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Posted (edited)

I was checking out your version 1 file yesterday and couldn't get it to work. Thank you so much for the new v2 files. I tried it out, and it seems great. However, I can't get it to deploy the image after DiskPart. Looking at your hta file, I found that you have hardcoded i:\images.wim in the following line:

strTaskValue = "imagex /apply i:\images.wim " + Radio.Id + " c:"

I don't know if that's the cause of problem asI am not familar with scripting language, could you help checking it?


Edited by ccb458
Posted (edited)

I have modified the code (add a few lines) in the "ShowRadioInfo" section. It seems to work, maybe you could check it out and see if it needs further modification.

geezery, I am trying to add a button to reboot the computer, but I don't know how to pass the "wpeutil reboot" thru your doTask, could you give me some ideas?



'* showRadioInfo
'* display details of radio button selection in details divider
Sub showRadioInfo
Dim objTextFile, Radio, strRadioValue, strDetails, objSel1, strFile

Set objSel1 = window.document.getElementById("select1")
strFile = myFilePath + objSel1.options(objSel1.selectedindex).text

details.style.visibility = "visible"
start.style.visibility = "visible"
For Each Radio in Document.getElementsByName("radioList")
If Radio.Checked = True Then
strTaskValue = "imagex /apply " + strFile + " " + Radio.Id + " c:"
End If
Details.innerHTML = "<BR><table id='detailsTable'><tr><td>" & strDetails & "</td></tr></table><BR>"
End Sub

Edited by ccb458

Maybe you can put exit on the lastline of the startnet.cmd



net use command



Then just put the put the window.close on the script.

I didn't test this method, but I think it should work, because the startnet.cmd stops when the ImageXHTAv2.hta is running, and it continues after it is closed.

I have already fixed all the errors and put some addons also. I will post the new zip soon.


wow 0.21 already, will do some tests with 0.21 when i get home,

was wondering if you could add ability to skip diskpart.txt settings, and maybe just a option to say 'format c: /fs:ntfs /q /y'

or format 'drive letter' /fs:ntfs /q /y

also is it possible to add ability to use ghost as well as imagex ?

btw thx for the great work you are doing on this project. :)

P.S. was just looking at the imagexhta file in 0.21 and some parts aren't in english ?

Posted (edited)
wow 0.21 already, will do some tests with 0.21 when i get home,

was wondering if you could add ability to skip diskpart.txt settings, and maybe just a option to say 'format c: /fs:ntfs /q /y'

or format 'drive letter' /fs:ntfs /q /y

also is it possible to add ability to use ghost as well as imagex ?

btw thx for the great work you are doing on this project. :)

P.S. was just looking at the imagexhta file in 0.21 and some parts aren't in english ?

You can use diskpart to do the format c:\ for you, I assume you have only one disk.


select disk 0

select partition 1

format fs=ntfs label="system" quick



There is already a Ghost HTA available, search the Winpe Section on this forum.

You can of course add a button here to start ghost32.exe

Make this sub

Sub Ghost32
Set objShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
objShell.Run "Ghost32.exe" 'You have to put the necessery ghost files to WinPE path variable i. e. Windows\System32
End Sub

Then you must add the button to HTA:

<Button class = 'btn' id=capture onclick=Ghost32()> Ghost32 </Button>


I don't think that there is a point to make ghosting commands here, because there is so much of them.

Edited by geezery

actually i have 5 drives

and have already added the ghost32 :)

works great using both :)

think i can just comment out the diskpart from running before deployin the image and format from the cmd prompt.

hopefully it work will test it out. :)

how about a option for choosing what compression to use for capture ?

thx for all your hard work :)


A option to include a format if its required would be nice maybe just a tick box.

I can put this in but would be nice to be in your script as this would help loads of people that are not to good at scripting.

An option to split across cd's would be nice (Only joking I still looking into this and really what to use your script when I work it out)

again many thanks for this! it's people like yourself that really help other people out.


Hi Geezery, I have to say you're doing some truely amazing work here. I was originally trying to make my own solution using crappy old batch files and while googling discovered this thread and the rest of the brilliant team at MSFN.

I was wondering if there is anyway you can modify the HTA so when started it pops up a window asking for the location of the wim files instead of hard coding it in the hta.

at the moment I use a external usb hard drives to store my wim files, and its letter changes alot depending on partitions/optical drives etc. on each PC so being able to pick the wim source when starting the hta would be a huge improvement .

Also may I suggest that when a capture is to be ran, a simple chkdsk /f should be run precedding the capture as imagex is prone to failing a capture halfway through if there are errors on the drive.

once again thanks for all your great work, and let me know if you need any testing done, as I have a pretty good lab at our workshop.

Posted (edited)


Thanks for your new version v21. I tried it out, but for unknown reasons, the process still stops after DISKPART.. I am still using your v2 files, and adding the Reboot option by calling a .cmd batch file.


Edited by ccb458
Posted (edited)
ccb458 ->

The v2 is very buggy, you should download the new version asap.

Solutionone ->

I can add the popup to ask for the location of the wim files in the next release. I'm mainly using new computers for this and I haven't get the apply failure yet. Maybe I can add that feature when I also got some failures:)

Testing is very important and I hope that if someone find bugs, please notify me. I don't have much time for testing in real environment.

p4antb0y ->

Actually I tried that Autoit script some while ago, but it was so buggy and I didn't like the design at all.

If someone want's to help me with this project. I have one request. Nice background would be great, since I don't have any skills to make a nice one by my self. Of course it should be freely distributed so any commercial material is not allowed.

Edited by geezery


I already did download your new version (v.2.1), but don't know why it stops after diskpart. That's the reason I go back to v.2. What happened on my environment is after diskpart windows disappeared, nothing else happened.


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