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Nlite 1.3 beta Bug


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Ok here is the issue, I add a user account it gets password'd when I pick blank password..

I also get the Owner account installed too, that'll work. But then i got none of the addon packs shortcuts under that account.

If I call the account owner, I get 2 accounts with the name of I used for Full name both password'd.

XP Home oem



editing winnt.sif results in same error



guess no response means, their is no workaround, and winnt.sif isn't being used, so I am SOL.

guess I'll just use a full version of windows for now.

Edited by gdogg
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I get this too, but mine is diffrent...

I dont leave the password blank I set Administrator as the log on @ first boot, but when I get to the login page it cant log in cause the password was set wrong, nLite set my First name as the Admininstrator account name and my Last name as the Password

Example, If I put my name as John Doe this is what happens

Name: John

Password: Doe

Edited by ricktendo64
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I get this too, but mine is diffrent...

I dont leave the password blank I set Administrator as the log on @ first boot, but when I get to the login page it cant log in cause the password was set wrong, nLite set my First name as the Admininstrator account name and my Last name as the Password

Example, If I put my name as John Doe this is what happens

Name: John

Password: Doe

i had the same issue with a password yesterday, had to use a full version of windows.... :(:(:(:(:(

Edited by Mikep7779
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Well I didn't have to reinstall cause I always do my tests in a VM first :P

I got pwn't by activation during overclocking. I own my cd, and key, just I remove too much for it to like me lol.

@nuhi thanks for the quick update, once again :D

Edited by gdogg
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gdogg, ok, will check.

But I do know that user creation was buggy, it is fixed...out in monday/tuesday.

sorry for buggin you, but since it is tuesday morning, i'd like to ask if the next release is coming as promised? i do really need it asap, got to get my new install fixed, and get back to work..... ok, thank you so much for this tool of yours and for (hopefully :rolleyes: ) answering to the same old question again and again....

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