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Great job!

I started reading yesterday and today I got to partitioning and didn't realize you had already updated it to English.

Very easy to follow. A great help regarding imageX. I never found a more simple approach. Makes a seemingly complex issue childs play.

Why this hasn't been done earlier, amazes me.

Most tutorials are either very complex (more so than needs to be), or of the kindergarten variety

Kudos to you for the great effort !!!

Posted (edited)

Nice guide and I have a question regarding the Microsoft updates part. If I follow instructions that you provided in Part 1 then I don't need to follow Part 2 right? Part 2 covers the batch install?

Also regarding driver install. When you mean you want the .inf files, it's similar to Windows XP's unattended method where only the .inf files are used?

Is it normal for Vista to ask for network settings after it hit the desktop even though I set it in the answer file to "Home Network" settings?

Why did you set logon count to "2" and not more? What does the numerical value mean?

I set the "protect your PC" value to "3" and yet auto updates is still enabled. Why is this the case?

Edited by Sgt_Strider

Many TNX FireGeier,

It's a real GREAT job :thumbup .

As i prefer to get this guide at hand, i set it up (107 pages), convert it to a .pdf file then i could print it.

I allso automatic google-translated the "partition" part from gremain to english.

If FireGeier give me the go-ahead, i'll share my "FireGeier_UAVista_Guide.pdf" here.



Posted (edited)

Hello Sgt_Strider,

Nice guide and I have a question regarding the Microsoft updates part. If I follow instructions that you provided in Part 1 then I don't need to follow Part 2 right? Part 2 covers the batch install?

That's right! The batch is an alternate only. Part I and II doing the same thing at least.

Also regarding driver install. When you mean you want the .inf files, it's similar to Windows XP's unattended method where only the .inf files are used?

That means, you can't use exe. or .msi installations. You can extract .msi or .exe driver packs certainly. So you will have folders with infs. You could install these infs than using the method. But keep in minde that some of these packages install applications - like most video adapters do. These applications will not be installed using the described method. It could cause trouble if you install the infs first, using the described method and install the apps of the drivers later. But you have to trial and error for that.

Is it normal for Vista to ask for network settings after it hit the desktop even though I set it in the answer file to "Home Network" settings?

Yes, that is a know problem and alreday described in Guide. Look here.

Why did you set logon count to "2" and not more? What does the numerical value mean?

This value describes how often Administrator will be loged on automatically. "2" is the lowes value that works for me. So it should log on Administrator 2 times only. But if you don't have created an other account so far it will still log on the Administrator automatically. Don't know if I should call that a bug.

I set the "protect your PC" value to "3" and yet auto updates is still enabled. Why is this the case?

If I remember right that happens if you use SkipMachineOOBE on true. Try to remove SkipMachineOOBE from your answer file and than follow the steps described here on MSTechNet.

Ask again, if this was not detailed enough!



Edited by FireGeier

If FireGeier give me the go-ahead, i'll share my "FireGeier_UAVista_Guide.pdf" here.



Hello coucou!

I appreciate your help in building a pdf. But please do not publish it for the moment, cause I still remove some mistakes from the guide and change the layout a little bit. This weekend I brought out the English partitioning guide, which is more actual and a little bit better again than the German version.

Give me one more week please. Than you may could redo the pdf with actual version. Is that ok?

I want to avoid, that different versions of the guide are in the wild. That could cause confusions and a lot of requests.

Hope you will understand!

Thanks again for your effort!



Hello Sgt_Strider,
Nice guide and I have a question regarding the Microsoft updates part. If I follow instructions that you provided in Part 1 then I don't need to follow Part 2 right? Part 2 covers the batch install?

That's right! The batch is an alternate only. Part I and II doing the same thing at least.

Also regarding driver install. When you mean you want the .inf files, it's similar to Windows XP's unattended method where only the .inf files are used?

That means, you can't use exe. or .msi installations. You can extract .msi or .exe driver packs certainly. So you will have folders with infs. You could install these infs than using the method. But keep in minde that some of these packages install applications - like most video adapters do. These applications will not be installed using the described method. It could cause trouble if you install the infs first, using the described method and install the apps of the drivers later. But you have to trial and error for that.

Is it normal for Vista to ask for network settings after it hit the desktop even though I set it in the answer file to "Home Network" settings?

Yes, that is a know problem and alreday described in Guide. Look here.

Why did you set logon count to "2" and not more? What does the numerical value mean?

This value describes how often Administrator will be loged on automatically. "2" is the lowes value that works for me. So it should log on Administrator 2 times only. But if you don't have created an other account so far it will still log on the Administrator automatically. Don't know if I should call that a bug.

I set the "protect your PC" value to "3" and yet auto updates is still enabled. Why is this the case?

If I remember right that happens if you use SkipMachineOOBE on true. Try to remove SkipMachineOOBE from your answer file and than follow the steps described here on MSTechNet.

Ask again, if this was not detailed enough!



Hi FireGeier,

So what is the best way to integrate the drivers so that I can install the graphic application as well? Are you saying that if I go with the .infi method, the Nvidia Control panel won't be installed? Also for your guide, I notice that you forgot to include a pic regarding the language input option. You only included the picture for Windows PE, but not for the actual Vista installation. I figured it out and everything worked. Now I'll try the MS Updates and registry tweaks. Btw, do you have a complete list of registry tweaks that works with Vista?


Hello Sgt_Strider!

Are you saying that if I go with the .infi method, the Nvidia Control panel won't be installed?

