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Everything posted by Bilou_Gateux

  1. Windows Embedded Point of Service
  2. Thanks to Yzöwl code posted here, i have rewritten a - little - much cleaner script: @Echo off&Setlocal enableextensions ::############################## ::# ::# REQUIRED External Utility ::# ::# http://barnyard.syr.edu/~vefatica/ ::# SET ExtUtilFName=setenv.exe SET ExtUtilDesc="set environment variables" ::# ::############################## set vn= set dl= set vlabel= :Variables @Rem ------------------------------------------- @Rem ! Variables @Rem ! You may edit or pass-in vlabel @Rem ------------------------------------------- Set vlabel=%~1 IF "%~1"=="" (Set vlabel=RamDisk) call :__00000409 Set L-Name=%0 ::# http://support.microsoft.com/kb/246011/en-us ::# currently installed MUI languages: HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Nls\MUILanguages ::# GetUserDefaultUILanguage For /F "skip=1 delims= tokens=3" %%a in ('REG QUERY "HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop" /v MultiUILanguageId ^2^> Nul') Do call :__%%a :__DL For /f %%# In ('Mountvol^|Findstr [d-z]:\\') Do ( Fsutil fsinfo drivetype %%#|Find /V "CD-ROM">Nul&&(Set "DL=%%~d#")&&call :__VN) goto :eof :__VN For /f "tokens=2 delims=:" %%? in ('fsutil fsinfo volumeinfo %dl%^|Find /i %v%') Do ( (Set "VN=%%?")&&call :__VV) goto :eof :__VV for %%? in (%VN%) do (set VN=%%?) rem (echo/%DL% "%VN%") if "%vn%"=="%vlabel%" call :__found rem set vn= goto :eof :__found call :__checkExtUtils ::# set volative environment variable RamDisk If Not Defined EU Goto :__checkExtUtilsError (echo/%ExtUtilFName% -v %vn% %dl%) %EU% -v %vn% %dl% set vn= set dl= set vlabel= ) goto :eof ::############################## ::# ::# functions ::# :__0000040c set desc="Gestion du volume" set v="Nom du Volume" set f="Lecteur fixe" set c="Lecteur de CD-ROM" goto :eof :__00000409 set desc="Volume management" set v="Volume Name" set f="Fixed Drive" set c="CD-ROM Drive" goto :eof :__checkExtUtils For /f "tokens=*" %%# in ('dir /a /s /b %~d0\%ExtUtilFName% ^2^> Nul') Do ( (Set "EU=%%~fs#")&&%%~fs# -u Temp >nul 2>&1 || goto __checkExtUtilsError ) goto :eof :__checkExtUtilsError echo Some of the external utilities are not accessible. goto :eof ::# ::# functions end ::# ::############################## I would like to avoid to set %v% variable dependent of MUI language set. Currently, there is support only for only 0409=ENU and 040C=FRA and clean even more the code.
  3. [Request] I'm searching OEMBIOS.* SLP set for Fujitsu Siemens Computers - OS: Windows XP Professional x64 Edition and Fujitsu Siemens Computers SLP Product Key. This OS is preinstalled on some CELSIUS Workstations from Fujitsu Siemens Computers. If a European Community (EC) msfn member have a FSC recovery CD, you can send me a PM or reply below.
