geezery Posted May 6, 2007 Posted May 6, 2007 (edited) Not available anymoreThe software is available again, but in a non-support/community project basis. The original author has abandoned this project, so I am taking over its sponsorship. I cannot take any requests for adding or updating new features to the software.UPDATE1. Version 9.0 and 9.1 are not stable, more testing needs to be done.2. Currently testing v7.1 in WinPE 3.0 x643. Merged both threads.Last available versionsVersion 7.1 :: downloadVersion 9.0 :: downloadCustom PE backgroundsEmbedded by Tripredacus :: downloadVista by Tripredacus :: download Edited April 26, 2010 by Tripredacus
obiwantuxedo Posted May 8, 2007 Posted May 8, 2007 (edited) Thanks for the HTA. This is exactly what I started last week. Yours, however, is an improvement over what I had started. I have added the Ghost32 capability for my techs to use should an ImageX image not be available. I am looking for a section that also allows for capture/append so we can create the ones we don't have. Any suggestions? I have started one that works in a separate HTA file, but when I add it to yours, it fails, only prompting for the first parameter (Drive to capture) the other two, WIM file name and description never appear. I'll post code tomorrow, left it at work.Also, your link to the sample files isn't working.Thanks again! Edited May 8, 2007 by obiwantuxedo
geezery Posted May 8, 2007 Author Posted May 8, 2007 Thanks for your reply. I fixed the broken link.I didn't want to add those Capture / Append buttons, because I wanted to keep the menu simple as possible. And if I want to capture new image I can always use CMD-Prompt.The description field might be nice, but I didn't have any use for more information about Images.But if you are making some improvements to HTA, please post it here so everyone can use it. I look forward to see other versions of this HTA.
obiwantuxedo Posted May 8, 2007 Posted May 8, 2007 Here's what I've got...<!****************************************************************************><!* HTA Header ><!****************************************************************************><HEAD><TITLE>ImageX Deployment</TITLE><HTA:APPLICATIONBORDER = yesAPPLICATION = YesWINDOWSTATE = MAXIMIZEINNERBORDER = NoSHOWINTASKBAR = YesSCROLL = yesAPPLICATIONNAME = "Windows PE Wizard"NAVIGABLE = Yes><!-- external stylesheet --></HEAD><!****************************************************************************><!* Begin Script ><!****************************************************************************><script Language=VBScript>'****************************************************************************'* Globals'* setup global script parameters'****************************************************************************Option ExplicitDim strTaskValue, objShell, objFso, strBody, objWmiService, strImgSrc, strOutPut, cmdImgInfo, cmdPartHD, tmpFile, j, strImages, strLocationDim strIndx(), strNames()Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")Set objFso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")'Set objWMIService = GetObject ("winmgmts:\\.\root\cimv2")'-------------- Editable commands --------------' Diskpart commandcmdPartHD = "%comspec% /c diskpart /s z:\diskpart.txt"' Image-X /info command. (xml-print)cmdImgInfo= "%comspec% /c imagex /info z:\Image62.wim"' Default file, where to parse image liststrImages = "z:\images.txt"'------------------------------------------------'****************************************************************************'* Run Ghost is necessary'****************************************************************************Sub RunGhost32 Set objShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell") objShell.Run ".