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How to do raid drivers and hotfixes correctly.


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Oh, Man, I should never have let you look at my code. In less than 24 hours, you busted my program execution order in svcpack.inf, and now my files are no longer correctly digitally signed!

Of the four type 2 fixes I do, I think two are IE and OE updates. I renamed them to the corrosponding KB article because ... because I'm that way.

I do almost all the critical and recommended upates. When I go to Windows Update, there are only 4 (was three until a couple of days ago) recommended updates: (I just checked: now there is a new 5th recommended). These are: Journal Viewer, Windows Messenger, Advanced Networking Pack (Q817778), and now Windows Right Management and KB822603.

I wonder about the sp1.cat file. It would help to know how the installer works: if t finds a newer version in I386 (newer than that inside the cab file), could it use it instead? Even if it does not like the versioning, there is only one single version in the possible multiple copies. so what's it going to do about it? The newer versions do have a signature somewhere, in some .cat file. Could that be found?

On a side note: We build the svcpack.inf file. What about adding everything else there as well: Java, WMP/MM, IE6.1, MDAC, RegEdit /S?

Also, perhaps when building the svcpack.inf, list the directory by date in the loop to create the file names, after having merged the two types of fixes.

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thx, so far so good. Installing now via Virtual PC. But one thing I was wondering, my motherboard has different raid drivers than are listed in your directory. I have a Asus P4P800 Deluxe Motherboard and it uses these drivers http://www.asus.com.tw/support/download/se...120.zip~zaqwedc , Via RAID. I've already slipstreamed them into my install, but i was curious if you could add them to your list, would make it easier for future makings of a CD like this. Thx for everything else.

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I still have some questions... Is it possible to slipstream IE6SP1 ? and updates for IE6 ? And is it possible to slipstream mainboard and vga drivers like webmedic did with the Raid drivers ?

Windows XP SP1 already slipstreams IE6SP1, so there is nothing to worry about. The only update you'll need for IE6SP1 is just the August Cumulative Update.

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