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Vista unattended Guide

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It took about half a year - daily free time work - to write the German and English guide. Estimated 700 hours including writing, layout and testing.

Thanks 'n' regards,


my god, good to see tht u spent time to help out ppl. ur work is really appreciated bro. :thumbup ur guide is perfect and simple , u have written it as a professional writer :yes: .

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1. I will finish the Windows PE guide (should be finished next weekend or a few days later)

After that I will have a look at the .exe driver thing again (estimated: in about 2 weeks).



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There was the wrong path to etfsboot.com file inside "Create ISO" guide AND inside create_iso.cmd:

Corrected path to etfsboot.com. So changed the following two lines inside create_iso.cmd, from:

IF "%VVersion%"=="x86" SET bootL=%Programfiles%\Windows AIK\Tools\PETools\x86\etfsboot.com
IF "%VVersion%"=="amd64" SET bootL=%Programfiles%\Windows AIK\Tools\PETools\amd64\etfsboot.com


IF "%VVersion%"=="x86" SET bootL=%Programfiles%\Windows AIK\Tools\PETools\x86\boot\etfsboot.com
IF "%VVersion%"=="amd64" SET bootL=%Programfiles%\Windows AIK\Tools\PETools\amd64\boot\etfsboot.com

Corrected the path inside "Create ISO" guide, too, from:

oscdimg -n -m -b"%Programfiles%\Windows AIK\Tools\PETools\x86\etfsboot.com" D:\VistaWork\DVD D:\VistaWork\ISO\Vistax86.iso


oscdimg -n -m -b"%Programfiles%\Windows AIK\Tools\PETools\x86\boot\etfsboot.com" D:\VistaWork\DVD D:\VistaWork\ISO\Vistax86.iso

and form:

oscdimg -n -m -b"%Programfiles%\Windows AIK\Tools\PETools\amd64\etfsboot.com" D:\VistaWork\DVD D:\VistaWork\ISO\Vista64.iso


oscdimg -n -m -b"%Programfiles%\Windows AIK\Tools\PETools\amd64\boot\etfsboot.com" D:\VistaWork\DVD D:\VistaWork\ISO\Vista64.iso

Thanks, Jesper for pointing out that mistake!!! :thumbup



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1. I will finish the Windows PE guide (should be finished next weekend or a few days later)

After that I will have a look at the .exe driver thing again (estimated: in about 2 weeks).



Ok thanks. I wonder if anyone here has solved that driver problem.

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If FireGeier give me the go-ahead, i'll share my "FireGeier_UAVista_Guide.pdf" here.



Hello coucou!

I appreciate your help in building a pdf. But please do not publish it for the moment, cause I still remove some mistakes from the guide and change the layout a little bit. This weekend I brought out the English partitioning guide, which is more actual and a little bit better again than the German version.

Give me one more week please. Than you may could redo the pdf with actual version. Is that ok?

I want to avoid, that different versions of the guide are in the wild. That could cause confusions and a lot of requests.

Hope you will understand!

Thanks again for your effort!



No problem FireGeier.

Just let me know when you're ready.

Again good job :thumbup


Hi FireGeier ,

Please let me know if the guide is update finished to build a pdf.



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If FireGeier give me the go-ahead, i'll share my "FireGeier_UAVista_Guide.pdf" here.



Hello coucou!

I appreciate your help in building a pdf. But please do not publish it for the moment, cause I still remove some mistakes from the guide and change the layout a little bit. This weekend I brought out the English partitioning guide, which is more actual and a little bit better again than the German version.

Give me one more week please. Than you may could redo the pdf with actual version. Is that ok?

I want to avoid, that different versions of the guide are in the wild. That could cause confusions and a lot of requests.

Hope you will understand!

Thanks again for your effort!



No problem FireGeier.

Just let me know when you're ready.

Again good job :thumbup


Hi FireGeier ,

Please let me know if the guide is update finished to build a pdf.



Would be a very handy reference.

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Hello, coucou!

Sorry, have been very busy the last two weeks and forgot to let you know that you could build a pdf now. :whistle:

The guide is not finished yet and new guide sections will be published the follwoing weeks, but I think there will not be to much changes now on the stuff published so far.

Thanks & regards,



This permit is grant to the member coucou only for the moment!

Edited by FireGeier
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I put it through Winword Spelling and Grammar and buid the pdf guide.

106 pages / 1536K

pass: coucou

Any suggestion... Let me know

pdf Guide UPDATE



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Hello coucou!

I put it through Winword Spelling and Grammar

That was a good idea! :thumbup

Great work so far but I would print the whole batch files or remove them completly. For the moment it makes no sense and wasting a lot of space if you just have half of the cmd.



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Hello coucou!
I put it through Winword Spelling and Grammar

That was a good idea! :thumbup

Great work so far but I would print the whole batch files or remove them completly. For the moment it makes no sense and wasting a lot of space if you just have half of the cmd.




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