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Everything posted by iamtheky

  1. Here's an autoit version with a listview. In the listview there is additional functionality to right click and uninstall a selection (additional snippets are credited in the source). This version also dumps a log.txt with all items in the uninstall key, as some of the other solutions do. InstalledSoftware.zip
  2. yeah, im probably up in the hundreds on those now.
  3. well since they only link to technet, and are a product of the springboard technet rollout (and dont exactly have the best reputation, though it is improving), i think it was spot on. And if the smiley at the end didnt help you to realize it was in jest, then i suppose you will miss sarcasm and hyperbole as well. Cheers and Regards
  4. What? because there is no related technet article I dont get any Windows Outreach help?
  5. I concur, now more wondering if there is any functionality attached to the GUI in R1, but since the hardware profiles are magic now I believe I am going to have to create one manually on svr03 and import those keys.......or make the R1 think its docked. If setting services to individual hardware profiles is a capability in R1, is this deprecated in R2? Or is just the GUI portion (on the log on tab) removed since there is not a likelihood of multiple hardware profiles existing on a server OS?
  6. So these keys are all the same on both my Server 2008 R1 and Server 2008 R2: HKLM\System\ControlSet001\Control\IDconfigDB\Hardware Profiles\* HKLM\System\ControlSet002\Control\IDconfigDB\Hardware Profiles\* HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\IDconfigDB\Hardware Profiles\* These contain an 'unknown' and an 'undocked' profile. The 'unknown' profile is not visible anywhere else on either build. On R1 I see the 'undocked' profile on the 'log on' tab of all service properties, on R2 the entire Hardware Profiles section of the 'log on' tab is missing (just a blank bottom half under the log on criteria). I have been reading that the whole Hardware Profiles thing is automated since Vista (and somewhat deprecated) now, just wondering if anyone can clarify if the behavior is anomalous, or just a hidden gem of jumping R1 to R2. I am sure its not an issue, just a discrepancy when comparing.... and it looks odd to see 'undocked' profiles on servers.
  7. Backup C: with NTbackup and then restore the contents of that backup on F:, yes. Backup your C: with NTbackup and have it then 'install windows' onto the F:,
  8. Maybe different results with the autoit variety of Scriptomatic this version of Scriptomatic?
  9. indeed Trip, Dont get me wrong, I spent months building a hardened XP image. Many roadblocks were overcome by letting Nlite accomplish the task, then working very much backwards with windiff/regshot to see what was altered. Then applying the effective changes manually to the Master Systems, then researching why it worked, then documenting. Seems if you let Nlite do all the work and push it out the door, more often than not your answer would be: Even if I were to ignore the EULA and authors wishes, with such a grand lack of documentation and dedicated support it would still not be a feasible solution for distribution.
  10. this is unnecessary (in that we use imagex in winPE and dont run this command), just make sure imagex.exe is actually there and make sure your apply command is syntactically correct. it would probably be easier to troubleshoot if you post your Startnet.cmd, unless of course you are just not committing your changes on unmount as the first reply suggested may be the case.
  11. 'unintended' and 'unattended' will bring two very different results in your search. if the network storage remains static, and since its only a handful of items. It might be easier to add just add the silent install commands for the individual exes to 'setupcomplete.cmd'.
  12. Awesome Yzowl, batches are your biatch i learn something everytime you post.
  13. to run "abcd_efgh.bat", "abcd_1.bat" would consist of: @echo off "abcd_efgh.bat" **That seems fairly straight forward, works without quotes, what error were you receiving that leads you to believe the underscores are the issue?
  14. then they should work fine from firstlogoncommands as myselfidem laid out: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc722150%28WS.10%29.aspx nm about that: used the top two entries in your file and they run fine under any context here. so I cant verify, but I have certainly read somewhere that when a limited user elevates for HKLM writes it can jack up HKCU writes, and a recommendation to split those operations. But I have been wronger before.
  15. Nope, playing with XP you are not going to achieve a hardware agnostic image. You will have to add drivers, but since you only have 5 systems, and they are all Dell, you will probably get away with adding a minimal set of drivers. Any search that involves keywords of "unattended , XP , drivers" will yield many results. imaging solution factors for me are: cost, ability to service the image, how the image will be deployed... and i misspoke, 'imagex' would be the solution whereas '.wim' would be the end product. This has limitations with XP that you should google for a good 30 minutes if you are leaning in its direction because of the $0.00 aspect.
  16. nLite is for personal use only, rule that out. learning the joys of sysprep is a good start. Next i would determine what imaging solution (wim, ghost, etc...), and what PE environment you would like to deploy from. There is plenty of help here.
  17. yes. you do have options to affect behavior for only the default admin, i.e. from GP:
  18. You can either copy all the functions from the include files into your script manually or let the compiler do it for you, thats all the magic that is happening. Include files work without path either from the include folder or relative to the script (though keeping them relative is not good practice if you plan to write more than one script). and exes are supposed to work standalone, it would be ridiculous and useless if everybody had to install autoit and download your specific include files (of which they would have no knowledge), in order to simply run the exe. http://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3/docs/keywords/include.htm
  19. if you have pintomenu.au3 (because that UDF does not come stock with autoit), just copy the contents of that file and paste it to the bottom of yours, then delete the include line. Unless that was the longest way ever to ask where to find This?
  20. make your startnet.cmd look something like this: wpeinit diskpart /s disks.txt - diskpart with a script file to partition imagex /apply payload.wim 1 c: -imagex apply c: drive, provided it is index 1 in the catalog. for our use, wpeinit kicks on plug and play, that is all.
  21. sorry thats the only kind of batch jobs i do the solution i use regularly is autoit + WINAPIEx, but many many others will beat this batch file with a stick. I am interested into why the batch fails on your system, as i didnt think reliability would be the concern so much as granularity. Is it an x64 difference/issue?
  22. yet use an OS that was released in late 2000 and chose a webmail client that wasnt available until mid 2004? and instead of posting any single specific issue and maybe details of the attachment size, contents, extension, and what browser version you are using, you drop a non-specific rant on the table? Though I would reach the same conclusion as getting rid of ME systems is good for the herd, like vaccinations
  23. if you're just trying to estimate anyway.... @echo off @SETLOCAL ENABLEEXTENSIONS @SETLOCAL ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION set dossier=C: for /f "tokens=7" %%? in ('fsutil volume diskfree %dossier%') do set raw=%%? & goto suite1 :suite1 set free=!raw:~0,-10! if %free% lss 200 echo "less than 200Gb (%free%GB estimated free)" if %free% gtr 200 echo "Greater than 200Gb (%free%GB estimated free)" pause exit
  24. or have setupcomplete consist of wpeinit installtcmd.bat i suppose first you would author installtcmd.bat that does this stuff with echoes and pauses so you can see whats going on, mount the wim and put that right next to setupcomplete.cmd.
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