\Ghost32.exe"End Sub'****************************************************************************'* Window_OnLoad'* load up behavior and preferences'* Read image files'* Parse indexes and filenames'****************************************************************************Sub Window_Onload readImages() strLocation = strImages 'InputBox("Path to images.txt file:", "images.txt" , strImages) Call parseFile(strIndx, strNames, strLocation) self.Focus() strBody = "<BR><font face=verdana><B>Select image to apply:</B></font><BR>" enumDirsEnd Sub'****************************************************************************'* enumDirs'****************************************************************************Sub enumDirsDim colFilelist, objFile, strButtons, objShortcut, colTargetList, objTarget, x, y, strKey, strItem, kReDim arrButtons(1,-1)'Reset display element styledetails.innerHTML = "" = "hidden"'Create listFor k = 0 To Ubound(strIndx)ReDim Preserve arrButtons(1,UBound(arrButtons,2)+1)arrButtons(0,UBound(arrButtons,2)) = strNames(k)arrButtons(1,UBound(arrButtons,2)) = "<font face=verdana><Input type=radio name=radioList id='" & strIndx(k) & "' onClick=showRadioInfo>" & strNames(k) & "</font></BUTTON><BR>"Next'perform a a shell sort of the string array based on button labelFor x = 0 To UBound(arrButtons,2) - 1For y = x To UBound(arrButtons,2)If StrComp(arrButtons(0,x),arrButtons(0,y),vbTextCompare) > 0 ThenstrKey = arrButtons(0,x)strItem = arrButtons(1,x)arrButtons(0,x) = arrButtons(0,y)arrButtons(1,x) = arrButtons(1,y)arrButtons(0,y) = strKeyarrButtons(1,y) = strItemEnd IfNextNext'End of the listFor x = 0 To UBound(arrButtons,2)strButtons = strButtons & "<tr><td id=buttonTd>" & arrButtons(1,x) & "</td></tr>"NextstrBody = strBody & "<BR><HR><BR>"strBody = strBody & strButtons & "<BR><HR><BR><button class='defBtn' id=start Accesskey=S onclick=doTask(strTaskValue)><U>A</U>pply</BUTTON>   <Button class = 'defBtn' id=close onclick=self.close()> Close </BUTTON>"body.innerHTML = strBodyEnd Sub'****************************************************************************'* doTask'* run task selected by radio button'****************************************************************************Sub doTask(doMe)Dim myInputDim myErrorIf doMe = "" ThenMsgBox "You must choose image to apply first."ElseIf Instr(1, doMe, "gex /apply", 1) > 0 ThenmyInput = MsgBox("The hard disk of the computer will be formatted and the image will be applied to it."+Chr(13)+Chr(13)+"Continue?", 4)If myInput = 7 ThenMsgBox "Aborted by user"ElsedoTask(cmdPartHD)objShell.Run doMeEnd ifElsemyError = objShell.Run(doMe, 1, True)End ifEnd ifEnd Sub'****************************************************************************'* readImages'* Imagex info-print -> file'****************************************************************************Sub readImages()'ObjShell.Run "%comspec% /c Dir " & chr(34) & strImgSrc & chr(34) & " > " & chr(34) & strOutPut & chr(34)' Imagex /Info command' ObjShell.Run "%comspec% /c " & cmdImgInfo & " > " & chr(34) & strOutPut & chr(34)' objShell.Run cmdImgInfo & " > " & strImagesEnd Sub'****************************************************************************'* parseFile'* Parses the text inside <name> and <index> tags from text file.'****************************************************************************Sub parseFile(strIndx(), strNames(), strFile)Dim objTextFile, sReadLine, pos, pos2, i, tmpStr1i = -1Redim strNames(0)Redim strIndx(0)If objFso.FileExists(strFile) ThenSet objTextFile = objFso.OpenTextFile(strFile, 1)Do While Not objTextFile.AtEndOfStreamsReadLine = objTextFile.ReadLine' indexit ja name haltuunpos2 = Instr(1, sReadLine, "<IMAGE", 1)pos = Instr(1, sReadLine, "<NAME>", 1)If pos2 > 0 Theni = i + 1Redim Preserve strIndx(i)Redim Preserve strNames(i)'strIndx(i) = Right(sReadLine, Len(sReadLine) - (pos2 + 9))tmpStr1 = Right(sReadLine, Len(sReadLine) - (pos2 + 13))strIndx(i) = Left(tmpStr1, Len(tmpStr1) -2)End IfIf pos > 0 Then'strNames(i) = Right(sReadLine, Len(sReadLine) - (pos + 5))tmpStr1 = Right(sReadLine, Len(sReadLine) - (pos + 5))strNames(i) = Left(tmpStr1, Len(tmpStr1) -8)End IfloopEnd IfEnd sub'****************************************************************************'* showRadioInfo'****************************************************************************Sub showRadioInfoDim objTextFile, Radio, strRadioValue, strDetails'set details and start element = "visible" = "visible"'find checked buttonFor Each Radio in Document.getElementsByName("radioList")If Radio.Checked = True Then'create imaging command line from button idstrTaskValue = "imagex /apply z:\Image62.wim " + Radio.Id + " c:"End IfNext'post resulting html to details elementDetails.innerHTML = "<BR><font face=verdana><table id='detailsTable'><tr><td>" & strDetails & "</td></tr></table></font><BR>"End Sub'****************************************************************************'* Reset'* reset the tool interface, also reloads the code (helpful for programming)'****************************************************************************</Script><!