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Everything posted by Bilou_Gateux

  1. Welcome to MSFN forums. I see it's your first post here and i would like to thanks you joining us for posting this info. Long time ago, i was googling to find an alternative to DEVCON command line (no GUI) or devmgmt.msc (not really unattended ) and never find the answer. Now i've got one answer i can use for some of my batch scripts as linked by osborned_rcc.
  2. Please edit your post and use the Code and Quote Buttons. Please specify which inf file you've posted the content? etskb.inf or etskp.inf download devcon package, extract it to temp folder and run from command prompt : "%temp%\i386\devcon.exe" findall =SmartCardReader | findstr /R "USB\VID" >>%temp%\output.txt and post the resulting output.txt (don't forget the CODE button ).
  3. Post a download driver link for your hardware and give us the name of hardware you want to upgrade drivers.
  4. log file from a small batch script i had written to check: some Windows 2K Security Updates are required.
  5. I have updated the list on post #1 today. Not checked with the new release of XPCREATE.
  6. System Error Code: ERROR_ACCESS_DISABLED_WEBBLADE_TAMPER 1278 Windows cannot open this program because the license enforcement system has been tampered with or become corrupted. I have this error when i try to launch Adobe Acrobat Reader 7 Lite. Repacked Acrobat703.exe launch without error. The new repacked ar703a.exe and reader703.exe pop up the error message. I don't know where to find the setting to disable this error particular to the WS03 blade. Probably security setting from IIS6 to disable running potentialy dangerous code.
  7. Windows 2003 Server SP1 downloads post #2 here
  8. WindowsUpdateAgent20-x86.exe isn't slipstreamed into the source in current version. See here for solution (currently full support for Win2003, support for winXP except TXTSETUP.SIF/DOSNET.INF edit and DLL register, W2K not yet supported)
  9. Script used to update display driver configured with default OS drivers. path=%DriverPack%\%Class%\%infdir%\%infname% Drivers are compressed using hp38guser Driver Compressor tool.soul DriverInstall.exe tool is used for non digitally signed drivers. command: output: BUS VEN DEV SUBSYS DEVICE @ECHO OFF :: Check Windows version IF "%OS%"=="Windows_NT" (SETLOCAL) ELSE (GOTO Syntax) VER | FIND "Windows NT" >NUL && GOTO Syntax :: Check command line arguments IF NOT "%~1"=="" IF /I NOT "%~1"=="/A" GOTO Syntax set DriverPack=C:\PnPDrvrs :: Choose between all devices or just the Display class IF /I "%~1"=="/A" (SET class=Unknown) ELSE (SET class=Display) :step1 echo.%class% call :FindDev echo.%DEVICE% echo.%HWID% CALL :HWID %DriverPack%\%Class% echo.%INF% CALL :Exec updateni %INF% %HWID% :: Done ENDLOCAL GOTO End :FindDev FOR /F "tokens=1-3* delims=\: " %%a in ('devcon findall ^=%class% ^| findstr /R /I "\\V"') do (set device="%%d")&( for /f "tokens=*" %%e in ("%%b") do ( for /f "tokens=1-4* delims=&" %%f in ("%%e") do ( set HWID="%%a\%%f&%%g&%%h" ) ) ) GOTO:EOF :: :: :: :: :: HWID :: :: :: :: :: :HWID PUSHD %1 for %%f in (*.inf) do ( for /f "eol=- tokens=2 delims=," %%i in ('find /i "pci\ven" %%f') do ( for /f "tokens=*" %%j in ("%%i") do ( for /f "tokens=1* delims=_" %%k in ("%%j") do ( if /i "%%k" EQU "PCI\VEN" ( for /f "usebackq tokens=1* delims=; " %%a in ('%%j') do ( if /i "%%a" EQU %HWID% set INF=%cd%\%%f ) ) ) ) ) ) FOR /F %%I IN ('DIR /AD /OGN /B') DO ( CALL :HWID %CD%\%%I ) POPD GOTO:EOF :: :: :: :: :: UPDATENI :: :: :: :: :: :Exec ::// digitally signed drivers echo.devcon %1 %2 %3 ::// not digitally signed drivers driverinstall %1 %2 %3 GOTO:EOF :Syntax ECHO. ECHO Display.cmd Beta release ECHO Install Display class device drivers, optionally including even unknown ones ECHO. ECHO Usage: UNKNOWN [ /A ] ECHO. ECHO Where: /A installs both Display and Unknown class devices ECHO (default is Display class device only) ECHO. ECHO Notes: [1] This batch file requires Microsoft's DEVCON.EXE, available at ECHO http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN-US;Q311272 ECHO. ECHO Written by Bilou Gateux ECHO function HWID written by IcemanND ECHO "http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=43413&view=findpost&p=301583" ECHO parts of code by Rob van der Woude ECHO http://www.robvanderwoude.com :End IF "%OS%"=="Windows_NT" ENDLOCAL Batch script will fail if SUBSYS is not defined in device driver inf file. to avoid this issue set HWID="%%a\%%f&%%g" in :FindDev
  10. Nice modification: I have checked both version_check|no_version_check and it do the job. I will keep the version_check and play with the version.txt on my web space. Another question: Can we remove the box "Are you sure to exit from dPilot?" when we click on the Exit button? It's just annoying to have to click YES. I have some others ideas to change in code for my little project. I will post it on next day.