  4. <CD_ROOT>\$OEM$\CMDLINES.TXT [Commands] "muiinst\muisetup.exe /i 040c /d 040c /r /s" <CD_ROOT>\I386\WINNT.SIF [OemInfFiles] OemDriverFlags=1 OemDriverPathName="%SystemRoot%\OemDir" OemInfName="oemscs02.inf","oemscs01.inf" [Data] Autopartition = 0 MsDosInitiated = 0 UnattendedInstall = Yes OemDrivers=OemInfFiles [Unattended] NtUpgrade = No UnattendMode = FullUnattended UnattendSwitch = Yes OemPreinstall = Yes OemSkipEula = Yes FileSystem = * WaitForReboot = No NoWaitAfterTextMode = 1 NoWaitAfterGUIMode = 1 DriverSigningPolicy = Ignore NonDriverSigningPolicy = Ignore Hibernation = No TargetPath=\WINDOWS ;OemPnPDriversPath = "WINDOWS\OEMDIR" ;OemFilesPath="..\$OEM$" FactoryMode="Yes" [GuiUnattended] AutoLogon = Yes EncryptedAdminPassword = No AdminPassword = * TimeZone = 105 OEMSkipRegional = 1 OemSkipWelcome = 1 DetachedProgram= [SetupParams] UserExecute="cmd /c %SystemDrive%\sysprep\regopts.cmd" [Shell] DefaultThemesOff = Yes [UserData] ProductKey=XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX ComputerName = "WINXP01" FullName = "Preinstall" OrgName = "OEM" [RegionalSettings] ;http://www.kbalertz.com/kb_Q325856.aspx Language=040c LanguageGroup=1 SystemLocale=0000040c UserLocale=0000040c InputLocale=040c:0000040c UserLocale_DefaultUser=0000040c InputLocale_DefaultUser=040c:0000040c [Networking] InstallDefaultComponents = Yes [WindowsFirewall] Profiles = WindowsFirewall.TurnOffFirewall [WindowsFirewall.TurnOffFirewall] Mode = 0 [Identification] JoinWorkgroup = workgroup [SystemFileProtection] SFCQuota=1 [GuiRunOnce] ;http://support.microsoft.com/kb/313827/en-us "%systemroot%\PCHealth\HelpCtr\Binaries\HelpSvc /MUI_install 040c %systemroot%\PCHealth\MUI\040c\pchdt_w3.cab" <CD_ROOT>\$OEM$\$1\SYSPREP\REGOPTS.CMD rundll32.exe shell32,Control_RunDLL intl.cpl,,/f:"%systemdrive%\sysprep\regopts.txt" <CD_ROOT>\$OEM$\$1\SYSPREP\REGOPTS.TXT [RegionalSettings] Language=040c LanguageGroup=1 SystemLocale=0000040c UserLocale=0000040c InputLocale=040c:0000040c UserLocale_DefaultUser=0000040c InputLocale_DefaultUser=040c:0000040c MUI install files are located: <CD_ROOT>\$OEM$\MUIINST
  5. ::#1 PatternFileDate "24010F0000000000" reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Intel\LANDesk\VirusProtect6\CurrentVersion" /v "NoWarnPattern" /t REG_BINARY /d "24010F0000000000" /f ::#2 setup.exe /S /V"/qn RUNLIVEUPDATE=0 RUNSCAN=0 REBOOT=ReallySuppress" Symantec-AntiVirus-Corporate-Edition-1000359 PatternFileDate
  6. Found interesting infos about: Adobe Creative Suite 3 and Creative Suite 3 components install Bonjour (Windows) and an How To for removing it. Before launching the AutoIt script for final tasks i run this cmd script: ping -n 2 >NUL net stop "bonjour service" ping -n 2 >NUL "%ProgramFiles%\Bonjour\mDNSResponder.exe" -remove ping -n 2 >NUL rd /q /s "%ProgramFiles%\Bonjour" reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Apple Computer, Inc." /f ping -n 2 >NUL :: Registration settings expand -r CACHE.DB_ "%CommonProgramFiles%\adobe\adobe pcd\cache" :: lines above won't work as expected ::IF not exist "%AllUsersProfile%\Application Data\FLEXnet" md "%AllUsersProfile%\Application Data\FLEXnet" ::expand -r ADOBE_00080000_TSF.DA_ "%AllUsersProfile%\Application Data\FLEXnet" cache.db_ is a previously backuped registration file and compressed. As described in post #30 by Radix. and removed no longer used lines in AutoIt script:
