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Everything posted by Bilou_Gateux
Sometimes forget to check if my english is understandable :COMP echo D. Driver.cab and SPx.cab not merged together: echo * Fast HFSlip building, no reduced size IF "%CM%"=="D" SET DRIVERCOMP=NO IF "%CM%"=="d" SET DRIVERCOMP=NO and add a condition to :cabexpand call IF "!DRIVERCOMP!"=="NO" goto :skipdrivercomp CALL :CABEXPAND IF EXIST HFCLEANUP\* CALL :HFCLEANUP CALL :CABCOMPACT :skipdrivercomp these codes are just examples to explain my needs. I haven't checked if it work in HFSlip_xxxxx.cmd because HFCLEANUP is also called to optionally Reducing Installation Source between CABEXPAND and CABCOMPACT. As requests from users grows, a simple script becomes huge and can do more than what it was designed at first. Merging both driver.cab and spx.cab or reducing size is interesting but it would be nice to use it as an user choice.
Yes, build a slipstreamed OS source somewhere on your RIS server hard drive (more easy than build an iso and burn it and then put the resulting burned CD in your server CD Drive) On the RIS server, open a command prompt and run RISetup.exe –add. When prompted for a source, point RISetup to <your_path>\HFSLIP\SOURCESS Driver.cab and SPx.cab merging should work. But actually, i don't want to stress my server when i build a new HFSlip. Unpacking driver.cab + SPx.cab and then repacking all binaries to a single driver.cab gives me high CPU and drive utilization. I will try later to build the HFSlip on a fast computer. @tommyp may be can you add a fourth option in HFSlip when comes the merging driver question: 4/ do not merge driver.cab wiht SPx.cab for testing purposes, i only want to build a new HFSlip to check HF slipstream and don't care about others steps of the proccess .
Here the result of my 1st attempt: Windows Server 2003, Web Sp1 - build 1830 - English (United States) nLited [v1.0 RC1] to remove some components (.NET Framework 1.1, WMP10, Internet Games and others stupid things we don't need on a Web server), driver integration option not used HFslipped [HFSLIP_60107.CMD] to add all 2K3 post-SP1 HFs Mass Storage driver added with notepad to <Remote_install_share>\Setup\English\Images\WIN51IB.HFN \I386\Templates\RISTNDRD.SIF to allow detection on FastTrak100 RAID 1 Array (2x 80Gb HDD) on the server. Files added on the RIS Server <Remote_install_share>\Setup\English\Images\WIN51IB.HFN\$OEM$\TEXTMODE folder: ristndrd.sif [data] floppyless = "1" msdosinitiated = "1" OriSrc = "\\%SERVERNAME%\RemInst\%INSTALLPATH%\%MACHINETYPE%" OriTyp = "4" LocalSourceOnCD = 1 DisableAdminAccountOnDomainJoin = 1 [SetupData] OsLoadOptions = "/noguiboot /fastdetect" SetupSourceDevice = "\Device\LanmanRedirector\%SERVERNAME%\RemInst\%INSTALLPATH%" [Unattended] UnattendSwitch=Yes UnattendedMode=FullUnattended DriverSigningPolicy=Ignore OverwriteOemFilesOnUpgrade=No OemPreinstall = yes ;FileSystem = LeaveAlone FileSystem = NTFS ExtendOEMPartition = 0 TargetPath = \WINDOWS OemSkipEula = yes ;OemPnPDriversPath = "WINDOWS\OEMDIR" ;OemFilesPath="..\$OEM$" InstallFilesPath = "\\%SERVERNAME%\RemInst\%INSTALLPATH%\%MACHINETYPE%" LegacyNIC = 1 [UserData] ;FullName = "%USERFIRSTNAME% %USERLASTNAME%" FullName = "Windows Server 2003 Blade" ;OrgName = "%ORGNAME%" OrgName = " " ;ComputerName = %MACHINENAME% ComputerName = WS3BLADE ProductKey=ADDYO-URVLK-PRODU-CTKEY-HERE! [GuiUnattended] OemSkipWelcome = 1 OemSkipRegional = 1 TimeZone = %TIMEZONE% AdminPassword = "*" [LicenseFilePrintData] AutoMode = PerSeat [Display] BitsPerPel = 16 XResolution = 800 YResolution = 600 VRefresh = 60 [Networking] InstallDefaultComponents=Yes [NetServices] MS_Server=params.MS_PSched [Identification] ;JoinDomain = %MACHINEDOMAIN% ;DoOldStyleDomainJoin = Yes JoinWorkgroup = WORKGROUP [RemoteInstall] Repartition = No UseWholeDisk = No [WindowsFirewall] Profiles=WindowsFirewall.TurnOffFirewall [WindowsFirewall.TurnOffFirewall] Mode=0 [RegionalSettings] ;http://www.kbalertz.com/kb_Q325856.aspx Language=040c LanguageGroup=1 SystemLocale=0000040c UserLocale=0000040c InputLocale=040c:0000040c UserLocale_DefaultUser=0000040c InputLocale_DefaultUser=040c:0000040c ;MUILanguage=language ID ;MUILanguage_DefaultUser=language ID [SystemFileProtection] SFCQuota=1 [Components] Iis_common = On Iis_inetmgr = On Iis_nntp = Off Iis_smtp = On Iis_webadmin = On Iis_webdav = On Iis_www = On Iis_asp = On SCW = Off [MassStorageDrivers] "IDE CD-ROM (ATAPI 1.2)/PCI IDE Controller"=RETAIL "LSI MegaRAID IDE 100/MAGNIA Z3x0 Controller"=OEM "Adaptec Ultra160 SCSI Controller"=OEM "Windows Promise FastTrak100 (tm) Controller (Primergy L100)"=OEM "Adaptec Embedded Serial ATA HostRAID Driver"=OEM "Promise FastTrak TX4000/S150 TX Series (tm) Controller"=OEM "Promise FastTrak S150 SX4 (tm) Controller"=OEM [OEMBootFiles] megaide.sys ADPU160M.SYS fasttrak.sys fasttx2k.sys fastsx.sys aarich.sys TXTSETUP.OEM [OSChooser] Description ="Windows Server 2003, Web SP1 HF NL" Help ="Installe automatiquement Windows Server 2003, Web SP1 sans interaction utilisateur." LaunchFile = "%INSTALLPATH%\%MACHINETYPE%\templates\startrom.com" ImageType =Flat Version="5.2 (3790)" Some tips i've used: I don't use the repacking feature in HFSLIP: (driver.cab & SPx.cab not merged in a single driver.cab and drvindex.inf left unchanged) because Risetup extracts NIC drivers from these files. It may also work with a single CAB and modified drvindex.inf I don't remove RIS feature in nLite (otherwise risetup will fail at end of copying with osc.cab not found and canno't create SIF file using ristndrd.si_ ). I don't use the driver integration feature of nLite because it had never worked for me with Mass Storage drivers: error in line xxxxx in txtsetup.sif during textmode stage of the setup). What works: new binaries from HFs are correctly installed in Windows. some annoying: I have done some changes to HFSLIP added lines in DOSNET.INF and TXTSETUP.SIF to make it works. I will send a PM to tommyp in order to change the HFSLIP script accordingly. No major changes, only removal of some comments starting with a semicolon ; and one section merged with an existing one. to do: one HF isn't well slipstreamed but i already know the reason: KB890046 HF add a new binary file and this file is missing in my sourcess. it's not an HFSLIP error but a human error on my side. i forget to add WindowsUpdateAgent 2.0 to my HF before running HFSLIP and i should add it next time. i should add this HF: Update for Windows Server 2003 (KB910437) missing in my HF Some problems encountered may be created by myself because i've HFSlipped a Nlited OS. TommyP recommends 1st HFslipping source and then Nliting resulting SOURCESS (source slipstreamed with HFs)
Inside Win2K Reliablity Enhancements, Part 2
Not found the time yet to to build and check the install. And i probably cannot helps you with DX9 as i don't install it. My video board (Nvidia Quadro4 NVS) has only support for DirectX 8.1
If you find all dependencies for Microsoft Global Input Method Editors (IMEs), you can probably remove those .cat files. When i install MSFT Office, i always use customized method to turn off the speech recognition and handwriting recognition features in Office XP that can be configured in Control Panel, Regional and languages options in order not Office or Windows prompting me to install supplemental language support and i don't open web pages or docs written with these languages.