  11. Merci ! Thanks! A votre service Monsieur Gateux... I think i have missed another string to change. dpilot fail to retrieve the products.txt file from my URL. Should we change it? http://pwrtools.chez.tiscali.fr/ws03/version.txt and myself put a version.txt file on my web space. Any ideas or suggestions?
  12. dPilot™ 1.07 - Friendly User Interface for GNU WGet Downloader (214K). dPilot is free and distributed under GNU GPL. The source code can be downloaded here. I would like someone with a compiler to change two strings in the source and compile it for me. "www.colorpilot.com/pad/info/products.txt" change to "http://pwrtools.chez.tiscali.fr/ws03/products.txt" "C:\Two Pilots Products" change to "C:\WU\Software\en\com_microsoft.windowsnetserver2003family\x86WinXP" Any help appreciated.
  13. Graphics drivers by cdob Need also same registy keys set by /pnp switch by the official MSFT PEBuilder. (included in XPe plugin)
  14. CleanUp After install of CLEANUP.MSI, save %SystemRoot%\System32\cleanup.exe in a safe place. It's the (32 bits) console application you will use. type cleanup /? to view switches available for UA install.
  15. Windows Server 2003, Web Edition, is designed specifically for dedicated Web serving needs, and its functionality has certain limitations as follows: Windows Server 2003, Web Edition, cannot be a domain controller. All the Active Directory stuff is removed. In fact this version, when Service Pack 1 features are integrated is more a non-bloated Windows XP Professional SP2 and has all the necessary features of XP Pro. Non exhaustive list of the stupid things added by MSFT developers in XP which are gone: Movie Maker MSN Messenger Search Assistant Security Center Enhancements like: Pop-Up blocker for IE Vastly improved firewall are kept Native Bluetooth support? Not sure, but the MSFT bluetooth stack is of no use. Good manufacturers of bluetooth devices use their own stack Windows XP Service Pack 2 and Toshiba Bluetooth Stack Improved Wireless support? my wireless NIC (Centrino) works fine on my notebook with 2K3WEB SP1. 2003 is designed for experienced users and all wizards and assistants are removed and Fisher-Price GUI (they call it Themes) is not here. Download a all-in-one tool to configure your 2003 install the way you want: Windows Server 2003 Optimize tool
  16. Thanks for the tip, before 17x <> now only 11x Q832483_xxx_Win2K[x].cat in SVCPACK folder. @tommyp Binary files from MDAC Q832483 HF are identical binary files from 891861 URP odbc*_253.dll <=> odbc*.dll sqlsrv32_253.dll <=> sqlsrv32.dll I would like to find a solution to keep only 2 cat file, Q832483_253_Win2K[x].cat or not any cat at all because URP should update MDAC files and has his own mdac.cat file.
  17. A small tip for experienced users. Prerequisites: HDD drive is NTFS formated: in my example D: subfolder HFSLIP Source CD is already slipstreamed with SP4: in my example E: Solution: Create a Junction point D:\HFSLIP\SOURCE\I386 linking to Destination E:\I386 with either: GUI tool Junction Link Magic click new to create I386 folder in D:\HFSLIP\SOURCE (Junction point) Command line tool Junction v1.03 Copy only the 3 ident files from your root CD E:\ to D:\HFSLIP\SOURCE\ Then you can skip Setup Part 2 and save a lot of time not copying files from CD to HDD
  18. According to [url="http://support.microsoft.com/?scid=kb%3Ben-us%3B891861&x=11&y=10#XSLTH3120121123120121120120"]Update Rollup 1 for Windows 2000 SP4 and known issues[/url] MS plans to reissue Update Rollup 1 for Windows 2000 SP4 soon. Several hotfixes will be integrated into the new version of Update Rollup 1 for Windows 2000 SP4. Credits: Info posted by [b]Controller Kahn[/b] here: [url="http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=52803#"]MS plans to reissue URP 1 for Win2k[/url]
  19. W2K IE6SP1 Total Slipstream method by tommyp.
  20. Thanks to let us know about this release and the english translation of readme.txt I like the new features added.
  21. Windows 2000 sample SVCPACK.INF (quite outdated)
  22. I agree with you, you have done all the job. i must admit i'm very bad in batch scripting (noob?) but i use a very good reference: Rob van der Woude's Scripting Pages
  23. @echo off for /f "delims=\ tokens=2" %%i in ('reg query HKU ^| findstr /V /E Classes ^| findstr "S-1-5-21"') do (set SID=%%i)&(echo. your Security ID is %SID%) What is a SID (Security ID)?
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