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Everything posted by Bilou_Gateux

  1. Previous script based from an original script by Yzöwl for converting manufacturer string into hex with batch script, ask Yzöwl batch expert. If you use vbs or wsh, you could not run the script @T39
  2. credits: AppDeploy.com Install source is a Virtual CD mounted ISO image and content can't be altered or new abccopy.ini file added. I'm using this command line: msiexec /i "D:\Adobe Photoshop Elements\Adobe Photoshop Elements 4.0 (fr_fr).msi" USERNAME="ÿ" COMPANYNAME="ÿ" ENCSERIALNUMBER="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" /qr /norestart Open Command Prompt to kill last Install Wizard windows taskkill /f /im msiexec.exe Apply some tweaks :// avoid users being prompted to look for updates reg add "HKLM\Software\Adobe\Updater" /v Entreprise /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f :// disable the Adobe Photo Downloader reg add "HKLM\Software\Adobe\Photoshop elements\4.0\Adobe Photo Downloader\Preferences" /v AutoLaunchOnDeviceConnect /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f :// registration done reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{EBB7C1C1-D439-4D9B-9FDC-954C10F266B0}" /v "EPIC_REGS_TYPE" /t REG_DWORD /d 4 /f reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{EBB7C1C1-D439-4D9B-9FDC-954C10F266B0}" /v "EPIC_REGS_STATE" /t REG_DWORD /d 2 /f reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{EBB7C1C1-D439-4D9B-9FDC-954C10F266B0}" /v "EPIC_REGS_LANG" /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{EBB7C1C1-D439-4D9B-9FDC-954C10F266B0}" /v "EPIC_REGS_COUNT" /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /t Note: export the data value ENCSERIALNUMBER from registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{EBB7C1C1-D439-4D9B-9FDC-954C10F266B0} "EPIC_SERIAL"="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" How to detect end of Install Wizard unattended to kill msiexec?
  3. From Windows XP Embedded documentation: At T13, we're using the System account
  4. Actually, i'm using a third-party tool to rename my HP branded computers using a Prepend string HP-followed by SerialNumber. zcnclite.exe /wmi:"Win32_BIOS,SerialNumber" /sn:"HP-" /q /forcerun With your code, i will use this command: <path>NirCmd.exe script <path>fbreseal.ncl fbreseal.ncl execmd for /f %i in ('wmic SystemEnclosure get SerialNumber') do wmic.exe ComputerSystem Where Name="%ComputerName%" Rename Name="HP-%i" regsetval sz "HKLM\SOFTWARE\HP\Image" "" "HP Preinstalled Image"
  5. Yes i've launched Getsys.exe @T39. Here the output: As you can see, @T39 we don't get full infos about PCI PnP Devices because they're not yet installed.
  6. Microsoft® Windows® Malicious Software Removal Tool (KB890830) Brief Description This tool checks your computer for infection by specific, prevalent malicious software (including Blaster, Sasser, and Mydoom) and helps to remove the infection if it is found. Microsoft will release an updated version of this tool on the second Tuesday of each month.
  7. We can use another command line tool call GetSys.exe, which is part of 'Mitec System Information Component Suite'. ReadMe.txt You can get it by downloading the full package, extract and grab the exe in \Apps\GetSys folder.
  8. @Bezalel Not tried yet your scripts but: shouldn't be %SystemDrive%\System32 replaced with %SystemRoot%\System32 in both batch scripts. I would like to switch oembios* files @T39 using SMBios Details to identify System Manufacturer. Actually i can output SMBios Details using a HP tool (HPQSI.EXE) launched with a batch script (OCA_MRK.CMD) @T39 but i haven't yet written the script to parse the output and copy the right OEMBIOS* files depending of the manufacturer. ristndrd.sif sample HPQSI.INI
  9. Bilou_Gateux