@fdv All those cat files listed on syssetup.inf are used during install to check if base components are not hacked in source using Cryptographic service and SFC. If you remove some Windows Components like FrontPage extensions (fp5ext.inf in Server 2003) using nLite or other method, you can probably remove the corresponding fp5.cat file and install your OS with File Protection disabled without errors. I haven't checked this myself. It may need to do some changes in layout.inf also. You must probably keep only NT5.CAT NT5INF.CAT to install the core OS. NT5.CAT is the digital signature catalog file for core OS binaries and NT5INF.CAT is the digital signature catalog file for hardware drivers included in source (like nVidia display driver nv4_disp.inf) When you install an OEM digitally signed driver like the latest WHQL nVidia display driver, the cat file is added in %systemroot%\system32\CatRoot\{F750E6C3-38EE-11D1-85E5-00C04FC295EE} If you set DriverSigningPolicy=Ignore in WINNT.SIF, you can bypass digital signature check during install and install the latest OEM nVidia non-WHQL driver beta for example. As stated on this KB article, you can use this setting to modify some Windows inf's to change behavior during install. More detailled infos about cryptographic service Late addition: As i recall, mw770.cat is digital signature for IBM MWave modem/sound card hardware found on old Thinkpad laptops. It's probably a "just before release" addition in 2000 source and MSFT just add a single cat specific to this hardware rather than reissued a full nt5inf.cat. By removing the corresponding files (just like nLite does), you can remove cat file and binaries from both source and files referencing (txtsetup.sif, layout.inf, syssetup.inf...)
Do you use a NTFS partiton? Yes. Finally got it to work using nu2.nu Bart tools mkbt20 to create the bootstrap and nt2peldr.exe. I have now 2 sets of file for booting 2 different SDI images in my root. peboo1.bin 8K peboot.bin 8K peldr (patched setupldr.bin and hexedited) peld1 (patched setupldr.bin and hexedited) winnt.sif win01.sif boot.ini [boot loader] timeout=30 default=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(2)\WINDOWS [operating systems] multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(2)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /fastdetect C:\peboot.bin="RAMDisk -winpe" C:\peboo1.bin="RAMDisk -minint" C:\xpe.bin=" Windows XP Embedded" C:\CMDCONS\BOOTSECT.DAT="Microsoft Windows Recovery Console" /cmdcons winnt.sif [SetupData] BootDevice = "ramdisk(0)" BootPath = "\i386\System32\" OsLoadOptions = "/noguiboot /fastdetect /minint /rdimageoffset=36352 /rdpath=RECOVERY\WINPE.SDI" win01.sif [SetupData] BootDevice = "ramdisk(0)" BootPath = "\i386\System32\" OsLoadOptions = "/noguiboot /fastdetect /minint /rdimageoffset=36352 /rdpath=RECOVERY\MININT.SDI" Thanks for help and support.
