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Posted (edited)


sorry I mean't an apply button I know you list the wims from a location you set in the script but another apply button would be heplfull to browse to a network share or USB Drive. That way you cover all base's and add extras in later.

I like the colour scheme as well just make it translucent to make it look like vista aero

Edited by p4ntb0y
Posted (edited)

Hi Geezery, finally had a chance to test your new version, looking good, I really like the new icons. Something to watch is that if you save the imagex.hta onto a network drive. and then move it to your tech pc to add to the windows pe, right click the HTA and click unblock before creating the winpe. For some reason having it on a network drive makes it a blocked file and then when you boot into winpe and run imagex.hta you will get "access denied".

I was pulling my hair out for awhile. I noticed in your hta you have a space between diskpart and its extension (diskpart .txt) no problem for me as I changed the location, but it may cause others a hassel, other than that everything looks sweet.

The chkdsk seems to work great, haven't had a single image fail today, the actual process of running chkdsk also happens so quickly even with a lot of files that it doesn't seem necessary to have an option not to run chkdsk, but that just my opinion.

I like the current apply functionality. with the wim drop down list and everything. I still think their should be a prompt asking for the wim location as the program starts instead of manually adding the location of the wim file in the hta.

Looking forward to the disk status functionality, at the moment I just make use of the cmd button and then run diskpart list volume, but if the info actually automatically pops up the info within the hta that would be excellent.

I have tested the append functionality and it works great.

Is there any chance of hard coding imagex to use wimscript.ini when capturing/appending so pernament exclusions can be set.

I believe the syntax is imagex /capture /config=x:\windows\system32\wimscript.ini .... etc.

In the wimscript.ini file you can just have the default exclusions, but it gives us a chance to add new exclusions. eg. exclude zip files from compression, etc.

Edited by solutionone
Posted (edited)

I noticed that extra space also yesterday. I think there is a possibility to make a dynamic diskapart also without the diskpart.txt file, but the scripting of it might take like 20 hours or more and I don't have time for it now. Actually I managed to make that diskpart list volume popup, but the text formatting is a mess. I think I'm going to use wmi to retrieve the volume information. I actually have code for that also.

If someone likes to make that diskpart script it would be nice. I tested the Sendkeys method to diskpart and it works pretty well.

msdn sendkeys


I don't know about that extra apply button, since if I make that *.wim file path change option you can then always change the path.

Adding options to Imagex /Capture

Line: 252 in v0.23


ObjShell.Run "%comspec% /c imagex /capture "& strDrv &" "  & myFilepath &  strWimFile & " " &chr(34) & strWimDesc &chr(34) & " " &chr(34) & strWimDesc2 &chr(34)


ObjShell.Run "%comspec% /c imagex /capture /config=x:\windows\system32\wimscript.ini "& strDrv &" "  & myFilepath &  strWimFile & " " &chr(34) & strWimDesc &chr(34) & " " &chr(34) & strWimDesc2 &chr(34)

Notice the extra space after the wimscript.ini!

I think it would be nice to have an option to install Windows XP from the Gui also, does anyone have a step by step tutorial for this? I noticed the thread here and there was a mention about some registry keys that needs to be edited before the diskpart.

Edited by geezery

Hi again Geezery, I've been doing some research into p4ntb0y's idea of using the open dialog box for picking the wim location and etc. I found this brilliant hta reference from the scripting guy @ MS.


hope this helps, by the way thanks for the quick reply regarding the imagex config file. I've made the changes which work great. I'll post my exclusions list for compression when I get the chance at work tomorrow.

I think installing XP/Vista from this would be an excellent addition to this project, but we should probably get all the base functions down pat first. Good foundations and all that, not that it doesn't work well at the moment, but we can all work together with ideas, etc to make a good project a great one :thumbup


When it finds my wim file it does not display the images contained (but I can select the radio button) and it also does not display the image decription.

Any ideas?


Can you try the same thing with winpe.wim that is included in waik?

Where are you running the script virtual or real environment?

What version of imagex are you using?


Well, I'm doing this from VistaPE (made with Winbuilder) I haven't done this scrictly in a WinPE environment. I did try the AutoIt gui and after modifying it a bit it did display the images and description and also layed the image down.

I haven't tried it with the wim file from the AIK, I'll give that a try and am using imagex 6.0.6000.16386


Nightman has made the following available: WSH, MDAC, HTA, WMI and XML. Although that plugin is in beta so I would have to say that it might not be fully supported. Everything else in your hta works it just doesn't list the images, description or lay the image down on the hard drive. The autoit tool does.

Posted (edited)


I was thinking of the diskpart list volume popup coming out all jumbled. Is the jumbled mess a CSV (comma separated) or does it just completely lose its formatting entirely.

If it is comma separated, I know of a way we might be able to sort it out so it is usable again quite easily.

I think I have a working plan for a dynamic diskpart.txt, but I'm still looking into it.


Forgive my ignorance, but when you talk about Vista PE, are you just talking about WinPE 2.0 (the version created with the latest WAIK that is a cut down/basic version of Windows Vista), or is this some new custom system, like Bart PE?

Edited by solutionone


Yes sorry an filepath dropdown list would be nice for the browse to...

beware that vista acts a little bit different to code than in xp for some reason.


Forgive my ignorance, but when you talk about Vista PE, are you just talking about WinPE 2.0 (the version created with the latest WAIK that is a cut down/basic version of Windows Vista), or is this some new custom system, like Bart PE?

I guess you can say it is like BartPE. It uses either Vista source or WAIK to build a wim file. Here is the website for the VistaPE project: http://vistape.boot-land.net/eng/about.html

It does use the WinPE2.0 core with the addition of adding a shell and the ability to use 32bit tools.


I tried the WinPE.wim file from the WAIK booting via PXE on a machine and when I attempted to launch the hta file I was presented with a Open With dialog box. Sorry, haven't really played around with WinPE itself, been focused on the VistaPE project myself. Would like to get a gui working for wim files as this might be the choice we will be moving towards in our environment (currently using RDeploy for our imaging needs).


Does anyone know of a project that uses the standard WinPE 2.0 but lets you integrate the MassStorage and Networking driverpacks into it. (found here http://www.driverpacks.net/DriverPacks/ )

This would be handy for this particular project as it would make it easier to support multiple hardware platforms.

It would be great to be able to boot a system with RAID and make a image of it without having to search for all the RAID drivers.

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