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Windows 2000 Revolutions Pack


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Tihiy: mostly looking good, but a couple of further issues have cropped up. Firstly, there's now magic pink in the taskbar/start menu properties (see first pic); and full colour icons in the navbar are corrupted (see pic 2 - though oddly enough not in Office, which seems to ignore these settings completely).

Thanks for your continued efforts! :hello:



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Well, RP'2000 is designed to be as low resource-intensive as possible.

Memory usage will grow because 32-bit icon resources will consume more memory themselves.

All you need is good enough video card which is able to handle 32-bit images (with alpha-blend acceleration recommended).

128 MB is enough if you have enough free ram for W'2000 to work.

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I noticed some delay in my messenger tray icons updating. I don't remember this happening with older versions of RP. Could it be the explorer.exe.32bitimgl file?

BTW, there's a bug in places bar as Targaff noticed.

Edited by Dave.Net
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I noticed some delay in my messenger tray icons updating. I don't remember this happening with older versions of RP. Could it be the explorer.exe.32bitimgl file?

No, this can be really bug. How to reproduce it?

Which messenger should i run? How to make tray icons rapidly updating?

BTW, there's a bug in places bar as Targaff noticed.

Is it constant? I can't reproduce it. 99 of 100 times this dialog opening everything is ok.

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I noticed some delay in my messenger tray icons updating. I don't remember this happening with older versions of RP. Could it be the explorer.exe.32bitimgl file?

No, this can be really bug. How to reproduce it?

Which messenger should i run? How to make tray icons rapidly updating?

I'm running version 7.0.0816 (yes, older but faster :)

Delay appears as soon as you log in (i.e. the "not signed in" icon" remains there for the first minute you are online)

BTW, there's a bug in places bar as Targaff noticed.

Is it constant? I can't reproduce it. 99 of 100 times this dialog opening everything is ok.

Seems to be constant here.

Edited by Dave.Net
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Mmm, not sure entirely what I've done but it appears to be fixed here now - I had the problem until last night and haven't changed anything, but now the Places Bar is fine?!

There's definitely something going on with it somewhere, though.

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I have that same problem with the 'Places Bar' - but only when opening or saving files from within Mozilla Firefox, and not from within any other app. Maybe that's why Targaff couldn't reproduce the problem - it appears only from within certain applications?

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i can't get a good screenshot at the moment, i will asap, but i installed the revolutions pack 2.0, and it had helped, but marginally. the icons by the clock don't seem to be affected by the pack, they're still looking bad.

is there something i'm not doing?

for example, i pick an icon to use in winamp for the taskbar, and it looks crystal clear in winamps window, but by the clock it looks like crap. same with avast, trillian and comodo. also, is there any way to completely integrate just 32bit icons? like internet connection, sound, USB device, etc? it would look pretty cool...but so far, i'm more than satisfied...my system specs are in teh sig. taking hardly any sources that i'm seeing/noticing.

oh, and before i forget, theres a program called Glass2k, it enables you to make any window transparent, it has no effect on the icons whatsoever, simply amazing.

Edited by bonestonne
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the icons by the clock don't seem to be affected by the pack, they're still looking bad.

Yes, that's the explorer problem. Google "256-color explorer tray icon patch" or create empty file explorer.exe.32bitimgl in your \windows folder as a compromise solution.

As for good 32-bit icons, i can recommend you to try "Vista Icon Pack 3.0 system patch" which i'm using. It replaces icons almost everywhere.

Note: after installing it, you must replace your \windows\explorer.exe and \windows\system32\taskmgr.exe from backup (\windows\vip3 if i do remember) or you're risking to end with broken system. That's because it wasn't designed for 2k.

You can also try other icon packs [which are using RP] in this subforum. However, i didn't tried them.

Or you can wait for future RP which will support icon themes.

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