****************************************************************************><!* End Script / Begin HTML ><!****************************************************************************>'<BODY background="pe.jpg"><table width=739 height =128 background=./masthead.jpg><tr><td align=center valign=bottom><font face=verdana color=white><b>ImageX Deployment Menu</b></font></td></tr></table><DIV id=bg><!-- <img src="K:\WinPE\pe.jpg"> --></DIV><DIV id=body></DIV><DIV id=details></DIV><DIV id=tools></DIV><br><table border="0" width="737"> <tr> <td bgcolor="#000000" > <p align="center"><font face="Verdana" color="#FFFFFF"><b> Symantec Ghost</b></font></td> </tr> <tr> <td ><font face="Verdana" size="2">If all else fails, you can use Ghost to image a workstation. You will need to know the path to the image or call the Help Desk (x4-5666) to setup a Multicast session.</td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><font face="Verdana" size="2"><font face = Verdana><input id=runbutton3 class="button" type="button" value="Ghost32" name="btnGhost32" onClick="RunGhost32"></font></td></tr></table></BODY></HTML><!****************************************************************************><!* End HTML ><!****************************************************************************>So far the response from my techs and other SAs has been great. Again, thanks.
obiwantuxedo Posted May 8, 2007 Posted May 8, 2007 Here is the code I added for the capture, but only gives me one prompt instead of the the three:Under the <script ...>'****************************************************************************'* Capture Image'****************************************************************************Sub RunScript strDrv = window.prompt("Please enter the drive letter you would like to capture.", "Drive Letter") strWimFile = window.prompt("Please enter the name for the captured image.", "Image Name") strWimDesc = window.prompt("Please enter the make and model, i.e. Dell Latitude D820.", "Description") 'Test purposes only!!! Msgbox "IMAGEX /CAPTURE "& strDrv &" " & strDrv & "\"& strWimFile & " " &chr(34) & strWimDesc &chr(34) & " /verify /compress maximum"End SubUnder <BODY ...><input id="runbutton" class="button" type="button" value="Capture" name="run_button" onClick="RunScript">Like I said before, when I run this exact code in an HTA of its' own, it works. Cut and paste into this HTA, and I only receive one prompt.
geezery Posted May 8, 2007 Author Posted May 8, 2007 Good to hear some nice feedback.I personally wouldnt use that /compress maximum switch, because the time it takes is like 3x to normal compression and the size difference is quite small.And you don't need that verify switch, if you are using network path, because it is turned on by default on network paths.Very nice work obionetuxedo.If someone else has some more ideas to give, put your wishes here.
zorphnog Posted May 9, 2007 Posted May 9, 2007 While I agree that compress max takes a substantially greater amount of time to capture, the difference in size can be great depending on what kind of data you're capturing. Compression algorithms rely on repeated data, so if you have a lot of similar data it can make a difference. In my captures it reduces the size by about 25% which is fairly good considering I have 9GB images. Though for smaller images its not very beneficial.
Seattle Posted May 10, 2007 Posted May 10, 2007 Hello,First, I would like to say thanks to the OP for some fine work here Second, I am trying to use this in my PE Boot Image (WDS Server) and it sort-of works.PE Loads / Boots / Initializes / Maps the Drive / and then launches the program but I receive a script error.Error:Line: 54Char: 1Error: Invalid SyntaxCode: 0It asks if I would like to continue running the script and I click yes.The interface comes up with no images listed.If you need more information, please let me know.Thanks!
geezery Posted May 10, 2007 Author Posted May 10, 2007 I think you have problem with the images.txt file. Can you post your code here?
