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Advice on mobo/build


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Hi! This march I'm gonna build a new rig, since the one I'm using now is a 7-year-old rig (^^;) This is my first time building a computer, and I think I'm gonna need a lot of advice...any will do =)

I'm confused if I should buy an SLI mobo or not...since I'm only going to use one video card.

This is my current list(the parts that I'm going to consider most):

AMD Athlon64 X2 4600+

GeForce 7600GT

Corsair TWIN2X2048-6400 (2x1GB sticks)

Antec NeoHE 500/550

Motherboard = ?

I've picked a M2N32-SLI mobo but not really sure 'cause I might just waste money on it's extra features for using only one card... Any advice on what motherboard I should choose? Thanks =)

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Most probably...1200-1500 USD or less, haven't really calculated all that yet but that's about the rough estimation. =)

But for the main parts (like the parts above) it's around $1000 below.

*Changed budget, converted it wrongly =)

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Yeah, well, the 6100/6150 (430-410) chipsets are my favorite...

But, I would like to ask what you are going to do with your new computer?

What programs are you going to run?

Any gaming? And if yes, we would like to know what games.

Some future plans?

Give us some more onfo on that please...

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Thanks nitro =) That mobo would do well and is 500HKD cheaper.


I'll be using the computer for general, but more accented on gaming. Moderate Photoshop/AutoCAD use.

Games won't really be that heavy(mostly online games).

Should I buy a new HDD? I have a 160GB HDD (IDE/PATA) already but wondering if I should buy a SATA drive.

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@ Ripken,

Nice setup indeed, nothing wrong with it.

@ clonesauce,

I would still be using the PATA drive, why not. Just make sure that you buy a mobo that has 2 PATA connectors on it or you could buy a mobo with one PATA por and buy a SATA DVD-RW from LiteON for example. For ACAD-like APPS any video card with openGL 2.0 will so fine, so the 7900GS like ripken stated would be the best buy at this moment.

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Thanks guys, I really appreciate the help.

I think I'll stick with my IDE drives then. Can the motherboard run PATA drives and SATA Disk Drive at the same time? Sorry bout the question, I don't really have much knowledge regarding that matter.

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Thanks guys, I really appreciate the help.

I think I'll stick with my IDE drives then. Can the motherboard run PATA drives and SATA Disk Drive at the same time? Sorry bout the question, I don't really have much knowledge regarding that matter.

yes they can

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Just keep in mind that if you go with an Intel solution and get a motherboard based in the P965 chipset that you'll only get one PATA port (two devices). And that one PATA port will be provided by a 3rd part solution. The southbridge (ICH8/ICH8R) for the P965 doesn't have PATA features built in anymore. Asus uses JMicron for that. It looks like Gigabyte is using their own solution.

If you're going to stick with your PATA drive then it'd probably a good idea to get a PATA-to-SATA converter and save the PATA connection for your optical drive(s).

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Cool thanks =) Though I'll probably stick with an AMD solution.

About the intel thing, dunno, prefer AMD somehow, though I know C2D beats AMD right now. Price range I guess is another factor, I'm going for parts and prices that will do nicely for what I do with the computer...=)

Edited... had wrong info sorry bout that. And sry for the dbl post below.

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Wasn't sure if I'm supposed to make a new thread so I just decided to bump this and ask another question.

Can anyone recommend me a case? Something that would cost below 100USD... Thanks =)

I've bought parts already...

AMD A64 X2 4600+



Corsair TWIN2X2048-6400

Sadly I couldn't find an Antec NeoHE 550...can anyone recommend me a PSU?

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