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Everything posted by roirraWedorehT

  1. That wasn't targeted specifically at you. I don't even know what problem you're having with SiB. If the problem can't be reproduced, however, then not even Bill Gates could fix it. I believe you and others that you're having trouble, but without knowing how to reproduce the same problem, I don't think there's much anyone can do. You and others having trouble. Tell me what steps to take on a fresh installed PC and I'll try to reproduce the problem. LImited time offer, please no one reply in a month and ask me to.
  2. I'm not currently using Windows 8.1 - I'm using Windows 10 "Insider Preview". I went to the trouble of installing an official ISO of Windows 8.1 x64 Pro, installing all the Microsoft Updates including optional ones except for the Skype one, and installed SiB v1.7.5, configured and activated it and I don't have any problems while using it. I would suggest to those who are having problems with icons not showing up that it's something else causing the issue, not SiB.
  3. http://startisback.com/#download-tab Link on that page: StartIsBack / StartIsBack+ Deployment guide and group policy template (downloads GroupPolicy.zip) Insize zip, double click on "Deploying StartIsBack.html" In the first section "Automated installation and updating" will be the command line options you need.
  4. Looks like the Start Menu with the transparency off and the color set to black. Recovery FLASHABLE version now posted near the bottom of the first post of the http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2764098'>[bATTERY] Plasma Battery! ???????????? & wickeddecimalbarwide_colors Charging still shot Sent from my Sprint Samsung Galaxy SIII on TouchWiz 4.4.2 with Conquest: Singularity v7.0, Ktoonsez' latest kernel and the latest Philz Touch Recovery.
  5. Gosh, "no new features at all"! Then what's worth "exciting"??? Read the article. It's being sarcastic.
  6. Then anything special about this update, do you know? It's quite a long time there is no any update of SIB+, so I hope Tihiy will release one! http://bit.ly/1kz6nYL http://winsupersite.com/windows-8/windows-81-update-2-shipping-month
  7. That's all that really matters! You're right about that! Good to end a Friday at work on a happy note.
  8. I'm still paying off my student loans 20 years later, and I didn't finish. My own fault, though. Life's good now, too!
  9. LOL you guys! I compromised. I went to college, I just never finished.
  10. In other words Tihiy should strongly increase the license price in order to be able to afford giving away for free to students? I will gladly contribute however. Please send me the names and the .edu address of up to 50 students attending college that cannot afford to pay US$ 2.99 for a license of StartisBack. As soon as I will additionally receive proof that they did not (in the least six months): ever had a drink at a pubever had a coffe at a Starbucks (or corresponding local coffee house chain)ever paid a meal in a pizza house or restaurant in excess of US$ 10 more than the "standard" BigMac price AND that they do not possess more than one device among: LaptopTabletSmartphoneAND that they have: no more than two USB sticksno more than one external USB hard diskno TV sets with screen larger than 24" I will pay Tihiy directly the fee for a license in their name. jaclaz That's a lot of IFs, man! Can't we make it simpler?
  11. I *think* that is Microsoft's doing although it's possible Tihiy might be able to find a workaround like you mentioned, if he has time. I remember Windows when it had the old start menu would only apply the updates if you restarted, but not if you shut down. There've been a few times when I've gotten an "Update and Shut Down" option, too, but it's not necessarily consistent.
  12. Tihiy already said he's crazy busy with his new job. After all, I'm sure even with the success of SiB that it can't pay all the bills. Sent from my Sprint Samsung Galaxy SIII with M.O.A.R. v9.0, dkp kernel dated 3/20/2014 and TWRP v2.7.0.0.
  13. What kind of license do you have? Check the website for information on releasing previous activations, or follow instructions I know I've seen for when you have to re-activate for any reason and it still shows as your license is being used. Sent from my Sprint Samsung Galaxy SIII with M.O.A.R. v9.0, dkp kernel dated 3/20/2014 and TWRP v2.7.0.0.
  14. Actually he did comment when someone brought it up a couple of weeks ago. Sent from my Sprint Samsung Galaxy SIII with M.O.A.R. v9.0, dkp kernel dated 3/20/2014 and TWRP v2.7.0.0.
