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Hey, great guide.

I have a question though.

On the following page it explains how to install applications from removable media http://firegeier.unattended-sponsor.de/en/applications.html,

but how can I do it so they install from the DVD instead?




You don't need to store the Install folder to a seperat removable media. You can put it - including the AppsRoot.txt - to the Vista DVD, too. But it's more convenient to have all these seperat files on a USB flash drive in my opinon.

this was on the guide page link you posted youve just not noticed it :rolleyes:

Posted (edited)

Hello martin, great guide, congratulation!!! :thumbup

I've just a question:

In SlipStreaming update chapter you wrote:

We browse to D:\VistaWork\Updates\Temp and choose all present cab files expect the WSUSSCAN.cab and open them:

expect?? You mean except ?????

Does WSUSSCAN.cab must be included with Import packages command???? It's not clear... :wacko:


This is integrate_update.log.txt:

2007-05-15 14:40:49, Info CBS Pkgmgr: called with: ""C:\Programmi\Windows AIK\Tools\Servicing\pkgmgr.exe" /o:C:\VistaWork\Mount;C:\VistaWork\Mount\Windows /n:C:\VistaWork\Updates\Temp\integrate.xml /s:C:\VistaWork\Sandbox /l:C:\VistaWork\Logs\integrate_updates.log"

2007-05-15 14:40:49, Info CSI 00000001@2007/5/15:12:40:49.952 WcpInitialize (wcp.dll version called (stack @0x38d1f745 @0x1012dbf @0x100d892 @0x100e27e @0x7c816fd7 NULL)

2007-05-15 14:40:49, Info CSI 00000002@2007/5/15:12:40:49.952 WcpInitialize (wcp.dll version called (stack @0x38d1f745 @0x2c7bd1e6 @0x2c79e83c @0x1014174 @0x10075f6 @0x100dabd)

2007-05-15 14:40:49, Info CSI 00000003@2007/5/15:12:40:49.968 WcpInitialize (wcp.dll version called (stack @0x38d1f745 @0x2c7eacc4 @0x2c7d2c5c @0x1014174 @0x10075f6 @0x100dabd)

2007-05-15 14:40:49, Info CBS Must be doing offline servicing, using stack version from: C:\Programmi\Windows AIK\Tools\Servicing\cbscore.dll

2007-05-15 14:40:49, Info CBS Loaded Servicing Stack v6.0.6000.16386 with Core: C:\Programmi\Windows AIK\Tools\Servicing\cbscore.dll

2007-05-15 14:40:49, Error CBS Failed to load offline store from boot directory: '\\?\C:\VistaWork\Mount\' and windows directory: '\\?\C:\VistaWork\Mount\Windows\' hr =0x800703f9

2007-05-15 14:40:49, Info CBS Pkgmgr: return code: 0x3f9

What does it mean????

Thanks! :hello:

Edited by smsc
Hello coucou!
I put it through Winword Spelling and Grammar

That was a good idea! :thumbup

Great work so far but I would print the whole batch files or remove them completly. For the moment it makes no sense and wasting a lot of space if you just have half of the cmd.



Here the .pdf build corrected with the print of the whole batch files

1645 K / 121 pages

pass: coucou



Posted (edited)

Hello smsc!

You're right. That was a misspelling. Except is right - so WSUSSCAN.cab is NOT needed!

Thanks for pointing that out. Have corrected it now!

Do you get the error with or wihtout using WSUSSCAN.cab?



Edited by FireGeier
Hello smsc!

You're right. That was a misspelling. Except is right - so WSUSSCAN.cab is NOT needed!

Thanks for pointing that out. Have corrected it now!

Do you get the error with or wihtout using WSUSSCAN.cab?



Thanks for your reply Martin,

error disappear after PC reboot! I don't know why, but now it's ok! :thumbup

My next step will be integrate Extras. Can I use same procedure used for hotfix?????

Posted (edited)

@Martin and @all:

Just F.Y.I.

WSIM must be close first to use pkgmgr.exe command.

That's Why I've got an error during integration proces (four posts above) ;)

Edited by smsc

Hello smsc!

Thanks, for the feedback. I'll try to reproduce that on my system and will add a note, if same problem will come up here.

Thanks again!



Hi Martin, this is a really great guide, I would have been completely lost without it. Maybe I need to get used to it but it seems to me that the WAIK is way more complicated than it should be, the principle of mounting an image and adding modules is not that complex but Microsoft have somehow managed to make it feel incredibly complicated.

Anyway, back on topic, I'm stuck! I'm trying to integrate Windows Updates into my install and I'm up to "Step 5: Importing update packages to WSIM". Where is the distribution folder that I'm meant to select? What is BDD? The guide says I can make any new folder but if I do this, I get "The selected folder is not a valid distribution share". Any tips?


Hello idbirch2!

The introduction explains, what BDD 2007 is. If you don't have it installed now, don't install it. It's not necessary to get the updates part to work.

But you're right the guide is missing a little step here. If you don't have an Distribution Share folder already, you need to choose Create Distribution Share... from Tools menu in WSIM. And there you can choose any folder.



Posted (edited)

I have been following the guide, and everything seems to work fine until I reach step 8. Once I enter the code for running pkgmgr.exe, nothing happens. No sandbox folder or log is created. If I run Echo %errorlevel%, I get the number 3. This happens with WSIM open as well as closed. Any ideas, or is that enough info?

I am far from being a tech, just enjoy the learning curve involved. So go easy me,

Edited by woodswalker

I tried it with a Sandbox folder created before running the integrating code.

Actually the result was a return to the command prompt, with no action being accomplished. Running the ECHO %errorlevel% showed the number 3.

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