Seattle Posted May 10, 2007 Posted May 10, 2007 (edited) I think you have problem with the images.txt file. Can you post your code here?<html><!--'********************************************************************'*'* File: ImageXHTA.hta'* Author: geezery '* Big thanks to : greg & fisher'* Created: May 2007'* Version: .1'*'* Description: windows imaging platform'*'* Dependencies: tested on and for WinPE 2.0 with WMI, Scripting,'* XML, HTA packages, Imagex components'* Notes: Line 28 - might want to make this "normal" when you are'* testing and don't want the hta fullscreen'* Line 206 - Put your background image there if you want'********************************************************************--><!****************************************************************************><!* HTA Header ><!****************************************************************************><HEAD><TITLE>Imaging Application</TITLE><HTA:APPLICATIONBORDER = yesAPPLICATION = YesWINDOWSTATE = maximizeINNERBORDER = NoSHOWINTASKBAR = YesSCROLL = NoAPPLICATIONNAME = "Windows PE Wizard"NAVIGABLE = Yes><!-- external stylesheet --><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="htastyle.css" /></HEAD><!****************************************************************************><!* Begin Script ><!****************************************************************************><script Language=VBScript>'****************************************************************************'* Globals'* setup global script parameters'****************************************************************************Option ExplicitDim strTaskValue, objShell, objFso, strBody, objWmiService, strImgSrc, strOutPut, cmdImgInfo, cmdPartHD, tmpFile, j, strImages, strLocationDim strIndx(), strNames()Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")Set objFso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")Set objWMIService = GetObject ("winmgmts:\\.\root\cimv2")'-------------- Editable commands --------------' Diskpart commandcmdPartHD = "%comspec% /c diskpart /s F:\winpe\diskpart.txt"' Image-X /info command. (xml-print)cmdImgInfo= "%comspec% /c imagex /info F:\images.wim"' Default file, where to parse image liststrImages = "F:\Winpe\images.txt"'------------------------------------------------'****************************************************************************'* Window_OnLoad'* load up behavior and preferences'* Read image files'* Parse indexes and filenames'****************************************************************************Sub Window_OnloadreadImages()strLocation = InputBox("Path to images.txt file:", "images.txt" , strImages)Call parseFile(strIndx, strNames, strLocation)self.Focus()strBody = "<div id='title'>Tetra Tech Deployment Center</div>" & "<BR><B>Select image to apply:</B><BR>"enumDirsEnd Sub'****************************************************************************'* enumDirs'****************************************************************************Sub enumDirsDim colFilelist, objFile, strButtons, objShortcut, colTargetList, objTarget, x, y, strKey, strItem, kReDim arrButtons(1,-1)'Reset display element styledetails.innerHTML = "" = "hidden"'Create listFor k = 0 To Ubound(strIndx)ReDim Preserve arrButtons(1,UBound(arrButtons,2)+1)arrButtons(0,UBound(arrButtons,2)) = strNames(k)arrButtons(1,UBound(arrButtons,2)) = "<Input type=radio name=radioList id='" & strIndx(k) & "' onClick=showRadioInfo>" & strNames(k) & "</BUTTON><BR>"Next'perform a a shell sort of the string array based on button labelFor x = 0 To UBound(arrButtons,2) - 1For y = x To UBound(arrButtons,2)If StrComp(arrButtons(0,x),arrButtons(0,y),vbTextCompare) > 0 ThenstrKey = arrButtons(0,x)strItem = arrButtons(1,x)arrButtons(0,x) = arrButtons(0,y)arrButtons(1,x) = arrButtons(1,y)arrButtons(0,y) = strKeyarrButtons(1,y) = strItemEnd IfNextNext'End of the listFor x = 0 To UBound(arrButtons,2)strButtons = strButtons & "<tr><td id=buttonTd>" & arrButtons(1,x) & "</td></tr>"NextstrBody = strBody & "<BR><HR><BR>"strBody = strBody & strButtons & "<BR><HR><BR><button class='defBtn' id=start Accesskey=S onclick=doTask(strTaskValue)><U>A</U>pply image</BUTTON><BR>"body.innerHTML = strBodyEnd Sub'****************************************************************************'* doTask'* run task selected by radio button'****************************************************************************Sub doTask(doMe)Dim myInputDim myErrorIf doMe = "" Then MsgBox "You must choose image to apply first."Else If Instr(1, doMe, "gex /apply", 1) > 0 Then myInput = MsgBox("The hard disk of the computer will be formatted and the image will be applied to it."