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Everything posted by niknak
Hi. You forgot to mention that the other 97-2003 viewers cease around the same time (Oct - Dec 2009), So folk might want to grab Word and Excel as well.
Comos. This is due to USB in Win 95 still being developmental when it was released. There is no stop and eject for attached devices mainly because (I believe) it was seen mainly as away of connecting scanners and printers. So when a device is removed then re connected it crashes th USB plug and play recognition which still hasn't unloaded the first instance of the device. There are ways to work around this such as shutting down before removing the drive. I have found that the USB flash driver from http://toastytech.com/files/cruzerwin95.html works well and I can reconnect my drives with no problems. The inf file can be edited if your drives are not recognised. HTH
Hi Just being reading this thread Paragons NTFS for 98 is now listed as a free tool at:- http://www.paragon-software.com/downloads/..._downloads.html Find it at bottom of page. HTH
Hi Are you using ethernet or USB to connect the modem? Have you updated ME with any of the available patches? before installing the drivers. Have you installed a Firewall or AV software that may block installation or connection? You will need to uninstall the drivers via control panel > system or maybe via the install disk if it allows it before reinstalling. Is TCP/IP installed - ME may not install it as a default on some systems
WD do appear to support this HDD in W98SE go here http://support.wdc.com/download/index.asp?...=18&swid=38 or if that is not the one try http://wdc.custhelp.com/cgi-bin/wdc.cfg/ph...amp;p_redirect=&p_lva=&p_sp=cF9zcmNoPTEmcF9zb3J0X2J5PSZwX2dyaWRzb 3J0PSZwX3Jvd19jbnQ9MTcsMTcmcF9wcm9kcz0yMjgsMjA5LDIxMSZwX2NhdHM9MTIzJnBfcHY9My4yMTEmcF9jdj0xLjEyMyZwX 3NlYXJjaF90eXBlPWFuc3dlcnMuc2VhcmNoX2ZubCZwX3BhZ2U9MSZwX3NlYXJjaF90ZXh0PTk4U0U*&p_li=&p_topview=1 Sorry about the length of that link but it goes to their support page It appears there may also be a driver for W98 FE (Retail ver). Driver can be found here http://support.wdc.com/download/index.asp?...=18&swid=38 HTH
Windows 98SE 2GB RAM Out of memory when opening DOS command prompt
niknak replied to rfsapiens's topic in Windows 9x/ME
rfsapiens Welcome - I to had problems using 2GB RAM with 98SE. Even now I can only open 2 DOS boxes in 98SE. Every system seems to behave differently so be prepared to experiment. If you only need DOS install that only - it works well I used an old 8GB HDD and used the DOS files from Win 98SE. I found it best to install 98SE with only 512MB RAM installed adding all requires drivers - I used autopatcher to update the system. Then I added the extra RAM. Cutting a long story short I am using xmsdsk RAM drive 1310720MB in size. Virtual memory is OFF. AGP bios setting is 4MB this will depend on your video card as to what works. System.ini settings are [386Enh] Paging=off [vcache] MaxFileCache=32768 The vcache setting is the only one that allows me to have 2 DOS boxes. Win 98 is stable I have just read xrayer's HimemX page and will try that to see what happens -
jaclaz 1am may still need to enable the chipset with the inf for the motherboard bitter experience says for Dell machines download from Dell, as he is there he may as well download the other drivers for the laptop and O/S as Dell uses propriety parts and altered drivers where ever possible.
Compatible Hardware with Windows 9x
niknak replied to galahs's topic in Pinned Topics regarding 9x/ME
Awergh The 350MHz timing problem in Win 95x was only relevant to AMD CPU and yes MS and AMD have a patch for this. The next timing problem was at 2.1GHz and effected all CPU's as well as both Win 95x and Win 98FE there is a patch for Win 98 FE but not Win 95x as MS in there stupidity had already decided it was obsolete. Though I did see a thread here where someone was trying to patch 95 with the files from MS 98 patch. I can't recall if it worked (I don't think it would). 32GB was the limit for FAT32 in Win 95OSR2x personally I not tried to use a drive larger than 30GB for my Win 95 set up. Though I may now experiment and try it with a larger drive. HTH -
You may need to visit the Dell website to down load relevant drivers for the computer. If you use the service tag on the underside of the computer or from the bios, you can go here http://support.dell.com/support/topics/glo...l=en&s=hied - for US http://support.euro.dell.com/support/downloads/index.aspx - for europe It will give you the original spec of the system as well as relevant downloads usually by O/S. Due to the way they name the downloads sort them as you download them so you know what they are.