  7. @Radix Thanks for your help. AutoIt3 script OK Except the last windows called Enregistrement: It seems AutoIt script is unable to execute one of these commands: WinWait("Adobe InDesign CS3", "Enregistrement") WinActivate("Adobe InDesign CS3", "Enregistrement") Opt("TrayIconDebug", 1) Opt("SendKeyDelay", 200) ; Serial numbers $SN1 = "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX" $SN2 = "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX" ; Run Adobe InDesign CS3 Run(@ProgramFilesDir & "\Adobe\Adobe InDesign CS3\InDesign.exe") ; Installation du logiciel WinWait("Adobe InDesign CS3 : Installation", "Installation du logiciel") ; Remove "-" from the first serial number $SERIALNUMBER1 = StringReplace($SN1, "-", "") $COD1 = StringMid($SERIALNUMBER1, 1, 4) $COD2 = StringMid($SERIALNUMBER1, 5, 4) $COD3 = StringMid($SERIALNUMBER1, 9, 4) $COD4 = StringMid($SERIALNUMBER1, 13, 4) $COD5 = StringMid($SERIALNUMBER1, 17, 4) $COD6 = StringMid($SERIALNUMBER1, 21, 4) ; Installation du logiciel WinActivate("Adobe InDesign CS3 : Installation", "Installation du logiciel") ControlSetText("Adobe InDesign CS3 : Installation", "", "Edit1", "") Sleep(500) ControlSetText("Adobe InDesign CS3 : Installation", "", "Edit1", $COD1) ControlSetText("Adobe InDesign CS3 : Installation", "", "Edit2", "") Sleep(500) ControlSetText("Adobe InDesign CS3 : Installation", "", "Edit2", $COD2) ControlSetText("Adobe InDesign CS3 : Installation", "", "Edit3", "") Sleep(500) ControlSetText("Adobe InDesign CS3 : Installation", "", "Edit3", $COD3) ControlSetText("Adobe InDesign CS3 : Installation", "", "Edit4", "") Sleep(500) ControlSetText("Adobe InDesign CS3 : Installation", "", "Edit4", $COD4) ControlSetText("Adobe InDesign CS3 : Installation", "", "Edit5", "") Sleep(500) ControlSetText("Adobe InDesign CS3 : Installation", "", "Edit5", $COD5) ControlSetText("Adobe InDesign CS3 : Installation", "", "Edit6", "") Sleep(500) ControlSetText("Adobe InDesign CS3 : Installation", "", "Edit6", $COD6) ;ControlClick("Adobe InDesign CS3 : Installation", "", "Button8") ;===================================================================================== Send("!s") ;===================================================================================== ; Vérification de mise à niveau WinWait("Adobe InDesign CS3 : Vérification de mise à niveau", "Vérification de mise à niveau") WinActivate("Adobe InDesign CS3 : Vérification de mise à niveau", "Vérification de mise à niveau") ControlCommand("Adobe InDesign CS3 : Vérification de mise à niveau", "", "ComboBox1", "ShowDropDown", "") Send("{TAB}") Send("{DOWN}") Send("{ENTER}") ControlSetText("Adobe InDesign CS3 : Vérification de mise à niveau", "", "Edit19", "") Sleep(500) ControlSetText("Adobe InDesign CS3 : Vérification de mise à niveau", "", "Edit19", $SN2) Sleep(500) ;===================================================================================== Send("!s") ;===================================================================================== ; Activer maintenant WinWait("Adobe InDesign CS3 : Activer maintenant", "Activation par Internet") WinActivate("Adobe InDesign CS3 : Activer maintenant", "Activation par Internet") ;===================================================================================== Send("!a") ;===================================================================================== WinWait("Adobe InDesign CS3 : Activé", "Activation réussie !") WinActivate("Adobe InDesign CS3 : Activé", "Activation réussie !") ;===================================================================================== Send("!s") ;===================================================================================== ; Enregistrement WinWait("Adobe InDesign CS3", "Enregistrement") WinActivate("Adobe InDesign CS3", "Enregistrement") ;===================================================================================== Send("{TAB}") Send("{TAB}") Send("{DOWN}") Send("{DOWN}") Send("!c") ;===================================================================================== Sleep(1000) ; Close Adobe InDesign CS3 process $PID = ProcessExists("InDesign.exe") If $PID Then ProcessClose($PID) EndIf ; Block mDNSResponder.exe (Bonjour) service to run on Windows startup RegWrite("HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\Bonjour Service", "Start", "REG_DWORD", "4")
