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How use WPI in UA Vista

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When i click wpi.hta , it opens without any errors.

but when a .cmd file opens the wpi.hta , it gives an error.


Cant open reg key for reading.

( In Vista32 )

Edited by sp00f
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It's not that simple that it was with Win XP, I think. I managed it by using ConfigurationSet in the UA Install, so an WPI.cmd gets copied to %systemdrive%\Install and I call it per AutoUnattend.xml. I will try to explain in the next days.

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It's not that simple that it was with Win XP, I think. I managed it by using ConfigurationSet in the UA Install, so an WPI.cmd gets copied to %systemdrive%\Install and I call it per AutoUnattend.xml. I will try to explain in the next days.

You can place such folder in your install.wim, that not the difficult part.

To run it without errors and run things from cdrom, thats what doesnt work

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Ater i opened core.js , i saw the problem, it looks for XP files.


	// %CDROM%
li = GetDriveLetters(4);
for (i=0; i<li.length; i++)
if (FileExists(li[i]+'\\WPI.HTA') || FileExists(li[i]+'\\WIN51') || FileExists(li[i]+'\\I386\\DRIVER.CAB'))
cddrv = li[i];

if (cddrv=="")

Edited by sp00f
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I would like to know that too. I'm really want to installing this software but i'm getting the same errors as above. Pliek could you please point us to the right way!... thank yu very much!!!


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I just changed the xp things into vista things in core.js , that was all........

LOL even the makers from wpi never respond to this....they had to know after i posted the error, but they didnt.

Glad i found this myself :hello:

Problem solved WPI runs in vista now.

And where do you see Pliek? :blink:

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I just changed the xp things into vista things in core.js , that was all........

LOL even the makers from wpi never respond to this....they had to know after i posted the error, but they didnt.

Glad i found this myself :hello:

Problem solved WPI runs in vista now.

And where do you see Pliek? :blink:

Hi sp00f,

Could you please upload the correct file so I can add the correct ones. Thank you (or mail np at all)

Many thnx


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I just changed the xp things into vista things in core.js , that was all........

LOL even the makers from wpi never respond to this....they had to know after i posted the error, but they didnt.

Glad i found this myself :hello:

Problem solved WPI runs in vista now.

And where do you see Pliek? :blink:

Hi sp00f,

Could you please upload the correct file so I can add the correct ones. Thank you (or mail np at all)

Many thnx


Just edit the core.js

In that file you look for this :

if (FileExists(li[i]+'\\WPI.HTA') || FileExists(li[i]+'\\WIN51') || FileExists(li[i]+'\\I386\\DRIVER.CAB'))

Change "WIN51" and "I386\\DRIVER.CAB" into things that are on your vista DVD.

I use this ( these things are in MY Vista DVD ) :

(FileExists(li[i]+'\\WPI.HTA') || FileExists(li[i]+'\\AppsRoot.txt') || FileExists(li[i]+'\\sources\\install_Windows Vista (vLite) ULTIMATE.clg'))

And to start WPI i used firegeier's guide :


But instead of installing aps from there i only use this for WPI


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I use RunOnceEx method with wpi (old version wpi lite 1.2 with the 6.0 iernoncedll) no problem with Vista but with UAC DISABLED !

btw, why Microsoft invented the UAC ?!

all n00bs will doesn't know what's question is when UAC pop up,

and all geeks know perfectly what's the pop up and he's boring to click "Continue"

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