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Add 'Find Target' to Right Click...

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hmmm, doesnt work for me...in using it from cmd window, this is just used to select the file in a explorer window

Driving a car from the back seat is unworkable also. Half-hearted attempts mean little. I do not call the command interpreter from the registry to run it. :huh:

Find Target opens explorer to select the file that the shortcut points to. So what is the difference between the RegTweak and the one in shortcut tab in properties?

It does require displaying to only *.lnk files which the RegTweak needs to be improved upon.

Posted (edited)
hmmm, doesnt work for me...in using it from cmd window, this is just used to select the file in a explorer window

Driving a car from the back seat is unworkable also. Half-hearted attempts mean little. I do not call the command interpreter from the registry to run it. :huh:

Find Target opens explorer to select the file that the shortcut points to. So what is the difference between the RegTweak and the one in shortcut tab in properties?

It does require displaying to only *.lnk files which the RegTweak needs to be improved upon.

the added portion of the command window was an extra attempt on my part to see if it worked...I really wish it did, but it does not...using the find target in props works fine...just this reg tweak does not. I copied your code directly into a reg entry, merged it, right click on a lnk file, selected find target and it takes me to where the lnk file is (which is All Users Desktop), whereas find target in props takes me to C:\ and highlights the folder.

Edited by evilvoice

Here's an alternative, instead of using explorer to go to a folder containing the target, it just pops up a message box.

  • First create this file and save it as %SystemRoot%\system32\GeTarget.vbs

MsgBox CreateObject("WScript.Shell").CreateShortcut(WScript.Arguments (0)).TargetPath

The above should all be on one line.

  • Now paste this into Start » Run and click OK

REG ADD "HKCU\Software\Classes\lnkfile\Shell\Find Target\command" /ve /d "wscript.exe \"%SystemRoot%\system32\GeTarget.vbs\" \"%1\"" /f

This should be all one line also.

Now right click any shortcut and choose Find Target


@ praveenkumar_ht

The Microsoft file I linked to at JSI, works, as does my vbs method above your reply, as also does this, also c/o JSI.

Incidentally MHZ's code is identical to that already given by filthy_mcnasty


I have got this file findtarget.dll which I downloaded from some very good coding site, (I don't remember which).

I use the ua cd to register it in my sytem32 folder using

regsvr32.exe /s "%WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\FINDTARGET.DLL"

It gives me what you all are looking for, working in Winxp Pro.

If you need it, I am not sure if I can post it, I will send it (small size 6.36kb)


@ clavicle

The dll file is probably the one in use already the original questioner, Oh_Kay.

However the Microsoft PowerToys file I linked to is also a dll file.

The only problem with both of these examples is that we would prefer not to use a dll file.

Not that there is anything wrong in you offering your file, just that it seems that the thread is re-covering old ground again, with little new being added.



Curosity kills the cat! I didn't go into details, may be the file is same, in fact I wanted to end the hunt by offering a tested solution. Thanks!

  • 1 month later...

Hi all,

I stumbled on this thread (and forum!) from google, and this is my first post, but I just wanted to report that I have combined the suggestions of MHz and Yzöwl into the following:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\lnkfile\Shell\Find Target\command]
@="\"explorer.exe\" /select,\"%1\""

(save as plain text with the extension .REG, and run it)

This seems to work for me in XP, with no need for additional DLLs. Thanks to everyone in the thread for the ingredients!

Posted (edited)
@ clavicle

The dll file is probably the one in use already the original questioner, Oh_Kay.

However the Microsoft PowerToys file I linked to is also a dll file.

The only problem with both of these examples is that we would prefer not to use a dll file.

Not that there is anything wrong in you offering your file, just that it seems that the thread is re-covering old ground again, with little new being added.


Of course they are both in Japanese but you just have to tweak the context menu entry to put it in english.

Edited by eidenk
Posted (edited)



but not quite, if its a link on the desktop then it simply open's desktop and shows the Target which points nowhere intended

Edited by maxXPsoft
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\lnkfile\Shell\Find Target\command]@="\"explorer.exe\" /select,\"%1\""

When you click on a shortcut in "Quick Launch", it opens Quick Launch folder, not the shortcut's target folder.


As nobody has picked up on it yet, from my vbs alternative earlier, here is a working method!

First create this file and save it as %SystemRoot%\system32\GeTarget.vbs

Wscript.Echo CreateObject("WScript.Shell").CreateShortcut(WScript.Arguments (0)).TargetPath

The above should all be on one line.

Now paste this single line into Start » Run and click OK

reg add "HKCU\Software\Classes\lnkfile\Shell\Find Target\command" /ve /d "%comspec% /c @echo off&for /f \"delims=\" %%? in ('cscript //nologo %SystemRoot%\system32\GeTarget.vbs \"%1\"') do start \"\" explorer.exe /select, \"%%~?\"" /f

Now right click any shortcut and choose Find Target

I hope this is better!

As nobody has picked up on it yet, from my vbs alternative earlier, here is a working method!

I hope this is better!

Don't work here, I see a cmd flash and nothing

Posted (edited)

I have it running flawlessly on my machines.

What is the string in your registry value data?

This is mine

C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /c @echo off&for /f "delims=" %%? in ('cscript //nologo C:\WINDOWS\system32\GeTarget.vbs "%1"') do start "" explorer.exe /select, "%%~?"

Edited by Yzöwl

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