  8. You will find the utility in Citrix / Terminal Server Utils CAD Util Pack.
  9. I would like to ask batch expert to improve my script. Most parts are copy and paste from others scripts and probably not optimized! I use it to set %temp% to a temp folder on Ramdisk drive. to find the Ramdisk drive, i check Volume Name rather than Drive Letter because sometime i set Drive Letter to R: and sometime to Z: i call it with: FindRD.cmd RamDisk @ECHO OFF&SETLOCAL ENABLEEXTENSIONS ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION call :__preinit set vn= set dl= :Variables @Rem ------------------------------------------- @Rem ! Variables @Rem ! You may edit or pass-in vlabel @Rem ------------------------------------------- Set vlabel=%1 Set L-Name=%0 For /F "skip=1 delims= tokens=3" %%a in ('REG QUERY "HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop" /v MultiUILanguageId ^2^> Nul') do call :__%%a ::# make sure all external utilities are accessible call :__checkExtUtils if "%INST_ABORT%" == "1" exit /b 1 ::# http://www.microsoft.com/resources/documentation/windows/xp/all/proddocs/en-us/fsutil.mspx ::# fsutil (WinXP/2003 Server) FOR /F "tokens=*" %%i in ('fsutil fsinfo drives ^| FIND /V ""') DO ( set dl=%%i SET dl=!dl:~-3,3! for /f "tokens=2* delims=:" %%j in ('fsutil fsinfo volumeinfo !dl!^|find /i %v%') do ( ::# Remove trailing reverse solidus if "!dl:~-1!"=="\" (set dl=!dl:~0,-1!) ::# Remove leading and trailing spaces if any for %%k in (%%j) do SET vn=%%k ) ::# Debug infos for /f "tokens=2* delims=-" %%j in ('fsutil fsinfo drivetype !dl! ^| FIND /V "CD-ROM"') do ( echo/%f% = !dl! %v%= !vn! ) ::# Function call if "!vn!"=="%vlabel%" call :__found set vn= ) goto :eof ::############################## ::# ::# functions ::# :__preinit set INST_ABORT= set INST_Dir=%~dp0 set INST_Dir=%INST_Dir:~0,-1% set BIN_Dir=%~d0\bin goto :eof :__0000040c set desc="Gestion du volume" set v="Nom du Volume" set f="Lecteur fixe" set c="Lecteur de CD-ROM" goto :eof :__00000409 set desc="Volume management" set v="Volume Name" set f="Fixed Drive" set c="CD-ROM Drive" goto :eof :__checkExtUtils ::# make sure external utils are accessible and throw an error if not ::# http://barnyard.syr.edu/~vefatica/ ::# setenv set environment variables %BIN_Dir%\setenv -u Temp >nul 2>&1 || goto __checkExtUtilsError goto :eof :__checkExtUtilsError echo Some of the external utilities are not accessible. echo Make sure you extracted the archive correctly and confirm echo that the utilities are in bin directory under root set INST_ABORT=1 goto :eof :__found ::# set volative environment variable RamDisk %BIN_Dir%\setenv -v !vn! !dl! @Echo ! ---------------------------------------- echo volative environment variable !vn! set to !dl! set vn= goto :eof ::# ::# functions end ::# ::##############################
  10. ;Fujitsu Siemens ;Pentium 4 HT inside SCENIC C620=mp.inf
  11. No, you canno't use subdirs. Can you give Servers Manufacturer, Model and RAID (SCSI or SAS) controller description?
  12. Ensure that the "<Data key="Serial" protected="0">1234xxxx1234xxxx1234xxxx</Data>" does not contain any hyphens. I am currently having problem with the pre-serialization. I was able to deploy the install silently without any error using the deployment.xml.override method, but when I go to run the program I was prompt for the serial key, I already did input the key into the .override file as prescribed by both this guide and the adobe guide. I did check and my serial key is a valid upgrade key from previous version of Adobe InDesign. @Radix Can you help me writing the AutoIt code to send answer to these windows:
  13. Although high-priced software and hardware, the ultimate solution for performance: RamDisk Plus adds multiple disk support, system page file support, and a versatile disk image backup facility. Kingston CompactFlash Ultimate 266X + CF - SATA HDD Adapter + filter drivers from XPe + 4Gb RAM (only 3,2 Gb viewed by OS). If you have 4 available memory slots, add only 2x 1Gb + 2x 512Gb modules and save money.
