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Everything posted by Jotnar

  1. What are the "usual two text lines for recognition of a generic disk drive?" Some here might know but I don't.
  2. Advanced Installer Get it here: http://www.advancedinstaller.com/ Cheers
  3. Jotnar


    MBRFix.exe has been updated. v1.3.0.0 changelog Get it here: http://www.sysint.no/Download/tabid/162/la...US/Default.aspx Cheers
  4. Jotnar


    You can use bootsect.exe (on the vista install disc and maybe the WAIK) to generate the mbr boot code. Just remember to pass it the right switch depending on which os you're booting (xp,2003 or Vista,2008). Cheers
  5. One or two versions back they (the syslinux developers) rewrote the chain.c32 module. Thats probably why UBCD had one that didn't work (the older one).
  6. As an aside, syslinux now includes the Hardware Detection Tool, a module created just for the job of retrieveing hardware information. http://syslinux.zytor.com/wiki/index.php/H...Detection_Tool) Cheers
  7. It still just cleans the first part of the disk so the size of the hard disk doesn't matter. Cheers
  8. You can try to open it with 7zip. If you can, then its cpio, if not then try to see if you can open it with WinImage which can open ext2 filesystem images. You'll have to extract it from the gzip first though. I use Knoppix to edit the initrd files and during extraction I'll sometime see stuff like that if I forget to use sudo. Check that you have the appropriate permissions. I use Notepad++ since it handles the UNIX/Windows CR/LF stuff correctly. If what you're trying to integrate is using ISOLinux to boot you should be able to look in the isolinux.cfg at the default entry and find the 'kernel='and 'initrd=' entries. What ever it equals will be what you need. For the Seagate stuff, the easiest way to get the needed files is to go to c:\common files\seagate\maxblast (might be maxtor\maxblast) on the machine you installed it on and grab the kernel.dat and ramdisk.dat files. This is the config line I use on my disc (discwizard, but the same for maxblast): For Offline NT Password & Registry Editor, download the iso version and extract the files to a folder. Look at its isolinux.cfg file and you can figure out what needs to go where. Here's mine for reference: You might try putting PartedMagic on there instead of the GParted Live CD. Its far easier. Just grab the PXE version of PartedMagic for use on your disc. You can get it here: http://partedmagic.com Cheers
  9. They're the only OEM so far that has been offering the Feature Pack for Wireless for download from their website. If you extract osv025ww.exe with 7zip or similar, you get the two updates. Windows6.0-KB942567-x86.msu Windows6.0-KB942567-x64.msu Cheers
  10. The system profile hive (NTUSER.DAT) in WinPE 2.0/2.1 is located @ \Windows\system32\config\systemprofile inside the WIM. If you change the settings inside that hive it should work. Cheers
  11. I think I found this in this forum some time ago. It will change the CD-ROM drive to Z:. echo list volume > X:\ListCD.txt FOR /F "tokens=2,4" %%i IN ('diskpart /s X:\ListCD.txt') DO @IF /I %%j == AdminToolki SET CDROMVOL=%%i IF DEFINED CDROMVOL echo select volume %CDROMVOL% > X:\ChangeCD.txt IF DEFINED CDROMVOL echo assign letter=z: >> X:\ChangeCD.txt IF DEFINED CDROMVOL diskpart /s X:\ChangeCD.txt You'll need to change "AdminToolki" to whatever the volume name of your disc is keeping in mind that diskpart will only see the first 11 characters. That way both C: and D: should be free. If you place it in a batch file in one of the autorun locations you mentioned it should be automatic. Cheers
  12. It all depends on the linux distro though most use ISOLinux to do the boot menu. Which one did you want to use?