At all: How to slipstream Hotfixes manuel? by hand
Bilou_Gateux replied to KNARZ's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
Step 1 - Gathering the Needed Parts and Pieces There are a few essential items necessary to successfully create the slipstreamed CD. You will need: The original Windows 2003 Server installation CD ROM. Windows 2003 Server Service Pack 1 - It will be necessary to either download SP1 or obtain it on CD. To slipstream, you need the full SP1 (Network Installation). Step 2 - Building Directories The first step is to build a directory structure to hold the files that will be used in the CD creation process. It's a simple structure, requiring nothing more than a few folders. It doesn't matter what names you use for your folders or where you locate them on your hard drive, but most users find drive C the easiest. I created the folders shown below, located on Drive C. Create whatever folders you are comfortable with or use the ones below if you want to copy and paste commands later in the tutorial. C:\HFSLIP\WIN51IB.SP1 C:\HFSLIP\WU\Software\en\com_microsoft.windowsnetserver2003family\x86WinXP Step 3 - Copying and Extracting Files The first step is to insert the Windows 2003 Server CD and copy the entire contents into the WIN51IB.SP1 folder or the equivalent folder in your structure. The second step is to navigate to where you downloaded the Service Pack 1 file. If you downloaded SP1 from Microsoft it should be named WindowsServer2003-KB889101-SP1-x86-ENU.exe. Step 4 - Updating The Windows Share Apply the Service Pack 1 to Windows Server 2003 in the WIN51IB.SP1 folder that were copied in the first step. WindowsServer2003-KB889101-SP1-x86-ENU.exe /integrate:C:\HFSLIP\WIN51IB.SP1 Step5 - HF1.CMD and hivesft.cmd My current batches script are located here What does HF1.cmd: it integrates each HF KB######.exe /integrate:%source% Microsoft takes the decision for me. This method uses update_SP1GDR.inf and binaries located in KB######\sp1gdr to update the source. It also call a 2nd batch hivesft.cmd for extracting from update_SPxGDR.INF infos to later inject in HIVExxx.INF. Cannot be used to integrate MSFT bloat (WMP, Messenger, .NET framework), only WindowsServer2003-KB######-x86-enu.exe HFs. Step6 - HFINT.cmd Step7 - HIVEsft.cmd Step 8 - ???.cmd -
Major update on Jan 15, 2006 Most harddisks contain quite a lot of completely identical files, which consume a lot of disk space. This waste of space can be drastically reduced by using the NTFS filesystem hardlinks functionality. I have written a FULFILHF.txt batch to create Symbolic links to HotFixes in HFSLIP\HF folder. All HFs for WinXP are stored in a base folder D:\buildCD\WinXP tree: _DX9 _DXSP1_IB _IE6SP1 _IE6SP2 _JS56 _MSGSSP1 _MSGSSP2 _MSI31 _postSP1 _postsp2 _SP1a _WMP8 It's not yet 100% ready (missing checks to avoid SP2 only HFs been added to HF folder when building WinXPSP1 HFslip). If i can't find an expert to write those missing lines, i will do it myself later. Now that i can put the needed HFs in the HF folder with a few clicks, I will build a new HFSlip XP SP1 with my download lists and reports soon.
At all: How to slipstream Hotfixes manuel? by hand
Bilou_Gateux replied to KNARZ's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
I have already written two batch to do some parts of the job: 1st batch HF1.CMD integrate (HFINT.DAT is created in SVCPACK folder) HFs in i386 distribution folder actually done by hand: clean the i386\svcpack.inf file from all KB######.exe /q /n /o /u /z lines. 2nd batch use (HFINT.DAT) to repack updated binaries in i386 distribution folder actually done by hand: update TXTSETUP.SIF in case of new binaries. DOSNET.INF is already updated by previous integrate 3rd batch will (Insert (append) text into existing .inf file, batch file request to do it unattended) uses extracted infos from various HF update_SPxGDR.inf to update HIVESFT.INF and HIVECLS.INF using SED. but haven't yet finished writing the 2nd and 3rd one contains only the basic. Still a lot of (typos) errors. PS: All checks i have done are with Windows Server 2003 Standard or Web Edition Service Pack 1 -