  14. Thanks Soulmate I have downloaded new 4.0 and the GUI is translated to English.
  15. @--=ddSHADOW=-- Can you post a tutorial to change default Slovenian language to our own language.
  16. RESOLUTION If You Have Not Yet Downloaded QuickCam version 11.1 package, download it. You can extract the 7z sfx package content with uniextract if you launch the package install, files are extracted to %temp%\QuickCam_11.1.0 cancel the install after extraction, do not complete all wizard steps. Include the following entry in your Unattend CD install <srcdir>\Drivers\Bin\Setup.exe /s MODE=4 NOMEDUSA=1 NOAEC=1 NOUMVPL=1 /l<langid4> /f2"<windir>\temp\qcdrvsetup.log" Replace <srcdir> with the correct source dir path. Replace <windir>\temp with destination dir and subdir path of your choice for log file. Replace the <langid4> references with the actual LangID value for the language that you are installing. List of Locale ID (LCID) Values as Assigned by Microsoft other switches are pretty self-explanatory Sample command This is a sample qcdrvsetup.cmd file that you can use to install the French language version. Notice there are no line breaks, single line. Remember this package is used to preinstall drivers. Do NOT plug your WebCam before or during installation!
  17. download 10.5.1 release http://www.logitech.com/pub/techsupport/qu...m/qc1051enu.exe English or http://www.logitech.com/pub/techsupport/qu...m/qc1051fra.exe French launch install of the package files are extracted to %ProgramFiles%\Logitech\QuickCamWebInstall stop the install after extraction, do not complete all wizard steps edit with your favorite text editor %ProgramFiles%\Logitech\QuickCamWebInstall\Drivers\Bin\DevInst.ini ie, remove leading ;InstallMedusa will be performed DevInst.ini before edit DevInst.ini after edit ; character is removed edit with your favorite text editor %ProgramFiles%\Logitech\QuickCamWebInstall\Drivers\Bin\setup.iss http://www.appdeploy.com/tips/detail.asp?id=18 InstallShield Setup Silent Installation Switches
  18. Thanks for sharing your beta. Just to be sure i have well followed instructions, when running the RISv3 exe, after the connection to SomeSharingFolder i should have the drive letter L: mapped to \\\SomeSharingFolder in Windows Explorer? I have probably done a mistake because i don't see the share. using one time 'SomeSharingFolder' and next time '\remote\programs' in your Howto is unclear to me. if I map L: drive letter to \\\SomeSharingFolder from Command Prompt. NET USE L: \\\SomeSharingFolder /user:ris remoteinstall /persistent:NO then launching RISv3 exe, software installation from each program folder including well formated settings.ini goes as expected and box reboot as well.
  19. Waiting for a beta release to check it!
  20. try to use 'USB floppy/mass storage support for ProLiant servers during the TxtSetup phase of installation' dummyUSB driver here
  21. The answer is posted here Hard drive folder %SystemDrive%\Drivers\Media\wdma_ens content *.inf *.cat *.sys command script SetupCopyOEMInf.exe %SystemDrive%\Drivers\Media\wdma_ens RunDll32.exe Syssetup.dll,UpdatePnpDeviceDrivers
  22. Where is the option (if any) to remove this component from Windows 2003 Server source CD. Maybe in next release... Old topic Windows Media Services aka WMS but not an integrated nLite option to remove it.
  23. With the release of Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2, syssetup.dll binary has been updated. @jdoe can you give us the new offset address and data value to change.
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