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Everything posted by sp00f

  1. Very nice.....now hoping for other languages
  2. Maybe its not totaly the right place for this, but...it slipstreams hotfixes and drivers Its made by a friend with autoit,inspired by FireGeier's updatedvd.bat $j_map0 = @ScriptDir $j_map1 = "C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\x86" $j_map2 = "C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\PETools" $j_map3 = "C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\x86\Servicing" $j_map4 = "C:\Windows\System32" $j_map5 = $j_map0 & "\Bin" $j_tool1 = "Imagex.exe" $j_tool2 = "Peimg.exe" $j_tool3 = "Pkgmgr.exe" $j_tool4 = "Expand.exe" $j_tool5 = "Cdimage.exe" $j_tool6 = "Boot.bin" $j_map_source = "" $j_map_mount = "" $j_map_hotfix = "" $j_map_drivers = "" If Not FileExists($j_map1 & "\" & $j_tool1) Then MsgBox(0, "Error", $j_tool1 & " not found.") Exit EndIf If Not FileExists($j_map2 & "\" & $j_tool2) Then MsgBox(0, "Error", $j_tool2 & " not found.") Exit EndIf If Not FileExists($j_map3 & "\" & $j_tool3) Then MsgBox(0, "Error", $j_tool3 & " not found.") Exit EndIf If Not FileExists($j_map4 & "\" & $j_tool4) Then MsgBox(0, "Error", $j_tool4 & " not found.") Exit EndIf If Not FileExists($j_map5 & "\" & $j_tool5) Then MsgBox(0, "Error", $j_tool5 & " not found.") Exit EndIf If Not FileExists($j_map5 & "\" & $j_tool6) Then MsgBox(0, "Error", $j_tool6 & " not found.") Exit EndIf If FileExists($j_map0 & "\AUTO-INTEGRATE.ini") Then $j_map_source = IniRead($j_map0 & "\AUTO-INTEGRATE.ini", "CONFIG", "SOURCE", "") $j_map_mount = IniRead($j_map0 & "\AUTO-INTEGRATE.ini", "CONFIG", "MOUNT", "") $j_map_hotfix = IniRead($j_map0 & "\AUTO-INTEGRATE.ini", "CONFIG", "HOTFIX", "") $j_map_drivers = IniRead($j_map0 & "\AUTO-INTEGRATE.ini", "CONFIG", "DRIVERS", "") EndIf #include <GUIConstants.au3> GUICreate("AUTO-INTEGRATE", 400, 600, -1, -1, -1, -1) GUISetState (@SW_SHOW) GUICtrlCreateLabel ("Location of Vista on HardDrive", 10, 30, 350, 20) $j_input_source = GUICtrlCreateInput ($j_map_source, 10, 50, 350, 20) $j_input_source_button = GUICtrlCreateButton ("Select / Change", 10, 75, 100) GUICtrlCreateLabel ("Use Image Nr.", 130, 75, 70, 20) $j_combo_imagenr = GUICtrlCreateCombo("1", 210,75, 40, 20) GUICtrlSetData(-1,"2|3|4|5|6|7") GUICtrlCreateLabel ("Location of folder MOUNT", 10, 120, 350, 20) $j_input_mount = GUICtrlCreateInput ($j_map_mount, 10, 140, 350, 20) $j_input_mount_button = GUICtrlCreateButton ("Select / Change", 10, 165, 100) GUICtrlCreateLabel ("Location of folder with Hotfix (*.msu / *.cab)", 10, 210, 350, 20) $j_input_hotfix = GUICtrlCreateInput ($j_map_hotfix, 10, 230, 350, 20) $j_input_hotfix_button = GUICtrlCreateButton ("Select / Change", 10, 255, 100) GUICtrlCreateLabel ("Location of folder with Drivers", 10, 300, 350, 20) $j_input_drivers = GUICtrlCreateInput ($j_map_drivers, 10, 320, 350, 20) $j_input_drivers_button = GUICtrlCreateButton ("Select / Change", 10, 345, 100) $j_check_mountrw = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox ("Mount-RW", 10, 400, 350, 20) $j_check_hotfix = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox ("Integrate Hotfix", 10, 425, 350, 20) $j_check_drivers = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox ("Integrate Drivers", 10, 450, 350, 20) $j_check_unmountcommit = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox ("Unmount-Commit", 10, 475, 350, 20) $j_check_unmountdispose = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox ("Unmount-Dispose", 10, 500, 350, 20) $j_check_iso = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox ("Make ISO", 10, 525, 350, 20) $j_start_button = GUICtrlCreateButton ("Start", 10, 555, 100) ; Run the GUI until the dialog is closed While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() If $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Then ExitLoop ;-- Button SELECT/CHANGE paths ;----------------------------- If $msg = $j_input_source_button Then $var = FileSelectFolder("Location of Vista on HardDrive", "") GUICtrlSetData($j_input_source, $var) EndIf If $msg = $j_input_mount_button Then $var = FileSelectFolder("Location of folder MOUNT", "") GUICtrlSetData($j_input_mount, $var) EndIf If $msg = $j_input_hotfix_button