Hi Oleg_II Here the solution i use for Windows XP OS deployments: addacc.cmd @echo off rem Username and Password for administrator. set AdminUser=user set AdminPass=password rem Adding user. net user %AdminUser% %AdminPass% /add /active:yes /expire:never /passwordchg:no net localgroup Administrateurs %AdminUser% /add net accounts /maxpwage:unlimited activate autologon for this new created user autologon user domain password populate RunOnceEX @echo off SET KEY=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx SET KEY1="HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon" REG ADD %KEY% /V TITLE /D "Pre-Installation" /f REG ADD %KEY%\000 /VE /D "Renaming computer" /f" REG ADD %KEY%\000 /V 1 /D "%temp%\zcnclite.exe /wmi:"""Win32_BIOS,SerialNumber""" /sn:"""HP-""" /q /forcerun /log:%temp%\ZCNC.LOG" /f rem REG ADD %KEY%\002 /VE /D "Clear App Logs" /f rem REG ADD %KEY%\002 /V 1 /D "%temp%\clearlogs.exe -app" /f rem REG ADD %KEY%\003 /VE /D "Clear Sys Logs" /f rem REG ADD %KEY%\003 /V 1 /D "%temp%\clearlogs.exe -sys" /f REG ADD %KEY%\004 /VE /D "Changing SID" /f REG ADD %KEY%\004 /V 1 /D "%temp%\newsid.exe /a" /f rem REG ADD %KEY%\005 /VE /D "Application Install" /f rem REG ADD %KEY%\005 /V 1 /D "%temp%\applaunch.exe" /f REG ADD %KEY%\007 /VE /D "AutoLogonOff" /f REG ADD %KEY%\007 /V 1 /D "%temp%\nircmd.exe regsetval sz \"HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\" AutoAdminLogon 0" REG ADD %KEY%\008 /VE /D "CYT" /f REG ADD %KEY%\008 /V 1 /D "%temp%\cyt.exe /user:Bilou_Gateux /y /setprimary" /f REG ADD %KEY%\009 /VE /D "Network" /f REG ADD %KEY%\009 /V 1 /D "%temp%\nircmd exec \"%temp%\nbpshpop.exe +S: \\server\share\"" /f REG ADD %KEY%\010 /VE /D "CleanUp" /f REG ADD %KEY%\010 /V 1 /D "%temp%\delayexec \"%temp%\cleanup.exe /y /A /P:%temp% /Q\" 60" /f One utility may be of some interest for you:
Multi Compiler (for silent installers)
Bilou_Gateux replied to Tomcat76's topic in Application Installs
Author is a russian guy: Thanks to tbma post #10 to give us the link to Author Web page. -
PXE Network - Linux Based - Boot winpe from the net
disable "new hardware device found wizard"
Bilou_Gateux replied to bartb's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
What kind of USB devices do you want to prevent detection on plugin? ie Camera device which requires drivers to work or Disable USB Storage Devices with Group Policy -
disable "new hardware device found wizard"
Bilou_Gateux replied to bartb's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
I can't answer the last questions before Monday (doing all this checks on brand new computers @ office) Yes it works with a WinXP Sp2 configuration. I'm doing offline registry editing from WinPE, that's why i'm using ControlSet001 Take two minutes to read this article Understanding and Using the NT Registry, especially the part Understanding Control Sets. If i found some time @ office, i will try later to do an unattended install from our RIS server and add registry changes during install. I have edited the batch in my previous post in order you can use it to add keys and values from a running Windows or at time of install. Use it instead of regedit /s your_posted_file.reg -
For the next version, i suggest to use variable SP as data value for some if checks. or use the extension of ident file WIN51IP.SP1 to set the SP variable data value. When MSFT release the next version of Service Pack, you will have (perhaps) only one line to change. For the current version, changing SP2 to %SP% in one subfunction should be enough : for the :BANDAID subfunction, it may be possible to simplify the code by using the same subfunction for XP and 2003 with a counter to loop for each possible version of SP. I hope Yzöwl (batch expert) can post suggestions to change the code (open source). Alternatively, change all SP2 to %SP% I don't have yet enough time to build a XP SP1 slipstreamed source. But just give it a try and reports trial and errors. And you'll become a contributor to the project.