  15. The new Spring 2014 Update / Update 1 brought the start button with the shine affect. I don't know if SiB's shine effect depends on Update 1 being installed. I wouldn't think so. Sent from my Sprint Samsung Galaxy SIII with M.O.A.R. v9.0, dkp kernel dated 3/20/2014 and TWRP v2.7.0.0. Can you show us what this shine effect is supposed to look like? I'm at work so I can't do too much right at the moment, but in this video just after 2:40 it does it.
  16. The new Spring 2014 Update / Update 1 brought the start button with the shine affect. I don't know if SiB's shine effect depends on Update 1 being installed. I wouldn't think so. Sent from my Sprint Samsung Galaxy SIII with M.O.A.R. v9.0, dkp kernel dated 3/20/2014 and TWRP v2.7.0.0.
  17. Do you have animation turned off in SiB's options?Sent from my Sprint Samsung Galaxy SIII with M.O.A.R. v9.0, dkp kernel dated 3/20/2014 and TWRP v2.7.0.0. I don't see any animation option in SIB, but I do have animations turned off for the 'Adjust the appearance and performance of Windows' control panel settings. Perhaps that's it, as I only notice a very light flicker sometimes but not shine or animation. In the Advanced section of SiB's options. Sent from my Sprint Samsung Galaxy SIII with M.O.A.R. v9.0, dkp kernel dated 3/20/2014 and TWRP v2.7.0.0.
  18. Do you have animation turned off in SiB's options? Sent from my Sprint Samsung Galaxy SIII with M.O.A.R. v9.0, dkp kernel dated 3/20/2014 and TWRP v2.7.0.0.
  19. The right side is only for folders, there's an option above the list to add folders. For elevated command prompt, the quickest way is to right click the start button and choose it there. You have to have "Use advanced Start button context menu" checked in the appearance section of SiB. Sent from my Sprint Samsung Galaxy SIII with M.O.A.R. v9.0, dkp kernel dated 3/20/2014 and TWRP v2.7.0.0.
  20. Whatever you want to call it. I don't call it the Start Button since it's behavior is so different. Yeah, I wonder if even Microsoft has a name for it. Maybe it's the Start Button. Probably, I don't recall. I still haven't gotten past them declaring that "Metro" wasn't the official name of the new interface, when they switched it at the last moment - or actually IIRC a week or two after Windows 8 RTM'ed, to "Modern UI". The interface previously known as Metro.
  21. Whatever you want to call it. I don't call it the Start Button since it's behavior is so different.
  22. You can always go back to the old version if you have the installation file. I'd export the settings for your old one like TwoCables mentioned and then restore the old versions settings if you decide to go back to it, after uninstalling the newer SiB. No idea if it would just let you downgrade without uninstalling the new version first. The "shine" effect matches what stock 8.1 Update 1 includes for it's Start Screen button, which has moved from popping up in the corner to where the Start Button is usually. Microsoft describes it as a shine effect in their list of changes, if I remember correctly. Wait. So what did it used to do before? I'm too new to Windows 8.1 to know. I didn't even have Windows 8. I'm just trying out the 90-Day Windows 8.1 Enterprise Evaluation. Windows 8 originally didn't have anything where the Start Button traditionally appeared. Instead, if you moved your mouse to the very bottom left corner of the screen, a thumbnail of the Start Screen would appear. If you left clicked it, it took you to the new interface Start Screen. If you right clicked it, then you got the same options you got by right-clicking the Start Button (or Start Menu) in StartIsBack, IF you have the option checked "Use Advanced Start Button context menu", with the addition of the "Properties" option since that's specific to configuring the Start Menu. It was still like this in Windows 8.1 until the Spring 2014 Update came out. That's at least partially why SiB had to be updated for full compatibility with the new update. Spring 2014 Update? Do you mean Update 1? I mean, I don't have Update 1 and I've never seen the thumbnail. Yes, same thing. Have you put the mouse in the bottom left corner? Also, the default configuration in SiB might be to disable that corner - I forget.
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