+Chr(13)+Chr(13)+"Continue?", 4) If myInput = 7 Then MsgBox "Aborted by user" Else doTask(cmdPartHD) objShell.Run doMe End if Else myError = objShell.Run(doMe, 1, True) End ifEnd ifEnd Sub'****************************************************************************'* readImages'* Imagex info-print -> file'****************************************************************************Sub readImages() 'ObjShell.Run "%comspec% /c Dir " & chr(34) & strImgSrc & chr(34) & " > " & chr(34) & strOutPut & chr(34) ' Imagex /Info command ' ObjShell.Run "%comspec% /c Dir " & cmdImgInfo & " > " & chr(34) & strOutPut & chr(34)End Sub'****************************************************************************'* parseFile'* Parses the text inside <name> and <index> tags from text file.'****************************************************************************Sub parseFile(strIndx(), strNames(), strFile)Dim objTextFile, sReadLine, pos, pos2, i, tmpStr1i = -1Redim strNames(0)Redim strIndx(0)If objFso.FileExists(strFile) Then Set objTextFile = objFso.OpenTextFile(strFile, 1) Do While Not objTextFile.AtEndOfStream sReadLine = objTextFile.ReadLine ' indexit ja name haltuun pos2 = Instr(1, sReadLine, "<IMAGE", 1) pos = Instr(1, sReadLine, "<NAME>", 1) If pos2 > 0 Then i = i + 1 Redim Preserve strIndx(i) Redim Preserve strNames(i) 'strIndx(i) = Right(sReadLine, Len(sReadLine) - (pos2 + 9)) tmpStr1 = Right(sReadLine, Len(sReadLine) - (pos2 + 13)) strIndx(i) = Left(tmpStr1, Len(tmpStr1) -2) End If If pos > 0 Then 'strNames(i) = Right(sReadLine, Len(sReadLine) - (pos + 5)) tmpStr1 = Right(sReadLine, Len(sReadLine) - (pos + 5)) strNames(i) = Left(tmpStr1, Len(tmpStr1) -8) End If loopEnd IfEnd sub'****************************************************************************'* showRadioInfo'****************************************************************************Sub showRadioInfoDim objTextFile, Radio, strRadioValue, strDetails'set details and start element = "visible" = "visible"'find checked buttonFor Each Radio in Document.getElementsByName("radioList")If Radio.Checked = True Then'create imaging command line from button idstrTaskValue = "imagex /apply F:\images.wim " + Radio.Id + " c:" End IfNext'post resulting html to details elementDetails.innerHTML = "<BR><table id='detailsTable'><tr><td>" & strDetails & "</td></tr></table><BR>"End Sub'****************************************************************************'* Reset'* reset the tool interface, also reloads the code (helpful for programming)'****************************************************************************Sub ResetLocation.Reload(True)End Sub</Script><!****************************************************************************><!* End Script / Begin HTML ><!****************************************************************************>'<BODY background="pe.jpg"><DIV id=bg><!-- <img src="pe.jpg"> --></DIV><DIV id=body></DIV><DIV id=details></DIV><DIV id=tools><Button class = 'defBtn' id=cmd onclick=doTask('%comspec%')> CMD-Prompt </BUTTON><Button class = 'defBtn' id=close onclick=self.close()> Close </BUTTON><Button class = 'defBtn' id=reset onclick=reset> Refresh List</BUTTON></DIV></BODY></HTML><!****************************************************************************><!* End HTML ><!****************************************************************************>** Also, are these files supposed to be placed on the MappedDrive:\winpe\ folder? I keep getting an access denied when calling the HTA, even though the drive maps fine.I apologize for my newbiness I really do appreciate your help.Originally, I added these files to the winpe boot image and was able to call the HTA but that is when I receive the script error.Then I saw the note about creating a winpe folder in the image directory but now i am receiving access denied. Edited May 10, 2007 by Seattle
