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How to do raid drivers and hotfixes correctly.

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OK depending on how you want to do hotfixes there are two ways to do it that are much better than being done by most here.

the first is through hotfixes.cmd

I have it setup with 3 different hot fix directories the old style go in Hotfixes1. The new style with the colored icons go into Hotfixes2 and last but not least the last hotfix for mdac goes into hotfixes3.

@echo off
ECHO Installing All Pre-SP2 Hotfixes...
ECHO Please Wait...
CD "%systemdrive%\install\Hotfixes1
for %%i in (*.exe) do start /wait %%i -u -f -o -z -q -m
ECHO Done.
ECHO Installing All Pre-SP2 Cumulative patches...
ECHO Please Wait...
CD "%systemdrive%\install\Hotfixes2
for %%i in (*.exe) do start /wait %%i /Q:A /R:N
ECHO Done.
ECHO Installing All Pre-SP2 Extra patches...
ECHO Please Wait...
CD "%systemdrive%\install\Hotfixes3
for %%i in (*.exe) do start /wait %%i /C:"dahotfix /q /n" /Q
ECHO Done.

this will allow you to add as many hotfixes as you want without running into troubles you will never have to manually add them again.

Now for the more involved way it is better to do it this way but for some reason I have not been able to get the mdac hot fix to install properly. There are no erros or bad things it simply does not install correctly. as it can not find the installer.

OK here goes.

Will continue in next post. to this thread.


Yup thanks for all the good hints. I did add extras so that it would handle the newer hotfixes. Also to note that the next post I'm working on will cover a much better way to do it that I also got allot of it from others on this forum biut again I added to it and expanded on it till it is were it is now.

Actually thaks for the reminder also as My memory is not what it should be and I would not have been able to say who I got it from.


ok now for the raid controlers and also the correct way to add hotfixes right to the install.


I'm working on some more scripts that will autoinstall most of this for you but for now it is a little manual but not to bad.

Download this

prep files

and this

ide raid dirvers

the prep you can unzip anyplace but the IDE_RAID.zip needs to go into your $OEM$\$1\DRIVERS folder.

Now goto your prep directory

in there you will find the folders 1, 2, and 3. Your hotfixes go into these. They are in the same order as listed above. Old style hotfixes in the first directory, colorfull icon type in the second directory and the mdac in the third. They all need to be renamed to KB######.exe and Q#######.exe were ###### is the number of the kb of q file.

Next look at the \prep\files folder. You will need to extract your sp1 cab from your 1386 folder into the prep\files\sp1 folder.

Look into the prep\files\sys folder This contains raid corntoler files that will be slipstreemed into the install. It also contains my winnt.sif and my txtsetup.sif as well as dosnet.inf.

You should not have to edit dosnet.inf or txtsetup.sif as these should work for you already.

NOTE: txtsetup.sif is the file that loads your raid drivers and I have already added as many as I can get my hands on accept for a new one I got today. If you are having problems let me know and I'll add your raid drivers to this install.

Edit the winnt.sif however you need to. Leave the driver paths alone if you dont know what you are doing. If you do know what you are doing make sure to leave the drivers\IDE_RAID one or else you will loose your raid as soon as you boot into the graphical mode for the install.

That is about it. Next goto prep and run the do.cmd file.

This will do all the work and leave your finished files in folder 5. Simply copy everything in folder 5 into your i386 folder and that is it you will have both ide raid and hotfixes slipstreamed into your install.



I don't need the IDE_RAID drivers , I only have an IDE ata133 HDD.

Can I use your scripts also in this case or do I need to modify the scripts and/or delete the drivers for this kind of hardware.




Am i correct in saying that the

for %%i in (*.exe) do start /wait %%i -u -f -o -z -q -m <----

m should be an n?

for %%i in (*.exe) do start /wait %%i -u -f -o -z -q -n


I don't need the IDE_RAID drivers , I only have an IDE ata133 HDD.

Can I use your scripts also in this case or do I need to modify the scripts and/or delete the drivers for this kind of hardware.



well just make sure that your drivers are included and you have the driver path set correctly in your winnt.sif.

Also make sure to have he sys file for your drivers in the i386 directory.

As for my fiels yes they should work perfectly. They will still identify your hardware most likely if not send my your drivers and I'll add them.

One thing to rememeber is that it would most likely be best to leave them alone like it is. That way if you ever get anything new there is a good chance the drivers will be covered for your new hardware.