  13. @kof94 You can boot WinPE v2.x from ISOLinux. Extract the boot sector and boot that from ISOLinux while having BOOTMGR on the root of your disc and the BOOT folder there too. If you don't change the BCD file then you need to have the wim file in a folder called SOURCES that exists on the root of the disc. I changed BCD to point to a wim in the BOOT folder to cut down on the number of folders in my root but it works fine either way. If you want to have a BOOTMGR menu with the correct labels you'll need to use the BOOTMGR file from pre-SP1 VISTA or pre WinPE 2.0. The boot process for VISTA\2008\PE2.X can be summed up like this: BOOTSECTOR -> BOOTMGR -> BOOT\BCD -> SOURCES\BOOT.WIM. @killr I think the only difference between the two different Ophcrack discs is the tables. So if you copy all the tables into one of the folders it should find both the Vista and the XP ones. Then you only need to multiboot two discs. Cheers
  14. Try booting it without the "quiet" and "splash" options. (Hit tab at the boot screen when the boot option is selected and then delete them from the options line). That may give more of a hint at where its failing. Cheers
  15. It's slightly redundant as it introduces two boot menus, but you can use ISOLinux to boot both DaRT 5 (as a normal windows cd boot) and DaRT 6 (as a BOOTMGR based vista cd boot). You might be able to configure BOOTMGR to autoboot to DaRT 6 though which would save you having to select it in BOOTMGR. Cheers
  16. @midz Try this one: mkisofs -J -joliet-long -no-iso-translate -N -V mb12 -b boot/isolinux/isolinux.bin -iso-level 4 -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -o mb12.iso \mb @Jetman I have all my linux live-cds booting from a directory called LINUX on the root of my dvd so I know you can put them in directories other than the default . The SLAX (5/6) based ones where easy to do since the from= boot parameter tells it where to look for the LIVECD.SGN file first. Otherwise it'll search the whole disc and will try to boot from the directory it finds that file in first, which can end up being the wrong one if you have mutiple SLAX based distros on your disc like I do (SLAX 5 / SLAX 6 / ZenWalk 5 / Backtrack 3). Cheers
  17. Add from=/bt3 to your isolinux append line. Make sure you have livecd.sgn in the bt3 folder. Cheers Here's some tips for multibooting other distros:
  18. I replaced the BOOTMGR file on my multiboot cd with one from a pre SP1 vista install disc and it showed the correct entries! It seems to boot both my PE 2.1 x86 and x64 images ok. Thanks for the tip on where to look. I don't know what the equivalent file is on an installed Vista system but my guess is that that file is the problem child. Cheers
  19. I was trying to build on Windows XP Professional SP2. Its just a slightly nagging problem for me since I can remember the first option is x86 and the second option is x64, but still, you'd think this would be something that would just work. Cheers ** of course, come to think of it, I was using the WAIK 1.1 along with the associated tools and v1.1 are the Vista SP1 / Server 2008 versions. Maybe if I tried to use bcdedit.exe from v1.0 of the WAIK (pre-Vista SP1) it would work. I'll give it a shot tomorrow and let you know.
  20. Here's some updated instructions: Cheers
  21. I'm having the same issue. From the looks of it every thing should be fine, but I just get two "Ramdisk options" on the boot menu. Anyone have any ideas? Cheers
  22. Here's my mkisofs command line (on windows though): mkisofs -J -N -joliet-long -no-iso-translate -duplicates-once -iso-level-4 -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -hide boot.catalog -hide-joliet boot.catalog -hide isolinux.bin -hide-joliet isolinux.bin -b ISOLINUX/isolinux.bin -V "AdminToolkit" -o "D:\AdminToolkit61_dvd.iso" "D:\AdminToolkit_dvd" This works fine with everything I've thrown at it, be it Windows, Linux, or DOS. The only exception is that -iso-level-4 does something strange with MSCDEX where you need to have all of your DOS files capitalized in order to use them (or even read them) when booted from the disc. SHSUCDX does not have this issue (or so I've been told, I haven't had time to mess around with it). Cheers
  23. http://www.911cd.net/forums//index.php?sho...st&p=141408 Cheers
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