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Ok, I finally got this HTA working on VMWARE with network support, so it was easier to locate the bug.

I upped a new version again, I hope it works.

There was a little error on line 327


strTaskValue = "imagex /apply "+objSel2.options(objSel2.selectedindex).text+" " + Radio.Id + " c:"


strTaskValue = "imagex /apply " & myfilepath +objSel2.options(objSel2.selectedindex).text+" " + Radio.Id + " c:"

so the path to the wim files were missing.


I'm working on the file path popup on the start, but the error handling I want is a little tricky. Would that chkdsk /r option be good? I can put that one in the next rel if you guys want.

I'm out of ideas, so if you have some put it here. Maybe those capture and append could be better done, but I don't personally use those much. So if someone want's to improve those go on. But I hope you post the improved versions here also.

Like I mentioned here I got this also working on vmware when I put 600mb virtual memory. I didn't test what is the limit, but I think that is enough.

Posted (edited)

The capture side of things does work well, but of the 5-6 computers I have imaged for backup purposes it is quite common for there to be a corrupted file in the temporary internet files, unfortunately it gets half way through the capture before hitting the T.I.F. so it would be a major advantage to run chkdsk on a drive before the capture/append. Using /r (bad sector search) would add too much time to the whole process while /f repairs the issues enough to get a good image without crashing halfway through.

In regards to new ideas/improvements for this project, I'm not a scripter by any means so I'm not sure of the difficulty of this, but in regards to being able to choose/change the wim location with a prompt when starting the HTA. is there any way to run diskpart list volume and display the result within the HTA when the prompt comes up, making it easier to see which partitions/volume are where.

Edited by solutionone

I personally don't think chkdsk should be there..

A you can do it before you load into winpe.

B You're then be trying to make it into a repair and backup solution which is what WinRE is really.


I have being doing some test's on spilt wim files and tried out the spanned media option for in the WAIK using the Vista as a source and this somehow copys over each SWM file required to the drive (After you cut your drive up) asking for cd on the way. adding this feature would be very handy for those that do not have dvd's and machine that take an age to boot by USB.

I am not sure how you would be able to assign the cd rom letter so it gets the same one all the time.

I personally don't think chkdsk should be there..

A you can do it before you load into winpe.

B You're then be trying to make it into a repair and backup solution which is what WinRE is really.

A: I sort of see where you are coming from p4mtb0y, but I have noticed several posters say they are setting the imagex.hta to start with WinPE as they didn't want their techs mucking around. In these cases it would mean they would have to back out of the hta and start it again afterwards which seems a bit pointless.

To satisfy both camps on this one, seeing as it wouldn't need a major change, perhaps a simple "do you want to run chkdsk" before proceeding could pop up when using capture/append. If the user clicks yes it just waits till the user enters which drive letter they which to capture/append and then uses this varible to run the chkdsk and the imagex command.

B: I disagree with you here, the point of running the chkdsk in my eyes is to prevent wasting valuable time with imagex having it get half way through a capture and then failing, I've had some users who had been upgraded to Windows Vista, used it for a couple of months and then had their computer replaced. With imagex it is a simple process of capturing their workstations and then applying the image to the new PC and away they go, no setting up their custom program and settings. Just a simple reactivation and then in most cases Microsoft Update fixes the drivers.

And if it is your boss getting the upgraded computer it eases the process substantially :thumbup

Posted (edited)

p4ntb0y ->

I made a little wmi query vbscript. I think you can use it to find cd-driveletter.

Option Explicit
Call FindCD()

Function FindCD
Dim strComputer, objWMIService, colItems, objItem, CDLetter
strComputer = "."
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\CIMV2")
Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery( _
"SELECT * FROM Win32_CDROMDrive",,48)
For Each objItem in colItems
Wscript.Echo objItem.Drive
End Function

I haven't tried it yet in WinPE, but I think it should work. I think I'm going to release a new version tomorrow with some nice extras.

Edited by geezery
Posted (edited)

Added a new version again. Look at the first post.


-Reboot option after Apply, Append & Capture

-Added running chkdsk /x before Append and Capture. (Same as chkdsk /f, but it is kind of forced switch)

-Changed the buttons to icons

Coming in the next release:

-Status of the disks

-Network mapping

Edited by geezery


just did a quick test...

A option to run chkdsk if you want to. would be nice.

A option to save your wim to your letter choice "open save as" explorer, just in case you have a mapped network drive or USB Drive.

just for completeness an Icon for just Capture would be nice, I know you have append but a spearate icon for capture would come in handy.

The ability to copy SWM files to a temp location on the computer then apply the image and delete after.


Nice work!

Posted (edited)

sounds good, unfortunately its Queen's Birthday Weekend here in New Zealand, so I'll have to wait till tomorrow to play with it. Looking forward to the next release, the things you've mentioned next sound awesome.

I agree with p4ntb0y about having a separate capture icon though.

Edited by solutionone

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