing", "" , "" , 80 , 100) ;runwait ("") sleep (1000) ProgressSet(20,"installing 1") ;runwait ("") sleep (1000) ProgressSet(40,"installing 2") ;runwait ("") sleep (1000) ProgressSet(60,"installing 3") ;runwait ("") sleep (1000) ProgressSet(80,"installing 4") ;runwait ("") sleep (1000) ProgressSet(100,"complete") exit playing stock midi tunes as well
  18. Since you are already using autoit for the image, you could use it for the install as well. install the items and run them from within the script, then set your own progress and window and just splash it over the runonceex box (or show an avi).
  19. Power consumption: printing = approx 11W Standby = approx 1W OFF = .5 W you would need a brick or unplug for it to draw 0.
  20. no problem, just in case: declaring the array the first entry is the number of rows, second the number of columns (or dimensions). and the newest version of ScITE that comes with autoit should be all that you need, just copy the text, name the file, and hit F7. I also wouldnt venture away from the autoit site or forums for downloads as there is a substantial amount of malware-laden 'add-ons'.
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