Am i correct in saying that the

for %%i in (*.exe) do start /wait %%i -u -f -o -z -q -m <----

m should be an n?

for %%i in (*.exe) do start /wait %%i -u -f -o -z -q -n

I got that bit of code from nephlim and it works like it is. Not sure why but it does the other ones were done by me.


the m doesnt seem to be a switch for those, n is the switch for no backup, and they are real close on the keyboard thats why i thought it was n :)


Thanks I can add or or well change it in my files but I really advise using the other method to install them as it integrates it into the inataller.

I left the hotfixes in just in case anybody had some that would not install correctly any other way.



wow i made a splitstream cd ...and i think i followed your prep thing to the letter...(or maybe i didn't ) :) human ya know ....when it goes to the gui it gets the blue screen of death...something about kernal.dll :rolleyes:

Have you had that problem?

Heres the error:

Stop: C0000139 {Entry Point Not Found} THE PROCEDURE ENTRY POINT

WtsGetActiveColsolSessionID could not be located in the dynamic link library kernel32.dll

redid cd and still same msg. :/



I answered your question in your other post. Also if you dont use my fiels then I'm not sure what you did. I already provided a working set of files for you.

They all need to be renamed to KB######.exe and Q#######.exe were ###### is the number of the kb of q file.

###### is the number of the kb of q file? The KB article # of the file or the size in kb of the file? I'm confused here :) probably a stupid question but I would appreciate some help here :rolleyes:

well it should be the hotfix patch number not the size.

ok... I get multiple errors while trying to do this... please tell me if these are renamed correctly, or am I missing something?

Directory of G:\unattended_files\hotfix.slipstream\prep\1

09/04/2003  10:35 AM    <DIR>          .
09/04/2003  10:35 AM    <DIR>          ..
08/22/2003  01:24 PM         5,327,648 KB821557.exe
08/22/2003  05:07 PM           384,288 KB823559.exe
08/22/2003  05:07 PM         1,291,040 KB823980.exe
09/04/2003  03:12 AM           346,400 KB824105.exe
08/22/2003  05:08 PM           714,000 Q323255.exe
08/22/2003  05:06 PM         4,046,096 Q328310.exe
08/22/2003  05:08 PM           381,288 Q329048.exe
08/22/2003  05:05 PM           495,464 Q329115.exe
08/22/2003  05:08 PM           494,352 Q329170.exe
08/22/2003  05:05 PM           289,128 Q329390.exe
08/22/2003  05:05 PM           424,720 Q329441.exe
08/22/2003  05:05 PM           217,360 Q329834.exe
08/22/2003  05:08 PM           752,912 Q331953.exe
08/22/2003  05:07 PM         5,550,440 Q810565.exe
08/22/2003  05:07 PM           569,616 Q810577.exe
08/22/2003  05:07 PM           388,456 Q810833.exe
08/22/2003  01:27 PM         3,318,120 Q811493.exe
08/22/2003  05:08 PM         1,380,624 Q811630.exe
08/22/2003  05:05 PM           425,832 Q814033.exe
08/22/2003  05:05 PM           537,360 Q815021.exe
08/22/2003  05:08 PM           426,344 Q817606.exe
             21 File(s)     27,761,488 bytes
              2 Dir(s)   5,249,114,112 bytes free

Directory of G:\unattended_files\hotfix.slipstream\prep\2

09/04/2003  10:36 AM    <DIR>          .
09/04/2003  10:36 AM    <DIR>          ..
08/22/2003  05:08 PM           369,504 KB814078.exe
08/22/2003  01:24 PM         1,947,784 KB819639.exe
08/22/2003  01:22 PM         1,992,832 q330994.exe
08/22/2003  01:21 PM         2,218,112 q822925.exe
              4 File(s)      6,528,232 bytes
              2 Dir(s)   5,249,118,208 bytes free

Directory of G:\unattended_files\hotfix.slipstream\prep\3

09/04/2003  10:36 AM    <DIR>          .
09/04/2003  10:36 AM    <DIR>          ..
08/22/2003  05:07 PM         1,626,688 Q823718.exe
              1 File(s)      1,626,688 bytes
              2 Dir(s)   5,249,118,208 bytes free

And I have extracted SP1.CAB into \prep\files\sp1

What am I not getting here?

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