geezery Posted May 10, 2007 Author Posted May 10, 2007 I think you have an file access problem.Here is how I use this HTA:1. Make a Windows share somewhere for example \\mysrv\share2. Give the appropriate access to files & share it for "Everyone". (You can test it by giving user "Everyone" Read access to share)3. Put your *.wim file & diskpart.txt file to that dir.(Then you must create an xml output file from your wim file) 4. You can do it from cmd prompt easily (imagex /info filename.wim > images.txt)(Now you have three files inside the share "images.wim, images.txt, diskpart.txt")5. You should also edit diskpart.txt to suite in your needs. 6. Put ImageXHTA.hta and htastyle.css in your boot.wim system32 folder. That way you can call the hta file without full pathname.(You can also put all these files in the network share and call those mshta.exe Z:\ImageXHTA.hta) (Z:\ mapped network path)(I haven't tested this method, but it would be great, because you could edit the hta file afterwards.)You can also put several wim files in the share and make multiple xml output files. Then just point to the xml file you want. You can also leave this section blank if you want always to specify correct path to xml output file.' Default file, where to parse image liststrImages = "F:\Winpe\images.txt"
p4ntb0y Posted May 13, 2007 Posted May 13, 2007 Very Nice!If I wanted append images within images will this still have the same effect?I am a bit of a vbs noob and still going thru it.It be nice to have all my image options from the xml file (again I have to research weather you can get /info from appeded images)then select the one I require and off it goes with the right append number.I would then look to split this across two cds and deploy to our engineers as a backup for no network, be great for support.
geezery Posted May 13, 2007 Author Posted May 13, 2007 Of course it works. The example images.wim file has three images here in my sample. I don't know about the splitting to cd's.
p4ntb0y Posted May 13, 2007 Posted May 13, 2007 next time I finish reading thru your code and not just jump in at the deep end sorry for that.
thebearpoo Posted May 18, 2007 Posted May 18, 2007 Thanks for the source code. I need some help though, I am getting an error message after my diskpart runs and exits. Error is - Line: 140Char: 4Error: The system cannot find the specified file.Code: 0URL: file:////X:/windows/system32/tools/hta/ImageXHTA.htadiskpart.txt, install.wim, and images.txt are all located in a network drive that is mapped using the net use command before the ImageXHTA.hta apps is launched in WINPE 2.0. ImageXHTA.hta, htasyle.css, pe.jpg, and Update Image list.cmd are located in the windows\system32\tools\hta folder of the boot.wim file.Here is my code:<html><!--'********************************************************************'*'* File: ImageXHTA.hta'* Author: geezery '* Big thanks to : greg & fisher'* Created: May 2007'* Version: .1'*'* Description: windows imaging platform'*'* Dependencies: tested on and for WinPE 2.0 with WMI, Scripting,'* XML, HTA packages, Imagex components'* Notes: Line 28 - might want to make this "normal" when you are'* testing and don't want the hta fullscreen'* Line 206 - Put your background image there if you want'********************************************************************--><!****************************************************************************><!* HTA Header ><!****************************************************************************><HEAD><TITLE>Imaging Application</TITLE><HTA:APPLICATIONBORDER = yesAPPLICATION = YesWINDOWSTATE = maximizeINNERBORDER = NoSHOWINTASKBAR = YesSCROLL = NoAPPLICATIONNAME = "Windows PE Wizard"NAVIGABLE = Yes><!