Then $var = FileSelectFolder("Location of folder with Hotfix (*.msu)", "") GUICtrlSetData($j_input_hotfix, $var) EndIf If $msg = $j_input_drivers_button Then $var = FileSelectFolder("Location of folder with Drivers", "") GUICtrlSetData($j_input_drivers, $var) EndIf ;-- Button START ;--------------- If $msg = $j_start_button Then $var = GUICtrlRead($j_input_source) If $var = "" Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "SELECT - Location of Vista on HardDrive") ContinueLoop EndIf $j_map_source = $var $var = GUICtrlRead($j_input_mount) If $var = "" Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "SELECT - Location of folder MOUNT") ContinueLoop EndIf $j_map_mount = $var $var = GUICtrlRead($j_check_hotfix) If $var = 1 Then $var = GUICtrlRead($j_input_hotfix) If $var = "" Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "SELECT - Location of folder with Hotfix (*.msu / *.cab)") ContinueLoop EndIf $j_map_hotfix = $var EndIf $var = GUICtrlRead($j_check_drivers) If $var = 1 Then $var = GUICtrlRead($j_input_drivers) If $var = "" Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "SELECT - Location of folder with Drivers") ContinueLoop EndIf $j_map_drivers = $var EndIf IniWrite($j_map0 & "\AUTO-INTEGRATE.ini", "CONFIG", "SOURCE", $j_map_source) IniWrite($j_map0 & "\AUTO-INTEGRATE.ini", "CONFIG", "MOUNT", $j_map_mount) IniWrite($j_map0 & "\AUTO-INTEGRATE.ini", "CONFIG", "HOTFIX", $j_map_hotfix) IniWrite($j_map0 & "\AUTO-INTEGRATE.ini", "CONFIG", "DRIVERS", $j_map_drivers) If Not FileExists($j_map_source & "\SOURCES\INSTALL.WIM") Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "Cannot find : " & $j_map_source & "\SOURCES\INSTALL.WIM") ContinueLoop EndIf $j_imagenr = GUICtrlRead($j_combo_imagenr) ;-- Do MOUNT-RW ;-------------- $var = GUICtrlRead($j_check_mountrw) If $var = 1 Then $var = DirGetSize($j_map_mount) If $var > 0 Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "Already Mounted") Else RunWait($j_map1 & "\" & $j_tool1 & " /MOUNTRW " & $j_map_source & "\SOURCES\INSTALL.WIM " & $j_imagenr & " " & $j_map_mount, $j_map1) EndIf EndIf ;-- Do HOTFIX ;------------ $var = GUICtrlRead($j_check_hotfix) If $var = 1 Then DirRemove($j_map_hotfix & "\Temp1", 1) DirRemove($j_map_hotfix & "\Temp2", 1) DirCreate($j_map_hotfix & "\Temp1") DirCreate($j_map_hotfix & "\Temp2") RunWait($j_map4 & "\" & $j_tool4 & " " & $j_map_hotfix & "\*.msu " & $j_map_hotfix & "\Temp1", $j_map4) FileMove($j_map_hotfix & "\Temp1\*KB*.cab", $j_map_hotfix & "\Temp2") FileCopy($j_map_hotfix & "\*.cab", $j_map_hotfix & "\Temp2", 1) DirRemove($j_map_hotfix & "\Temp1", 1) $search = FileFindFirstFile($j_map_hotfix & "\Temp2\*.cab") While 1 $file = FileFindNextFile($search) If @error Then ExitLoop RunWait($j_map2 & "\" & $j_tool2 & " " & $j_map_mount & " /import=" & $j_map_hotfix & "\Temp2\" & $file, $j_map2) WEnd FileClose($search) RunWait($j_map2 & "\" & $j_tool2 & " /install=* " & $j_map_mount, $j_map2) DirRemove($j_map_hotfix & "\Temp2", 1) EndIf ;-- Do DRIVERS ;------------- $var = GUICtrlRead($j_check_drivers) If $var = 1 Then If FileExists($j_map_source & "\Drivers.xml") Then Runwait($j_map3 & "\" & $j_tool3 & " /o:" & $j_map_mount & ";" & $j_map_mount & "\Windows /n:" & $j_map_source & "\Drivers.xml /l:" & $j_map0 & "\Driverlog.txt", $j_map3) Else MsgBox(0, "Error", $j_map_source & "\Drivers.xml -- Not Found - Skipping Drivers") EndIf EndIf ;-- Do UNMOUNT-COMMIT ;-------------------- $var = GUICtrlRead($j_check_unmountcommit) If $var = 1 Then $var = DirGetSize($j_map_mount) If $var = 0 Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "Not Mounted") Else RunWait($j_map1 & "\" & $j_tool1 & " /UNMOUNT /COMMIT " & $j_map_mount, $j_map1) EndIf EndIf ;-- Do UNMOUNT-DISPOSE ;-------------------- $var = GUICtrlRead($j_check_unmountdispose) If $var = 1 Then $var = DirGetSize($j_map_mount) If $var = 0 Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "Not Mounted") Else RunWait($j_map1 & "\" & $j_tool1 & " /UNMOUNT " & $j_map_mount, $j_map1) EndIf EndIf ;-- Do MAKE IMAGE ISO ;-------------------- $var = GUICtrlRead($j_check_iso) If $var = 1 Then If FileExists($j_map0 & "\VISTA-DVD.ISO") Then FileDelete($j_map0 & "\VISTA-DVD.ISO") EndIf RunWait($j_map5 & "\" & $j_tool5 & " -t11/02/2006,12:00:00 -lLRMCFRE_EN_DVD -b" & $j_map5 & "\" & $j_tool6 & " -u2 -h -k -m -o " & $j_map_source & " " & $j_map0 & "\VISTA-DVD.ISO", $j_map0) EndIf EndIf Wend http://rapidshare.com/files/27797464/VISTA32-TOOLS.rar.html
