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Oblivion and Vista


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I recently installed Vista on my computer, and I would like to get Oblivion to work. I've tried everything, running as admin, reinstalling nVidia drivers, and even running in windowed mode, none worked.

The problem is it goes awfully slow. Even on the first screen it goes SO slow, sometimes it doesn't even get past it.

I am running build 5384.

Can someone help? I want to play Oblivion again. :(

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have you tried running in XP compatability mode? create a shortcut on the desktop and right click on it to go to the properties, there you can set the compatability for the game to that of XP SP2, remeber DX10 runs on vista and rewrote a large part of what was in DX9 there is still support for those features but if the games uses some features in an odd way (i could never get oblivion to run fast ;) ) then the game may not run well under vista, expect alot of patchs from game makers to get their games to run smoothly on Vista.

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  • 3 weeks later...

with the specs in my sig, Oblivion plays very well on my RC1 Vista. I have had no problem with stuttering or jerkiness at all. and i still seem to be playing at the same speed i was on XP. I have done nothing different just installed in native Vista, no compatibility mode or anyting.

Hope this helps


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I am running build 5536 and Oblivion plays fine with the included Vista ATI driver; I tried the beta Catalyst drivers from ATI and they were a mess so I had to remove them. I had to install DirectX 9.0c, but Vista just copies the D3D9 dll files, it doesn't affect DirectX 10. Didn't even have to restart.

Actually it only starts out fine, seems faster than in XP at first. The only issue I'm having is that after playing for about an hour the game gets slower and slower until it's a slide show, and exiting the game takes a while. It's like it continues to consume all the system's RAM until there isn't any left, like a memory leak or something.

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vista gobbles up RAM like a hungry shark. thats why i'm currently forcing my system to run on 256MB of RAM.

my theory has been that vista spreads out too far, which is why it lags on some systems...as you see in my sig, i run a very primitive system compared to what can be bought today....but if it runs well, i'll keep pushing limits.

i've got 512MB of RAM that will go into a dual processor computer i'm slowly building...it'll only run XP, this will keep XP, and my other computer will get linux, or i'll put vista in that, and run linux on this. its all in how i feel like cutting it up. i know what i want, i know what i can use. its just how i can arrange it.

i used to run Vista on 512MB of RAM. now i've got half that in there, over the next few days we'll see how it runs. im hoping it runs fine because if my dad ever wants to know where those two 256 chips went, i know he'll go looking in here. which is why i'm playing musical RAM...along with a few other games. :lol:

Edited by bonestonne
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  • 2 years later...
have you tried running in XP compatability mode? create a shortcut on the desktop and right click on it to go to the properties, there you can set the compatability for the game to that of XP SP2, remeber DX10 runs on vista and rewrote a large part of what was in DX9 there is still support for those features but if the games uses some features in an odd way (i could never get oblivion to run fast ;) ) then the game may not run well under vista, expect alot of patchs from game makers to get their games to run smoothly on Vista.

I can't play oblivion :unsure: already tried XP SP2 and the others but didnt work.

:wacko: Please help! :wacko:

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have you tried running in XP compatability mode? create a shortcut on the desktop and right click on it to go to the properties, there you can set the compatability for the game to that of XP SP2, remeber DX10 runs on vista and rewrote a large part of what was in DX9 there is still support for those features but if the games uses some features in an odd way (i could never get oblivion to run fast ;) ) then the game may not run well under vista, expect alot of patchs from game makers to get their games to run smoothly on Vista.

I can't play oblivion :unsure: already tried XP SP2 and the others but didnt work.

:wacko: Please help! :wacko:

Post your specs and which version you are using. You used to be able to play Gold version with a helper app called Oldblivion. I haven't tracked its current versions but after the Shivering Isles patch came out, you couldn't run Oblivion below spec. Also what errors are you getting?

<--- was Oblivion Mod beta tester :whistle:

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Post your specs and which version you are using. You used to be able to play Gold version with a helper app called Oldblivion. I haven't tracked its current versions but after the Shivering Isles patch came out, you couldn't run Oblivion below spec. Also what errors are you getting?

<--- was Oblivion Mod beta tester :whistle:

Never mind, but thanks for helping :thumbup

I'm sending the game back to the shop where I bought it.

I'm going to buy Fallout 3, 31th of October this year.

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Before I go wasting any of my time does anyone know if Oblivion will install and run under Vista SP1 x64?

Nee Oblivion werkt niet op de Vista, ik had hem op bol.com gekocht, maar hij deed het niet :}

Ook bij de wehkamp en alle andere sites werkt het spel niet.

Laat dit een waardevolle waarschuwing zijn.

(Srry if you don't understand, it's Dutch--> This is a reply send to a Dutch person)

PS. Een tip: Fallout 3 komt uit op 31 oktober (2008) en het is van dezelfde makers als van The Elder Scrolls reeks, Ik ga hem kopen (voor de PS3 dan wel)en hij is voor de PC-PS3-Xbox360

Kijk maar eens een paar filmpjes en reviews als je meer over dit spel wilt weten.


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You do realise that Fallout 3 is Oblivion with higher requirements right?

No, Fallout 3 ISN'T anything like Oblivion anymore.

The Fighting system is lots different with the Elder Scrolls (Oblivion) fighting system, Fallout 3 is a bit smaller then Oblivion and every character (a few 100s in the game) have all a different voice, so this isnt really compared to Oblivion, but yes, (lots of commas ;) ) some stuff in the game like talking to characters, many different quests and all those things, are made the same way as in Oblivion.

*phew* Much talking ehh? :yes::thumbup

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Before I go wasting any of my time does anyone know if Oblivion will install and run under Vista SP1 x64?

Nee Oblivion werkt niet op de Vista, ik had hem op bol.com gekocht, maar hij deed het niet :}

Ook bij de wehkamp en alle andere sites werkt het spel niet.

Laat dit een waardevolle waarschuwing zijn.

(Srry if you don't understand, it's Dutch--> This is a reply send to a Dutch person)

PS. Een tip: Fallout 3 komt uit op 31 oktober (2008) en het is van dezelfde makers als van The Elder Scrolls reeks, Ik ga hem kopen (voor de PS3 dan wel)en hij is voor de PC-PS3-Xbox360

Kijk maar eens een paar filmpjes en reviews als je meer over dit spel wilt weten.


I didn't understand every single word but I understood enough. I have a little experience with the Dutch language. :)

It's unfortunate there is a problem because I had hoped to not have to dual-boot. I haven't booted into XP in ages. I guess I'll just skip over the game.

Thanks for the information!

Edited by rotjong
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You do realise that Fallout 3 is Oblivion with higher requirements right?

No, Fallout 3 ISN'T anything like Oblivion anymore.

The Fighting system is lots different with the Elder Scrolls (Oblivion) fighting system, Fallout 3 is a bit smaller then Oblivion and every character (a few 100s in the game) have all a different voice, so this isnt really compared to Oblivion, but yes, (lots of commas ;) ) some stuff in the game like talking to characters, many different quests and all those things, are made the same way as in Oblivion.

*phew* Much talking ehh? :yes::thumbup

Yes on the outside, concerning game elements, size of the world map, number of characters, etc, you are correct, it is very different. What isn't different is that it uses a modified/updated Gamebryo Engine and an obvious improvement is DirectX 10+ support, which was not in the version that Oblivion used.

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