-- external stylesheet --><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="htastyle.css" /></HEAD><!****************************************************************************><!* Begin Script ><!****************************************************************************><script Language=VBScript>'****************************************************************************'* Globals'* setup global script parameters'****************************************************************************Option ExplicitDim strTaskValue, objShell, objFso, strBody, objWmiService, strImgSrc, strOutPut, cmdImgInfo, cmdPartHD, tmpFile, j, strImages, strLocationDim strIndx(), strNames()Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")Set objFso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")Set objWMIService = GetObject ("winmgmts:\\.\root\cimv2")'-------------- Editable commands --------------' Diskpart commandcmdPartHD = "%comspec% /c diskpart /s Q:\diskpart.txt"' Image-X /info command. (xml-print)cmdImgInfo= "%comspec% /c imagex /info Q:\install.wim"' Default file, where to parse image liststrImages = "Q:\images.txt"'------------------------------------------------'****************************************************************************'* Window_OnLoad'* load up behavior and preferences'* Read image files'* Parse indexes and filenames'****************************************************************************Sub Window_OnloadreadImages()strLocation = InputBox("Path to images.txt file:", "images.txt" , strImages)Call parseFile(strIndx, strNames, strLocation)self.Focus()strBody = "<div id='title'>ImageX Deployment platform</div>" & "<BR><B>Select image to apply:</B><BR>"enumDirsEnd Sub'****************************************************************************'* enumDirs'****************************************************************************Sub enumDirsDim colFilelist, objFile, strButtons, objShortcut, colTargetList, objTarget, x, y, strKey, strItem, kReDim arrButtons(1,-1)'Reset display element styledetails.innerHTML = "" = "hidden"'Create listFor k = 0 To Ubound(strIndx)ReDim Preserve arrButtons(1,UBound(arrButtons,2)+1)arrButtons(0,UBound(arrButtons,2)) = strNames(k)arrButtons(1,UBound(arrButtons,2)) = "<Input type=radio name=radioList id='" & strIndx(k) & "' onClick=showRadioInfo>" & strNames(k) & "</BUTTON><BR>"Next'perform a a shell sort of the string array based on button labelFor x = 0 To UBound(arrButtons,2) - 1For y = x To UBound(arrButtons,2)If StrComp(arrButtons(0,x),arrButtons(0,y),vbTextCompare) > 0 ThenstrKey = arrButtons(0,x)strItem = arrButtons(1,x)arrButtons(0,x) = arrButtons(0,y)arrButtons(1,x) = arrButtons(1,y)arrButtons(0,y) = strKeyarrButtons(1,y) = strItemEnd IfNextNext'End of the listFor x = 0 To UBound(arrButtons,2)strButtons = strButtons & "<tr><td id=buttonTd>" & arrButtons(1,x) & "</td></tr>"NextstrBody = strBody & "<BR><HR><BR>"strBody = strBody & strButtons & "<BR><HR><BR><button class='defBtn' id=start Accesskey=S onclick=doTask(strTaskValue)><U>A</U>pply image</BUTTON><BR>"body.innerHTML = strBodyEnd Sub'****************************************************************************'* doTask'* run task selected by radio button'****************************************************************************Sub doTask(doMe)Dim myInputDim myErrorIf doMe = "" Then MsgBox "You must choose image to apply first."Else If Instr(1, doMe, "gex /apply", 1) > 0 Then myInput = MsgBox("The hard disk of the computer will be formatted and the image will be applied to it."+Chr(13)+Chr(13)+"Continue?", 4) If myInput = 7 Then MsgBox "Aborted by user" Else doTask(cmdPartHD) objShell.Run doMe End if Else myError = objShell.Run(doMe, 1, True) End ifEnd ifEnd Sub'****************************************************************************'* readImages'* Imagex info-print -> file'****************************************************************************Sub readImages() 'ObjShell.Run "%comspec% /c Dir " & chr(34) & strImgSrc & chr(34) & " > " & chr(34) & strOutPut & chr(34) ' Imagex /Info command ' ObjShell.Run "%comspec% /c Dir " & cmdImgInfo & " > " & chr(34) & strOutPut & chr(34)End Sub'****************************************************************************'* parseFile'* Parses the text inside <name> and <index> tags from text file.'