The Adobe site still supports win 9x They offer v5.0.5 for Win 95 though I use 5.1 happily which can be found with a quick Google. v6.0.1 for Win 98SE updatable with patches. Link is - http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/read...llversions.html - for full versions. For patches versions 6xx - 8xx current link is - http://www.adobe.com/support/downloads/pro...latform=Windows HTH
W98_Slip: genuine slipstreaming for windows 9x
niknak replied to glaurung's topic in Windows 9x Member Projects
Microsoft in their er "wisdom" did list the files that were in the CAB files on the Windows 98 SE CD, which might help those considering a large file replacement. The relevant Knowledge base documents are:- 238664 Windows 98 Second Edition CD-ROM Directory List 1 238666 Windows 98 Second Edition CD-ROM Directory List 2 238668 Windows 98 Second Edition CD-ROM Directory List 3 238728 Windows 98 Second Edition CD-ROM Directory List 4 238729 Windows 98 Second Edition CD-ROM Directory List 5 238730 Windows 98 Second Edition CD-ROM Directory List 6 238749 Windows 98 Second Edition CD-ROM Directory List 7 238767 Windows 98 Second Edition CD-ROM Directory List 8 238771 Windows 98 Second Edition CD-ROM Directory List 9 238775 Windows 98 Second Edition CD-ROM Directory List 10 238809 Windows 98 Second Edition CD-ROM Directory List 11 238811 Windows 98 Second Edition CD-ROM Directory List 12 238813 Windows 98 Second Edition CD-ROM Directory List 13 239011 Windows 98 Second Edition CD-ROM Directory List 14 If there is a typo - one document did lead to another. Hope this is of use to someone. -
Win95 C (ver2.5): Is there a Universal USB-Driver for Win95 like the N
niknak replied to BPoller's topic in Windows 9x/ME
If you use the one from cruzer win though it sees a lot of devices, you may need to know the PID & VID details of the device you wish to connect, to check if the device has been included & to modify the inf file if they havn't. I used an XP system for that (system manager, click on USB devices to expand them, right click your new device, properties, detail tab. I did a cut and paste to notepad so I knew I had all the detail and it was transferable to w95) and followed the layout of the pre existing entries. I saved my modified files to a floppy which I used as the driver disk, and now I can use various flash drives from 512MB to 8GB as well as a USB HDD and a USB card reader with no problems on a Win 95 OSR2 machine which has been updated with all the fixes on MDGx site. Niknak -
Auto-Patcher For Windows 98se (English)
niknak replied to soporific's topic in Windows 9x Member Projects
Drugwash - Thanks for that tip for the Award bios, I always thought the bios had a lack of settings. I have found the AGP aperture size setting now. Soporific - Setting the AGP aperture size to 4MB (lowest setting). This made no difference to the problem. -
Having just installed this patch to try to solve another problem, my system which has 2GB RAM and having remarked out all vcache entries in the system.ini file rebooted just fine (except for the original problem ) and system said it saw 1022MB RAM which is just dandy
Auto-Patcher For Windows 98se (English)
niknak replied to soporific's topic in Windows 9x Member Projects
Hi Soporific The Vcache fix did not solve my problem. Still locked out of the DOS box(es). Interestingly with all vcache settings remarked out in system.ini when booted the system was using 1022MB RAM and appeared OK except for the DOS box problem. Re PM My bios does not have the common references to the the video card. AGP overclock setting is the only one and that is at default. I also checked the manual and it only mentions the AGP overclock setting. This problem is somewhat galling. I will wait for the new version of AP the try it on a clean install but literally a section at a time. -
Auto-Patcher For Windows 98se (English)
niknak replied to soporific's topic in Windows 9x Member Projects
Soporific You have PM The error message is a Standard click through Windows one. File is referred to is start_me. DOS box has no message in it just hangs. Also can't use DOS box from start menu gives a similar message insufficient memory. Rest of windows seems to work OK so far Tried various vcache settings in the system.ini file with no effect so far. I will try the out of memory fix next. -
Auto-Patcher For Windows 98se (English)
niknak replied to soporific's topic in Windows 9x Member Projects
Drugwash Its homemade Just over three years old P4. Gigabyte 8IG1000. 2GB RAM. LG CDDVD. FDD. Int USB2 Hub. Int Multislots drive bay. Iomega zip 250. Lian li case. Tagan 480W PSU. Gainward FX5900XT AGP card Hardrive in mobile rack (Maxtor 120GB) Works well with XP and W2k. Worked well to start with under Win 98 SE got worse with the install of AP only thing on the install was the chipset drivers and NUSB 3.3 Vid card Win 98 drivers can be tempermental but thats for another thread (Drivers not installed until final lockout from AP) AP is totally locked. Rest of the O/S seems normal, the error message is similar to a vcache problem. So I will change the system.ini settings to see if that makes a difference later today. Soporific No, only AP freezes once you say yes on error box rest of the system is accessible. Prior to the last OLEUP fix a reboot made AP accessible again. Will up rest later I need to get some rest and there on another hard drive. Though config and autoexec are default only changes are in system.ini those were minimal to get win98se to work. Again I will adjust vcache settings to see if that makes a difference. Thanks for prompt response. -
Auto-Patcher For Windows 98se (English)
niknak replied to soporific's topic in Windows 9x Member Projects
Hi Saporific Just used the Oct 2007 release to update a clean install on a P4 2GB RAM (edited System.ini to 512MB RAM) Everything worked fine until the Media Player Module. Then on the installation of KB920670 received an out of memory error and had to reboot the computer. Edited your batch file for the module to get round the problem (remarked the relevant lines out) Then got the same problem for KB923689 and KB936782. Had to edit lines out of the batch file after restarting computer to move on. Then in Critical Security Update Module both OLEDBUp and KB926247 caused the same out of memory error as did OLEUP in the Critical and Recommended System Updates Module Now I can't start AP to continue installation (Gives the same out of memory error message). I havn't got to RP7 so its not that, unless its due to a fix in that last module prior to the OLEUP. Any Ideas as to whats going on?? and more importantly how to get it to work again?? -
To go back to the original question. My answer is to forget NT4, reasons Sets up a 2GB partition which is to small for home use but fine in an business environment where everything is fixed. I know it can be stretched to 4GB but its still not large enough for today's applications. To patch it is a nightmare even using the service packs and Qchain. It was still very buggy even when it was made obsolete by MS. If you like playing with the OS try Win98SE and use this forum to update it as MS won't support it. If you can get it go for Win 2000 SP4 its at least stable and is easily patched (well up to Jan 08 anyway when it to is to be made obsolete) if you want to share the system. Otherwise its XP as MS will support it for 2 -3 years more. Its down to what you want to do with your computer and the age of the applications you want to use.
