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Harddisk problem

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Normally when I boot the pc my pc first peforms a hardware scan, giving information about my hardware and if it functions well. But lately a problem showed up. Sometimes when i boot my pc my harddisk makes a ticking noise, it says my hard disk has a failure. It get stucks then and wont go to windows. Then when I restart the pc it says I have no harddisk. After shutting down the pc and wait a couple of hours it goes normal again.

This happens too when I'm in windows. Suddenly the harddisk freezes and makes a ticking noise, then I can't do anything on it anymore.

Does this mean my harddisk is defect?

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Yes it means that it is FAILING.

I don't want to scare you but you are exposed to a SERIOUS risk of losing all your data.

Shut that computer off NOW!

Get another harddisk or another mean to backup your data.

If you have no experience in this you might want to bring the PC to a repair shop.


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Sometimes when i boot my pc my harddisk makes a ticking noise...
Suddenly the harddisk freezes and makes a ticking noise, then I can't do anything on it anymore.
Does this mean my harddisk is defect?

You really need to ask this question? :blink:

Attempt to copy all of your important files to another drive ASAP. If it won't work correctly, put your drive in the freezer for 20 minutes or so, then try again. You need a new harddrive.

Boy, I can't wait until technology allows us to move away from the mechanical-based HD.

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Hey guys, I know you mean well :) ,

but the sheer fact the HawkAgent actually NEEDS to ask the question on a board means that the sooner he switches off the PC and calls for help from someone more knowledgeable the less probabilities of losing all data he has.

Just for the record, and before people starts putting hard drives in the fridge just for the fun of it, the "hard drive freezing trick" is:

1) a "last resort" method, try it ONLY after other more conventional means have failed

2) often, while in some cases it works, it can make the drive DEFINITELY not working anymore (NO more chances)

3) do not even THINK of putting the drive in the fridge "as is", it must be wrapped (possibly) in an antistatic bag inside a SEALED ziplock bag, better if together with one of those little dessiccant bags that come with electronic items packaging , otherwise moisture will most probably really finish killing the drive

And, just for a laugh, this depicts the way NOT to do it:




Edited by jaclaz
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