****************************************************************************Sub parseFile(strIndx(), strNames(), strFile)Dim objTextFile, sReadLine, pos, pos2, i, tmpStr1i = -1Redim strNames(0)Redim strIndx(0)If objFso.FileExists(strFile) Then Set objTextFile = objFso.OpenTextFile(strFile, 1) Do While Not objTextFile.AtEndOfStream sReadLine = objTextFile.ReadLine ' indexit ja name haltuun pos2 = Instr(1, sReadLine, "<IMAGE", 1) pos = Instr(1, sReadLine, "<NAME>", 1) If pos2 > 0 Then i = i + 1 Redim Preserve strIndx(i) Redim Preserve strNames(i) 'strIndx(i) = Right(sReadLine, Len(sReadLine) - (pos2 + 9)) tmpStr1 = Right(sReadLine, Len(sReadLine) - (pos2 + 13)) strIndx(i) = Left(tmpStr1, Len(tmpStr1) -2) End If If pos > 0 Then 'strNames(i) = Right(sReadLine, Len(sReadLine) - (pos + 5)) tmpStr1 = Right(sReadLine, Len(sReadLine) - (pos + 5)) strNames(i) = Left(tmpStr1, Len(tmpStr1) -8) End If loopEnd IfEnd sub'****************************************************************************'* showRadioInfo'****************************************************************************Sub showRadioInfoDim objTextFile, Radio, strRadioValue, strDetails'set details and start element = "visible" = "visible"'find checked buttonFor Each Radio in Document.getElementsByName("radioList")If Radio.Checked = True Then'create imaging command line from button idstrTaskValue = "imagex /apply Q:\install.wim " + Radio.Id + " c:" End IfNext'post resulting html to details elementDetails.innerHTML = "<BR><table id='detailsTable'><tr><td>" & strDetails & "</td></tr></table><BR>"End Sub'****************************************************************************'* Reset'* reset the tool interface, also reloads the code (helpful for programming)'****************************************************************************Sub ResetLocation.Reload(True)End Sub</Script><!****************************************************************************><!* End Script / Begin HTML ><!****************************************************************************><BODY background="pe.jpg"><DIV id=bg><!-- <img src="pe.jpg"> --></DIV><DIV id=body></DIV><DIV id=details></DIV><DIV id=tools><Button class = 'defBtn' id=cmd onclick=doTask('%comspec%')> CMD-Prompt </BUTTON><Button class = 'defBtn' id=close onclick=self.close()> Close </BUTTON><Button class = 'defBtn' id=reset onclick=reset> Refresh List</BUTTON></DIV></BODY></HTML><!****************************************************************************><!* End HTML ><!****************************************************************************>Here is my images.txt fileImageX Tool for WindowsCopyright © Microsoft Corp. 1981-2005. All rights reserved.WIM Information:----------------GUID: {1bf6a4c6-35cf-45a4-be1a-526c70946546}Image Count: 1Compression: XPRESSPart Number: 1/1Attributes: 0xc Integrity info Relative path junctionAvailable Image Choices:------------------------<WIM> <TOTALBYTES>2029827781</TOTALBYTES> <IMAGE INDEX="1"> <NAME>Windows Vista Business</NAME> <FLAGS>Business</FLAGS> <WINDOWS> <ARCH>0</ARCH> <PRODUCTNAME>Microsoft® Windows® Operating System</PRODUCTNAME> <HAL>acpiapic</HAL> <PRODUCTTYPE>WinNT</PRODUCTTYPE> <PRODUCTSUITE>Terminal Server</PRODUCTSUITE> <LANGUAGES> <LANGUAGE>en-US</LANGUAGE> <DEFAULT>en-US</DEFAULT> </LANGUAGES> <VERSION> <MAJOR>6</MAJOR> <MINOR>0</MINOR> <BUILD>6000</BUILD> <SPBUILD>16386</SPBUILD> </VERSION> <SYSTEMROOT>WINDOWS</SYSTEMROOT> </WINDOWS> <DIRCOUNT>6845</DIRCOUNT> <FILECOUNT>38059</FILECOUNT> <TOTALBYTES>7416098786</TOTALBYTES> <CREATIONTIME> <HIGHPART>0x01C79672</HIGHPART> <LOWPART>0x475F3C78</LOWPART> </CREATIONTIME> <LASTMODIFICATIONTIME> <HIGHPART>0x01C79672</HIGHPART> <LOWPART>0x48083E5F</LOWPART> </LASTMODIFICATIONTIME> </IMAGE></WIM>Any ideas???
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