disable "new hardware device found wizard"
Bilou_Gateux replied to bartb's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
Here my last check on Windows XP Professionnel SP2 french. As we canno't check hardware issues on VirtualPC, I'm using a ghost image stored on my Ghost multicast server for checking. It's faster than redoing an UA install each time. from WinPE, I have restored a ghost image on hard drive ghost32 -clone,mode=restore,src=@mce,dst=1 -sure -batch from WinPE, assign letter to restored partition to get access. diskpart /s assignc.txt select disk 0 select partition 1 assign letter C exit from WinPE regeditPE added 'Enabling Default Reply' keys and value in registry :: uncomment one of the SET command, depending of the environment where you make the changes from :: WinPE, load Registry HIVES ON C first before injecting keys and values SET KEY=HKLM\System_ON_C\ControlSet001 :: running Windows :: SET KEY=HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet REG ADD "%KEY%\Control\Error Message Instrument" /v EnableDefaultReply /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f REG ADD "%KEY%\Control\Error Message Instrument" /v EnableLogging /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f REG ADD "%KEY%\Control\Error Message Instrument" /v LogSeverity /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f REG ADD "%KEY%\Services\EventLog\Application\Error Instrument" /v TypesSupported /t REG_DWORD /d 7 /f REG ADD "%KEY%\Services\EventLog\Application\Error Instrument" /v EventMessageFile /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /d %%SystemRoot%%\System32\User32.dll /f and then rebooted. Each time i restore a ghost image to a different computer than the one used to build the ghost image, at first boot, PnP enumeration detect a new disk configuration and ask to reboot. With the keys and value added to registry, The dialog box is auto answered with the default answer Yes and computer is rebooted. Application log >> Event ID:1072 >> Source: Error Instrument -
disable "new hardware device found wizard"
Bilou_Gateux replied to bartb's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
I have checked the 1st solution on a regular Windows XP install. Although 'SuppressUI' data value set to 1, wizard windows popups. view my post in Device Drivers forum: Disable Found New Hardware Wizard Will your box running XP embedded or regular Windows XP? As i understand article on msdn, all events are logged in Application log (%SystemRoot%\system32\config\AppEvent.Evt) and you can view them with Event Viewer (Start Run... eventvwr.msc OK) Application. -
UPnPDev.cmd @echo off SET KEY=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx SET KEY1="HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon" REG ADD %KEY% /V TITLE /D "Pre-Installation" /f REG ADD %KEY%\000 /VE /D "UpdatePnpDeviceDrivers" /f" REG ADD %KEY%\000 /V 1 /D "RunDll32.exe Syssetup.dll,UpdatePnpDeviceDrivers" /f It's how i install external modem that wasn't plugged in during the Setup. Drivers (not digitally signed) are installed first with Unlimited number of drivers schalti method & Pyron tool (post #4). UPnpDev.cmd is run to update registry Restart or shutdown box Plug external modem and power up let PnP detection install my device ('Found New Hardware Wizard' windows popup but automatically disappears when detection is done by RunOnceEx instruction).
Announcing PING (Partimage Is Not Ghost)
Bilou_Gateux replied to natan770's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
All done and i can load the image from my Windows 2003 Server with PXELinux to my PXEClient. Although i have a working DHCP Server (i can get the image sent by TFTPD after PXE booting) the wizard then try to connect to the LAN. but it doesn't succeed in getting an IP from DHCP server and ask me for an IP, a netmask, and a gateway IP. -
If you have a Windows 2003 Server in your LAN: Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) configuration: netsh DHCP example
Required : one box running Windows Server 200x with services : Networking Services > Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) configured and Trivial FTP Daemon (tftpd) installed Don't need to be a domain controller for this purpose. Automatic Bart PE Ghost Client, automatisation of ghost
Thanks Krokodox Here a link with small VB scripts to install (or remove) and configure TFTPd service The Windows 2000 Standalone TFTP Daemon The 2000 binary in the archive could be replaced by the 2003 binary (using Krokodox instructions for extraction from i386 source) It works with a WinPE image stored in a SDI file as described here i have just changed rdpath to my SDI file in WINNT.SIF
Virtual Floppy Drive with Installer(Packed)
Bilou_Gateux replied to justhink's topic in Multi-Boot CD/DVDs
and we can use the silent switches of innosetup for unattended install! VFD_Setup.exe /silent or VFD_Setup.exe /verysilent Thanks.