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How to do raid drivers and hotfixes correctly.

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yea I thought I should share that with you all. For me it makes no difference I dont use most of those things and even when I do I never find anything worth getting. It's mostly a bunch of porn and whatnot else I dont care about.


Your MAC address has allways been shared, a normal browser enquirery has allways been able to get it, Go to www.grc.com to see what a standard xp client is revealing.

hm did not know that but at any rate that does not happen to me because.

1) I dont use ie

2) I'm behind my linux firwall

3) my isp rotates my ip address so grc cant even figure out what I am. Since my ip address comes out as a string like so. cs-centurytel-net-194-145-67-5. Sinceit look like that they have a hard time tracking me.

4) I have a firewall on my windows box also(outpost). Wich does a small amount of privacy stuff.

5) my linux firwall us using ipv4 and not v6 so it does not pass mac address's


I get this error on all of my hotfixes in folder "2"

Comman line option synex error.

These are the files i have in that folder






am i doing something wrong? I am using your latest do.cmd


does it work with the previous version?

did you change anything else?

I know for a fact here that it works with these because I just ran it.






Here again I must stress this is only for security and critical updates. One more thing if you try to install updates for sofware that is not included in windows xpsp1 then you will have problems.

I would say right off that the javwu one should not work as it is either an update for the newer version of java that is not included in the default install or it is the updated version of java itself. I dont know this for a fact though I'm just guessing from the name.

If you go back and read the previous page of this thread you will see the current list of hotfixes and criticalk updates this script will work with most of those.

One more thing if you could send me the files you are using then I could test them here localy and see what we can do for you.


Big MAC? Must be looking on the wrong page, I assume you meant Gibson Research's Shields Up test. You are not confusing MAC and IP addresses? Anyway, I am stealth behind a hardware firewall, which does all NAT translation, so if any MAC goes out, it'll be that one. But just in case ... could you please post the link to the exact page that will test this? Thanks!


ok update:

I moved all of the contents of my prep folder to /install folder and i did not get any errors. Any ideas why?

Here is where i am trying to run do.cmd from D:\OPKTools\Custom Install CD\prep

What all needs to be changed in do.cmd to get it to work properly?

Here is the directory structure of D:\OPKTools\Custom Install CD\prep












When i get the error command line option syntex error my cmd windows says this:

'bin\rm.exe' is not a recognized internal or external command


This slipstreaming looks very fascinating, but as I'm pretty new to all this unattended stuff... is there some Slipstreaming Hotfixes for Dummies guide somewhere ??

I mean, what dirs to create, what files to put where before I start and so forth...

If it's already been posted, I apologize... must have lost it in all the other posts :)


ah ok well that explains it you need rm.exe . I found it on the net but it is also on the opk cd they are part of the micrsoft systems tools which is the version I'm currently using.

If you need it I can email it to you

This slipstreaming looks very fascinating, but as I'm pretty new to all this unattended stuff... is there some Slipstreaming Hotfixes for Dummies guide somewhere ??

I mean, what dirs to create, what files to put where before I start and so forth...

If it's already been posted, I apologize... must have lost it in all the other posts :)

if you can wait a few days i'm going to release a new versio nthat will do a little more than the current one. I will release a .9 for the current one and call it .9 beta I guess. I will include al lthe files needed to make it work so you should not have a hard time wiht it. It will auto create the directories it needs that aren't there and a few other things. IF it is stable then I will release it as 1.0 with any big fixes that may be needed.

After that there will be some changes and additions. The next code release will do sp1 for you as well as hopefully slipstream dx9 and .net. I'm going to finish this up as soon as posible and then after that I will start working on the part that will create iso's and make bootable cd's from it all. IT should more or less be all automatic and not give any problems. You will be able to add your own files into place to customize the cd how you want.


well i downloaded and added rm.exe and now that message is not there but i am still getting error command line option syntex error

Here is what i have changed on your do.cmd file:

for /f "usebackq delims==" %%i in (`dir /b 3\*.exe`) do echo start /wait %systemdrive%\install\system\hotfixes3\%%~ni.exe /T:%systemdrive%\install\tmp /C:"%systemdrive%\install\tmp\dahotfix.exe /q /n" /Q 2>&1 | bin\mtee /+ log.txt /+ 3\%%~ni.cmd


for /f "usebackq delims==" %%i in (`dir /b 3\*.exe`) do echo start /wait D:\OPKTools\Custom Install CD\prep\system\hotfixes3\%%~ni.exe /T:D:\OPKTools\Custom Install CD\prep\tmp /C:"D:\OPKTools\Custom Install CD\prep\tmp\dahotfix.exe /q /n" /Q 2>&1 | bin\mtee /+ log.txt /+ 3\%%~ni.cmd


::for /f "usebackq delims==" %%i in (`dir /b 3\*.exe`) do echo %%~ni.exe /T:C:\\install\tmp /C:"c:\\install\tmp\dahotfix.exe /q /n" /Q >> 5\svcpack.inf


::for /f "usebackq delims==" %%i in (`dir /b 3\*.exe`) do echo %%~ni.exe /T:D:\OPKTools\Custom Install CD\prep\tmp /C:"D:\OPKTools\Custom Install CD\prep\tmp\dahotfix.exe /q /n" /Q >> 5\svcpack.inf

Is there anything else that needs to be changed in order to run the batch file from a different location then c:\install

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