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internet cuts off after a certain time

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ok so every night after about 1:27 my internet cuts off, but not completely

things that still work are things like steam, trillian(if i was previously already connected), ventrillo(if i was already connected), etc

things that dont work is mostly everything else such as browsing and bittorrent

i have no idea what's going on

thanks for any help

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What kind of connection are you using? Could be lots of things such as service provider maintenance or something in the environment disrupting wireless.

The more you can tell us about your network the better we can help.

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What is the explaination for being partially connected then?
They try not to cut off connections that are already established but don't want to see new ones being created.

The ones that were already established are likely going to be very slow, if they're rerouting them somewhere. Try downloading a large file and ensure that it continues to download past the time the connection is supposed to cut off. If you see a large decrease in speed at the time it drops out, then it's very likely.

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