    W2k vs Xp

    My 2 cents to solve this issue: explorer.inf cmdlines.txt [Commands] "rundll32 setupapi,InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall 128 .\explorer.INF"
  10. SVCPACK method: \i386\svcpack.inf \i386\SVCPACK folder nircmd.exe wups2.cab (link is on post #1) optional: ~$sys.windir$\temp\wups2.log creates a log file.
  11. You can check the output of this command using devcon tool: devcon drivernode =Display You will need some batch script expertise to write a full script. sample output on a box with driver already installed.
  12. I will use it for RIS deployment. post #103
  13. Thanks for the program. it is interesting and give me another option to play with. Already running 2K3SP1 Web Edition on my laptop and forget about all these annoying useless XP Features (Movie Maker, System Restore, Security Center, and a lot more) only tailored for newbies. [EDIT] 2K3 Web Edition is only available as Corporate licence and don't know exactly what will happen if i apply your conversion pack on running install? [/EDIT]
  14. @Markymoo Congratulations for this fine tutorial. Step 1: done! One Olympus MAUSB-300 Portable Reader / Writer with one xD-Picture Card™ inserted is now seen as a basic disk in Disk Management console (diskmgmt.msc). Some input: you can change the string in CFADISK.INF to reflect the exact name of your hardware The 256 Mb xD-Picture Card was previously formated with WinPE 2K3 SP1 OPK CD formatufd.exe tool. One single partition. Step 2: Done but factory.exe fails to initialize NIC. Boot PE from Hard Drive The same image works fine when booted from Hard Drive. I must retrieve some posts from this board and www.911cd.net/forums board users who have the same issues. Step 3: not enough time to achieve this because i should deliver the writer/reader to my customer soon. Boot Windows XP Embedded w/SP1 from this UFD. Request to all members: if someone as already done this with one SanDisk MobileMate™ Reader , please report your eXPerience. i would like to buy one to play with it and SanDisk Extreme® III SD™ Cards it should probably works because it can be done with Puppy Linux distro.
  15. The latest available http://www.g6ftpserver.com version 3.7.x.x use the standard InnoSetup switch to install silently: ftpdsetup /verysilent but can we use a response file with InnoSetup to configure some settings and disable automatic launch of Gene6 FTP Server administrator at end of install.
  16. Re-read your 1st post and as i understand now, the answer i give to you is not exactly what you were looking for? check this URL which may answer your needs: http://grid-it.cnaf.infn.it/index.php?pxefloppy&type=1 Here the method to use an image of universal TCP/IP network boot disk and boot from PXE [F12] and load the image. It requires a Configured DHCP Server and a TFTP Daemon running on a server. http://pxes.sourceforge.net/howtos/ms_only_environment/ On our labs, we're using a Windows Server 2003 Web Edition box but you can use a Windows XP Pro box with tftpd32 freeware. Obtain pxelinux.0 and memdisk from http://syslinux.zytor.com/pxe.php Create /tftpboot Put pxelinux.0 and memdisk in /tftpboot Create /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/default Here's mine PROMPT 1 DEFAULT ghost DISPLAY messages TIMEOUT 100 label local LOCALBOOT 0 label ghost KERNEL memdisk keeppxe APPEND initrd=netboot.img Create an image netboot.img of your network book floppy you want to boot from and put in /tftpboot Create /tftpboot/messages to show a message on the screen at boot time Hopefully your clients will get an IP, get and boot pxelinux.0, show messages, boot the default or selected image
  17. Universal TCP/IP Network Bootdisk for M$ Networks + PXELINUX
  18. Using *much better* alternative TFTP service method, i have one timeout issue. In fact, TFTPD.exe (Microsoft Trivial FTP Daemon) service included in the "Windows XP Embedded Remote Boot Server.msi" installer is exactly the same as the one you can extract from i386 source and manually configure. Does Microsoft Windows XP TFTPD fully implements all RFC? tftpd -? the timeout issue when downloading image from Boot Server to local host is due to slow performance on some parts of my LAN. I have the same issue using the very basic tftp.exe command line client shipped with XP trying to get a file from server. It's not related to your method which works fine using a commercial product: WinAgents TFTP Server: Fast and secure TFTP Server workking as native Windows Service. WinAgents Software Group has developed freeware replacement for standard TFTP client application that supports all necessary features: 'tsize', 'blocksize' and 'timeout' TFTP options. Unattended Setup
  19. If you set the disk RAMDisk size to maximum 32 Mb with the evaluation version, you will not have any message box. If you copy an 7zip archive to the RAMDisk, there is no need to compress it because you will not gain a lot of space using NTFS compression on an .7z archive. If your 7z archive is larger than 32 Mb and you need to set a larger size for the ramdisk, you can't use the evaluation version and avoid message box. As i understand, what you want to do is extracting the .7z to RAMDisk and then launching setup from RAMDisk?
  20. That's what we're presuming. Thanks for confirming. ws03sp1 is a lot easier to update than wxp. Stickied topic updated with details.
  21. Still waiting for Microsoft for updating http://v4.windowsupdate.microsoft.com/catalog/en/ 2 critical Updates are missing from them. Here the list for important updates
  22. If you choose to use my posted method1 (install @T12 cmdlines.txt), you don't need to alter install files like Gosh method. My method2 was the same but ramdisk was installed earlier during the setup (install @T39 DetachedProgram in WINNT.SIF). I have an issue when installing it @T39. at end of GUI mode setup, QSoft RAMDisk (not digitally signed) is replaced by Microsoft RAMDisk (authenticode signed) by WFP because both use the same service name: HKLM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Ramdisk
  23. Welcome back. It's a long time since your last post. Thanks for this info. i will check my latest attempt to burn an uACD with added massstorage device drivers. The installation goes fine when launched from a RIS server and fails miserabily when launched from uACD with the same MSD. Adding MSD in txtsetup.sif and makecab the .sys binary in i386 folder solves the issue on uACD.
  24. Editing ramdiskpro.inf and removed semicolon in below ;obsolete and set data values i.e.: I have also changed "Format" to NTFS and enable "DiskCompression". Disk Size set to 0x1000000 = 16777216 (16 Mb in decimal notation).
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