  3. Yes it is. At least for me it activates with it but not without.. strange, i dont need it.....i just took the $OEM$ folder from a DELL OEM dvd and put that in a normal Vista DVD
  4. nice guide muiz, but pdvd 7.3 also removes al shortcuts from menu start, bug? or im doing something wrong.
  5. and i thought it was me who did something wrong each time. thx now im no longer the only one.
  6. i only said it was a bigger list, didnt said i found it
  7. i was wondering the same thing, cant find any link to KB931099
  8. PID.TXT is not needed Question : How do i put this in the XML : [-HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{FD6905CE-952F-41F1-9A6F-135D9C6622CC}] @="WscNotify Class"
  9. Nope, itsjust the $OEM$ folder that does this ( the one i send to you )
  10. thx , any one has an example xml for x64 ? EDIT: Never mind, i made one myself.
  11. I tried this on a x64 version, but then WAIK shows lots of errors Any one else tried this on x64 ?
  12. http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details...;DisplayLang=en April 2007 Security Releases ISO Image
  13. Adobe Flash Player Adobe Flash Player Date: 12.04.07 Internet Explorer & Netscape http://download.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/current/licensing/win/install_flash_player_active_x.msi http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/current/licensing/win/install_flash_player_active_x.msi http://download.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/current/licensing/win/install_flash_player_active_x.exe http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/current/licensing/win/install_flash_player_active_x.exe Mozilla, Firefox, Opera, CompuServe & Seamonkey http://download.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/current/licensing/win/install_flash_player_plugin.msi http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/current/licensing/win/install_flash_player_plugin.msi http://download.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/current/licensing/win/install_flash_player.exe http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/current/install_flash_player.exe Uninstaller for Flash Player (all versions) v4.0.0.2 http://download.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/current/uninstall_flash_player.exe There is no "Release Notes" for this new version yet (latest fixes notes for v9.0.28.0). Check this link soon to know what was changed. http://www.adobe.com/support/documentation/en/flashplayer/9/releasenotes.html
  14. Yep same here, the guide is awesome, but scrolling is a problem. Seems fixed now
  15. Windows Movie Maker 2.6 http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details...;DisplayLang=en Overview Movie Maker 2.6 is for Windows Vista users whose computer cannot run the Vista version of Movie Maker. To test if your computer can run the Vista version of Movie Maker: 1. From the Start menu, click All Programs. 2. Click Windows Movie Maker. If Movie Maker launches, you should not download version 2.6. If you get an error message that says, "Windows Movie Maker cannot start because your video card does not support the required level of hardware acceleration or hardware acceleration is not available", download and install Movie Maker 2.6.
  16. What you've tried exactly? The WPI I would still start with synchronous command in OOBE. But I'm not sure what you're trying to do for the moment. May post your autounattend.xml to clear this up. Thanks 'n' regards, Martin Never mind, i just wont use that dvd for now
  17. I think en-AS isnt available yet in vista http://technet2.microsoft.com/WindowsVista...3.mspx?mfr=true
  18. I tried all this in a DELL OEM dvd , but then it doesnt work. WPI doesnt start anymore when i first enter vista.
  19. And how do i install, things like Alcohol & Daemontools? Since SPTD needs to be installed first , and that needs a reboot before you can install those 2 Normaly i used to install SPTD from svcpack (XP)
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