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About sylvianorth

  • Birthday 11/29/1983

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  1. Agreed, Firefox 3 is really solid and a masive improvement from 2.
  2. It's amazing how this debate still goes on, but one thing is for sure vlite or nlite are both amazing pieces of work whichever OS you choose to use. And by the way, I like them both equally
  3. I've never really used anything but Virtual Pc, but having read the support for VMare it might be time for a change. [deXter] - What are the features that Virtual Pc lacks?
  4. There's always that OS disc!
  5. Tried using virtual desktops before but kept losing things, gonna stick with my one cluttered desktop.... until I get that 2nd monitor, then the clutter can spread!
  6. I think I read that in 2009 they were planning to release 95, but again it could have just been a rumor, most things concerning generosity and MS are.
  7. Have to agree with the above. My laptop stopped playing all types of video a few months back, tried installing every codec ever, tried reinstalling all the apps to no joy. Couldn't be bothered to reinstall so downloaded VLC and everything plays in that. It's the messiah!
  8. I use ME No sorry, I'm laughing too hard. It's XP Pro.
  9. Jeremy - That's very true. I worked for an isp helpdesk for a few months and some people had trouble "clicking on the start button" I ran adaware yesterday for the first time in 9 months, only found 2 cookies, I guess msfn hasn't given me any virus or spyware troubles, not like that time I let my girlfriend on my pc for ten minutes and she kindly downloaded a "free registry scan" because my pc had "serious errors". I suppose she was only trying to help
  10. Let's hope so, I lost a load of word docs on a floppy that gave up the gave up the ghost on me a few years back. Since then I shudder whenever I see one. There's no drive in my laptop and my pc has one in that's never been used. I might take it out and use it as a beer mat.
  11. Isn't it great when we all agree? Norton Internet Security must truly be special!
  12. Router and a little bit of common sense. Used to use AVG, adaware, spybot etc but never found anything dangerous with them so hardly use anything at all now. Only ever had 2 viruses, both were from allowing others to use my pc. As long as you stay away from "pron" and myspace you should be fine!
  13. Had 2 Maxtors, both made horrid noises, one broke causing me to lose tons of data. Only had seagate since, no problems at all.
  14. Kubuntu for starters If you want small go for The Puppy!
  15. I was trying to uninstall Sonicstage (the worst program in history) and reinstall an older version as the newer version wouldn't work with my mp3 player. Of course this was impossible because Sonicstage installs itself into every little hole it can find. So I couldn't completely rid myself of all of the new version. So I was about to reinstall when i tried CCleaner and hey, it got the little ****! Everything gets uninstalled by the CCleaner now.
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