Last Versions of Software for Windows 98SE
niknak replied to galahs's topic in Pinned Topics regarding 9x/ME
Does anyone know what the last definitions update was that supported FAT for McAfee VirusScan Corporate 4.5.1 SP1? As it is no longer supported, or should that be the last scan engine to support FAT. -
Maximus-Decim Native USB Drivers
niknak replied to maximus-decim's topic in Windows 9x Member Projects
Eidenk I wish. Win 95 Retail FAT16 2GB same for NT4 Win 95 OSR2x FAT32 32GB Win 98 Retail FAT32 64GB Win 98 SE FAT32 127GB Win ME FAT32 127GB (I assume, I never used it) Win 2000 FAT32 32GB create only Can mount larger partitions Win XP FAT32 32GB create only Can mount larger partitions see other comments above Theoretical limit 2TB and MS only got to 127GB (I know, this was also the limit of the disk tools) still I don't think they really tried. BenoitRen USB HD drivers are different, but we were talking retro fitting in W95OSR2 and how to get it to work. MD's files can't be used there. Thanks Galahs for your information (I will try a fresh W98SE install this weekend and see if I can get it to work) and the link to swissknife - I had not heard off it. -
Maximus-Decim Native USB Drivers
niknak replied to maximus-decim's topic in Windows 9x Member Projects
BenoitRen My USB 500GB HDD is not seen in W95 in fact it won't see a 40GB, I think it is due to 32GB size limit imposed in Win 95. I use a GWC - USB to IDE converter with the above driver (http://www.gwctech.com/ebproductdetail.asp?id=20) This allows me to use a 30GB HD as a mass storage device with no problems . This is an improvement on my 8GB HD bios limit . The supplied GWC drivers allow a 120GB drive to be seen in W98SE on my version which is now 3 years old, I have yet to try the new drivers that are available to see if that has been improved. This is unlikely, as an unmodified W2000 is limited to 137GB but if the reg is patched it will happily see the larger harddrives with the converter without the installation of additional drivers. (My Win98SE does not like NUSB drivers by MD) Anyone got a 750GB HD driver for windows 95???? -
Windows 2000 is a good OS. I have run it on a 266 pentium without problems and it runs on the latest and greatest. The only reason it runs slow is the usual build up of c**p that builds up from explorer. MS say they will cease support in Jan 08 so get while you can and grab all related downloads before Christmas.
Maximus-Decim Native USB Drivers
niknak replied to maximus-decim's topic in Windows 9x Member Projects
BenoitRen There are already generic drivers for Win 95 OSR2x See this link http://toastytech.com/files/cruzerwin95.html You will need to know the PID & VID details of the device you wish to connect, to check if the device has been included & to modify the inf file if they havn't. I used an XP system for that (system manager, click on USB devices to expand them, right click your new device, properties, detail tab. I did a cut and paste to notepad so I knew I had all the detail and it was transferable to w95) I saved my modified files to a floppy which I used as the driver disk, and now I can use various flash drives from 512MB to 8GB with no problems on a Win 95 OSR2 machine which has been updated with all the fixes on MDGx site. This machine is stable and has not let me down in the last 6 years this mod was added 6 months ago. -
With regards to Office 2000, Produkey only finds the Product ID not the install key. Going further, when you update Office 2000 either with a patch or via Office update you always have to insert the Office 2000 CD. This suggests to me that the Product ID is being decoded back to a code present on the CD and maybe to another registry entry. Hope this maybe useful. This system is Win 2k with Office 2k Pro