Yes, this is what I want to say. You could try to install the control panel separatly in auditUser pass, like the other apps! If this does not work, than you would have to install the whole dirver package during auditUser pass. But than you will may prompted for driver signing. Found no way so far to disable driver signing control. :no:

I have to mention, that the whole driver installation is more complicated, than it was in XP. That is the worst part of Vista unattended setup. :angry:

Btw, do you have a complete list of registry tweaks that works with Vista?

It's not my list and it's still under progress, but I think this is what you're looking for. There was a further list here on forum, if I remember right.

Also for your guide, I notice that you forgot to include a pic regarding the language input option. You only included the picture for Windows PE, but not for the actual Vista installation.

Are you talking about the language you're prompted for in Windows Welcome screens? If yes, I've explained that later in the guide. If no, than please let me no which setting you're talking about exactly, cause you may have to set it for localized languages than. I would add it to the guide, once I know what you're talking about exactly.

Thanks for the feedback!



Hello Sgt_Strider!
Are you saying that if I go with the .infi method, the Nvidia Control panel won't be installed?

Yes, this is what I want to say. You could try to install the control panel separatly in auditUser pass, like the other apps! If this does not work, than you would have to install the whole dirver package during auditUser pass. But than you will may prompted for driver signing. Found no way so far to disable driver signing control. :no:

I have to mention, that the whole driver installation is more complicated, than it was in XP. That is the worst part of Vista unattended setup. :angry:

Btw, do you have a complete list of registry tweaks that works with Vista?

It's not my list and it's still under progress, but I think this is what you're looking for. There was a further list here on forum, if I remember right.

Also for your guide, I notice that you forgot to include a pic regarding the language input option. You only included the picture for Windows PE, but not for the actual Vista installation.

Are you talking about the language you're prompted for in Windows Welcome screens? If yes, I've explained that later in the guide. If no, than please let me no which setting you're talking about exactly, cause you may have to set it for localized languages than. I would add it to the guide, once I know what you're talking about exactly.

Thanks for the feedback!



I'm talking about the oobeSystem \ Windows-International-Core. I don't think you remember list it as a requirement to add. Maybe I'm wrong.

I'm having some trouble with the MS Updates slipstreaming. Is it just me or that install.wim doesn't exist?

Posted (edited)

Hello again!

I'm talking about the oobeSystem \ Windows-International-Core. I don't think you remember list it as a requirement to add. Maybe I'm wrong.

Well, you're partly right. Haven't mentioned that in Basic Answer File section, cause I'm using SkipMachineOOBE tag there, so you will not be prompted for the language. This was working fine for US English and German. Cause both are the main languages and they are not localized - like Canadian English for example.

I've listed this setting later in the guide (Copy profile section).

But you're right! If you use a localized language Version. Than you need to add that, to get it setted for the final desktop. I will add that to the guide!

Thanks, for pointing me to it! :thumbup


Strange! :blink: I start loosing the overview of my own guide! :whistle:Here it's listed already!

I'm having some trouble with the MS Updates slipstreaming. Is it just me or that install.wim doesn't exist?

Do you do it manually or using the batch. If you're using the batch, you need to let run preplab.cmd of VU Batch Modules to prepare your system first OR you need to adapt the pathes inside offline_update.cmd.

If you do it manually have you copied the Vista DVD to your hd?

If you still should have problems, please describe a little more detailed, what kind of error messages you're getting and where your Vista DVD is located on hd or if you've done everything using VU Batch Modules.

Thanks and Regards!


Edited by FireGeier

If FireGeier give me the go-ahead, i'll share my "FireGeier_UAVista_Guide.pdf" here.



Hello coucou!

I appreciate your help in building a pdf. But please do not publish it for the moment, cause I still remove some mistakes from the guide and change the layout a little bit. This weekend I brought out the English partitioning guide, which is more actual and a little bit better again than the German version.

Give me one more week please. Than you may could redo the pdf with actual version. Is that ok?

I want to avoid, that different versions of the guide are in the wild. That could cause confusions and a lot of requests.

Hope you will understand!

Thanks again for your effort!



No problem FireGeier.

Just let me know when you're ready.

Again good job :thumbup


Posted (edited)


No new HowTo this time. But I've added a sitempa/toc, added a short explanation how to use the batch modules, unitized the layout and have tried to make it a bit more concise.

Comming soon:

1. HowTo: Adapting boot.wim to start your own tools/scripts/shell before unattended setup (German Version here)

2. "Workarounds" for OEM DVDs



Edited by FireGeier
Posted (edited)

Two Question :

First here : http://firegeier.unattended-sponsor.de/en/regtweaks.html

You said : "Synchronous Command" / "Pass 6 auditUser" ....

Ok but "auditUser" exist only if you set "sysprep /audit /quiet" on "specialize" pass.

Second : On a French version of VISTA with a admin : "Administrateur" and not "administrator", the Autologon tric not work, did you have an idea ?










He said "Account disabled"

EDIT : I find my Pb on Administrateur account!!

Edited by jacky44


You can enable the built-in administrator account during unattended installations by setting Username to Administrator (only the English word automatically enables the account). This enables the built-in administrator account, even if a password is not specified in AdministratorPassword.

Two Question :

First here : http://firegeier.unattended-sponsor.de/en/regtweaks.html

You said : "Synchronous Command" / "Pass 6 auditUser" ....

Ok but "auditUser" exist only if you set "sysprep /audit /quiet" on "specialize" pass.


Hello jacky!

You're right. It does work only, if you boot to audit mode using sysprep. I've explained that in Applications section. But you're rigth, would be helpfull to make a note for that in Regtweaks section, too.

I will add that later. Thanks! :thumbup


It took about half a year - daily free time work - to write the German and English guide. Estimated 700 hours including writing, layout and testing.

Thanks 'n' regards,


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